2、实时计算框架:Storm(实时计算,Spout发射Tuple到各个Bolt,来一条即处理一条,一百毫秒以内的延迟)、SparkStreaming(准实时计算,基于微批次的实时计算,即一定时间段内的micro batch,每个micro batch的结构为DStream,底层是RDD);
3、此处Spark Streaming准实时处理应用流程:1、RocketMQ --> 2、SparkStreaming --> 3、SparkSQL(Parquet) --> 4、Redis(大屏使用) && HDFS(Hive数仓ODS层,ODS->DW[DWD-DWS]-DM);
5、代码如下(4.3是Spark Streaming实现,复制粘贴即可运行):
- 5.1、RocketMQConfig类(用于配置和构建MQ消费者)
- 5.2、SparkStreaming自定义RocketMQ接收器(可靠的接收器)
- 5.3、SparkStreaming销售分析实时计算
- 5.4、账单实体类
- 5.5、BCD即账单裁剪后的实体类(减少数据量传输即降低节点间的序列化和反序列化开销)
- 5.6、SparkSQL销售分析业务实现类
- package;
- import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.client.ClientConfig;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.client.consumer.DefaultMQPushConsumer;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.client.exception.MQClientException;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.common.consumer.ConsumeFromWhere;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.remoting.common.RemotingUtil;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.UUID;
- /**
- * RocketMQConfig for Consumer
- * @author mengyao
- *
- */
- public class RocketMQConfig {
- // ------- the following is for common usage -------
- /**
- * RocketMq name server address
- */
- public static final String NAME_SERVER_ADDR = "nameserver.addr"; // Required
- public static final String CLIENT_NAME = "";
- public static final String CLIENT_IP = "client.ip";
- public static final String DEFAULT_CLIENT_IP = RemotingUtil.getLocalAddress();
- public static final String CLIENT_CALLBACK_EXECUTOR_THREADS = "client.callback.executor.threads";
- public static final int DEFAULT_CLIENT_CALLBACK_EXECUTOR_THREADS = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();;
- public static final String NAME_SERVER_POLL_INTERVAL = "nameserver.poll.interval";
- public static final int DEFAULT_NAME_SERVER_POLL_INTERVAL = 30000; // 30 seconds
- public static final String BROKER_HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL = "brokerserver.heartbeat.interval";
- public static final int DEFAULT_BROKER_HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL = 30000; // 30 seconds
- // ------- the following is for push consumer mode -------
- /**
- * RocketMq consumer group
- */
- public static final String CONSUMER_GROUP = ""; // Required
- /**
- * RocketMq consumer topic
- */
- public static final String CONSUMER_TOPIC = "consumer.topic"; // Required
- public static final String CONSUMER_TAG = "consumer.tag";
- public static final String DEFAULT_TAG = "*";
- public static final String CONSUMER_OFFSET_RESET_TO = "";
- public static final String CONSUMER_OFFSET_LATEST = "latest";
- public static final String CONSUMER_OFFSET_EARLIEST = "earliest";
- public static final String CONSUMER_OFFSET_TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
- public static final String CONSUMER_MESSAGES_ORDERLY = "consumer.messages.orderly";
- public static final String CONSUMER_OFFSET_PERSIST_INTERVAL = "consumer.offset.persist.interval";
- public static final int DEFAULT_CONSUMER_OFFSET_PERSIST_INTERVAL = 5000; // 5 seconds
- public static final String CONSUMER_MIN_THREADS = "consumer.min.threads";
- public static final int DEFAULT_CONSUMER_MIN_THREADS = 20;
- public static final String CONSUMER_MAX_THREADS = "consumer.max.threads";
- public static final int DEFAULT_CONSUMER_MAX_THREADS = 64;
- // ------- the following is for reliable Receiver -------
- public static final String QUEUE_SIZE = "spout.queue.size";
- public static final int DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE = 500;
- public static final String MESSAGES_MAX_RETRY = "spout.messages.max.retry";
- public static final int DEFAULT_MESSAGES_MAX_RETRY = 3;
- public static final String MESSAGES_TTL = "spout.messages.ttl";
- public static final int DEFAULT_MESSAGES_TTL = 300000; // 5min
- // ------- the following is for pull consumer mode -------
- /**
- * Maximum rate (number of records per second) at which data will be read from each RocketMq partition ,
- * and the default value is "-1", it means consumer can pull message from rocketmq as fast as the consumer can.
