Check a positive number is a palindrome or not.

A palindrome number is that if you reverse the whole number you will get exactly the same number.


It's guaranteed the input number is a 32-bit integer, but after reversion, the number may exceed the 32-bit integer.


11, 121, 1, 12321 are palindrome numbers.

23, 32, 1232 are not palindrome numbers.


 class Solution {
* @param num: a positive number
* @return: true if it's a palindrome or false
bool isPalindrome(int num) {
//negative number
if(num < )
return false; int len = ;
while(num / len >= )
len *= ; while(num > ) { //get the head and tail number
int left = num / len;
int right = num % ; if(left != right)
return false;
else {
//remove the head and tail number
num = (num % len) / ;
len /= ;
} return true;



 class Solution {
* @param num: a positive number
* @return: true if it's a palindrome or false
bool isPalindrome(int num) {
if (num < )
return false; if (num < )
return true; int digits = ;
int t = num;
int d = ;
while(t != ) t /= , ++d; int left = pow(, d - );
int right = ;
while( left >= right)
if (num / left % != num / right % )
return false; left /= ;
right *= ;
return true;

依旧是过滤出头尾2个数进行比较,处理的方式和解法一稍有不同,参考@MagiSu 的代码

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