- * Other that, you also enables or disables Spark Streaming's internal backpressure mechanism by the config
- * "spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled".
- */
- public static final String MAX_PULL_SPEED_PER_PARTITION = "pull.max.speed.per.partition";
- /**
- * To pick up the consume speed, the consumer can pull a batch of messages at a time. And the default
- * value is "32"
- */
- public static final String PULL_MAX_BATCH_SIZE = "pull.max.batch.size";
- /**
- * pull timeout for the consumer, and the default time is "3000".
- */
- public static final String PULL_TIMEOUT_MS = "";
- // the following configs for consumer cache
- public static final String PULL_CONSUMER_CACHE_INIT_CAPACITY = "pull.consumer.cache.initialCapacity";
- public static final String PULL_CONSUMER_CACHE_MAX_CAPACITY = "pull.consumer.cache.maxCapacity";
- public static final String PULL_CONSUMER_CACHE_LOAD_FACTOR = "pull.consumer.cache.loadFactor";
- public static void buildConsumerConfigs(HashMap<String, String> props, DefaultMQPushConsumer consumer) {
- buildCommonConfigs(props, consumer);
- String group = props.get(CONSUMER_GROUP);
- Validate.notEmpty(group);
- consumer.setConsumerGroup(group);
- consumer.setPersistConsumerOffsetInterval(getInteger(props,
- consumer.setConsumeThreadMin(getInteger(props,
- consumer.setConsumeThreadMax(getInteger(props,
- String initOffset = props.get(CONSUMER_OFFSET_RESET_TO) != null ? props.get(CONSUMER_OFFSET_RESET_TO) : CONSUMER_OFFSET_LATEST;
- switch (initOffset) {
- consumer.setConsumeFromWhere(ConsumeFromWhere.CONSUME_FROM_FIRST_OFFSET);
- break;
- consumer.setConsumeFromWhere(ConsumeFromWhere.CONSUME_FROM_LAST_OFFSET);
- break;
- consumer.setConsumeTimestamp(initOffset);
- break;
- default:
- consumer.setConsumeFromWhere(ConsumeFromWhere.CONSUME_FROM_LAST_OFFSET);
- }
- String topic = props.get(CONSUMER_TOPIC);
- Validate.notEmpty(topic);
- try {
- consumer.subscribe(topic, props.get(CONSUMER_TAG) != null ? props.get(CONSUMER_TAG) : DEFAULT_TAG);
- } catch (MQClientException e) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
- }
- }
- public static void buildCommonConfigs(HashMap<String, String> props, ClientConfig client) {
- String namesvr = props.get(NAME_SERVER_ADDR);
- Validate.notEmpty(namesvr);
- client.setNamesrvAddr(namesvr);
- client.setClientIP(props.get(CLIENT_IP) != null ? props.get(CLIENT_IP) : DEFAULT_CLIENT_IP);
- // use UUID for client name by default
- String defaultClientName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
- client.setInstanceName(props.get(CLIENT_NAME) != null ? props.get(CLIENT_NAME) : defaultClientName);
- client.setClientCallbackExecutorThreads(getInteger(props,
- client.setPollNameServerInterval(getInteger(props,
- client.setHeartbeatBrokerInterval(getInteger(props,
- }
- public static int getInteger(HashMap<String, String> props, String key, int defaultValue) {
- return Integer.parseInt(props.get(key) != null ? props.get(key) : String.valueOf(defaultValue));
- }
- public static boolean getBoolean(HashMap<String, String> props, String key, boolean defaultValue) {
- return Boolean.parseBoolean(props.get(key) != null ? props.get(key) : String.valueOf(defaultValue));
- }
- }
- package;
- import org.apache.activemq.util.ByteArrayInputStream;
- import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
- import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
- //import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.client.consumer.DefaultMQPushConsumer;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.client.consumer.MQPushConsumer;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.client.consumer.listener.ConsumeConcurrentlyContext;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.client.consumer.listener.ConsumeConcurrentlyStatus;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.client.consumer.listener.ConsumeOrderlyContext;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.client.consumer.listener.ConsumeOrderlyStatus;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.client.consumer.listener.MessageListenerConcurrently;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.client.consumer.listener.MessageListenerOrderly;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.client.exception.MQClientException;
- import org.apache.rocketmq.common.message.MessageExt;
- import;
- import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver;
- import;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.commons.beans.ods.fmt.BillInfoFmt;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.commons.beans.ods.fmt.ConvertTool;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.beans.BCD;
- import;
- import;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.List;
- /**
- * RocketMQ Receiver
- * @author mengyao
- *
- */
- public class RocketMQReceiver extends Receiver<BCD> {
- /**
- *
- */
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 2274826339951693341L;
- private MQPushConsumer consumer;
- private boolean ordered;
- private HashMap<String, String> conf;
- public RocketMQReceiver(HashMap<String, String> conf, StorageLevel storageLevel) {
- super(storageLevel);
- this.conf = conf;
- }
- @Override
- public void onStart() {
- Validate.notEmpty(conf, "Consumer properties can not be empty");
- ordered = RocketMQConfig.getBoolean(conf, RocketMQConfig.CONSUMER_MESSAGES_ORDERLY, true);
- consumer = new DefaultMQPushConsumer();
- RocketMQConfig.buildConsumerConfigs(conf, (DefaultMQPushConsumer)consumer);
- if (ordered) {
- consumer.registerMessageListener(new MessageListenerOrderly() {
- @Override
- public ConsumeOrderlyStatus consumeMessage(List<MessageExt> msgs, ConsumeOrderlyContext context) {
- if (process(msgs)) {
- return ConsumeOrderlyStatus.SUCCESS;
- } else {
- return ConsumeOrderlyStatus.SUSPEND_CURRENT_QUEUE_A_MOMENT;
- }
- }
- });
- } else {
- consumer.registerMessageListener(new MessageListenerConcurrently() {
- @Override
- public ConsumeConcurrentlyStatus consumeMessage(List<MessageExt> msgs, ConsumeConcurrentlyContext context) {
- if (process(msgs)) {
- return ConsumeConcurrentlyStatus.CONSUME_SUCCESS;
- } else {
- return ConsumeConcurrentlyStatus.RECONSUME_LATER;
- }
- }
- });
- }
- try {
- consumer.start();
- System.out.println("==== RocketMQReceiver start ====");
- } catch (MQClientException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- public boolean process(List<MessageExt> msgs) {
- if (msgs.isEmpty()) {
- System.out.println("==== Msgs is null! ====");
- return true;
- }
- System.out.println("==== receiver msgs: "+msgs.size()+" record. ====");
- try {
- for (MessageExt messageExt : msgs) {
- //MQBillMessage message = SerializationUtils.deserialize(messageExt.getBody());
- MQBillMessage message = deserialize(messageExt.getBody());
- if (null != message) {
- BillInfoFmt billFmt = ConvertTool.convertGagBillToOdsBillFmt(message.getData());
- if (validBillType(billFmt)) {
* 简单的接收一条存储一条,缺点是没有确认机制,不具备容错保证,会出现数据丢失。优点则是效率更高。
*/- BCD(billFmt.getId(), billFmt.getReceivableAmount(), billFmt.getSaleTime(), billFmt.getBillType(), billFmt.getShopId(), billFmt.getShopEntityId()));
- }
- billFmt=null;
- message.setData(null);
- message = null;
- } else {
- System.out.println("==== receiver msg is:"+messageExt.getBody()+", deserialize faild. ====");
- }
- }
- return true;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * 验证账单类型是否为1、3、6
- * @param bean
- * @return
- */
- static boolean validBillType(BillInfoFmt bean) {
- if (null == bean) {
- System.out.println("==== BillBean is null! ====");
- return false;
- }
- String billType = bean.getBillType();
- if (StringUtils.isEmpty(billType)) {
- System.out.println("==== BillBean.billType is null! ====");
- return false;
- }
- String billTypeTrim = billType.trim();
- return billTypeTrim.equals("1") || billType.equals("3") || billType.equals("6");
- }
- @Override
- public void onStop() {
- consumer.shutdown();
- System.out.println("==== RocketMQReceiver stop ====");
- }
- private static MQBillMessage deserialize(byte[] body) throws Exception {
- if (body == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("The byte array must not be null");
- }
- MQBillMessage message = null;
- ObjectInputStream in = null;
- ByteArrayInputStream bais = null;
- try {
- bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(body);
- in = new ObjectInputStream(bais);
- message = (MQBillMessage) in.readObject();
- } catch (final ClassNotFoundException ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- throw ex;
- } catch (final IOException ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- throw ex;
- } finally {
- try {
- if (bais != null) {
- bais.close();
- }
- if (in != null) {
- in.close();
- }
- } catch (final IOException ex) {
- // ignore close exception
- }
- }
- return message;
- }
- }
- package com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.commons.datasource.bill;
- import;
- import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Set;
- import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
- import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
- import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
- import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
- import org.apache.spark.SparkConf;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast;
- import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
- import org.apache.spark.sql.Row;
- import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode;
- import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession;
- import org.apache.spark.streaming.Durations;
- import;
- import;
- import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator;
- import org.apache.spark.util.SizeEstimator;
- import org.apache.spark.streaming.Time;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.commons.beans.dim.RuianMall;
- import;
- import;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.beans.BCD;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.service.SaleAnalysisService;
- /**
- * BillConsumer 大屏实时计算
- * 1、hdfs dfs -rm -r hdfs://bd001:8020/data/consumer/bill/checkpoint/*
- * 2、hdfs dfs -rm -r hdfs://bd001:8020/data/dashboard/ruian/sdt=curTime
- * 3、spark-submit --class com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.commons.datasource.bill.BillConsumer --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --driver-memory 4g --executor-cores 6 --executor-memory 5g --queue default --verbose data-graph-etl.jar
- *
- * @author mengyao
- *
- */
- public class BillConsumer {
- private static final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> FORMATTER_YMD = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"));
- private static final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> FORMATTER_YMDHMS = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"));
- private static final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> FORMATTER_YMDHMSS = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS"));
- private static final String BASE_PATH = "hdfs://bd001:8020/data/dashboard/ruian/";
- private static final String TMP_PATH = "/merge";
- private static String appName = "BillConsumer";
- private static String logLevel = "ERROR";
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- args = new String[] {"hdfs://bd001:8020/data/consumer/bill/checkpoint", "10", "", "Bill", "bill_dev_group_00013"};
- if (args.length < 5) {
- System.err.println("Usage: "+appName+" <checkpointDir> <milliseconds> <namesrvAddr> <groupId> <topic>");
- System.exit(1);
- }
- String checkPointDir = args[0];
- int second = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
- String namesrv = args[2];
- Validate.notNull(namesrv, "RocketMQ namesrv not null!");
- String topic = args[3];
- Validate.notNull(topic, "RocketMQ topic not null!");
- String group = args[4];
- Validate.notNull(group, "RocketMQ group not null!");
- Function0<JavaStreamingContext> jscFunc = () -> createJavaSparkStreamingContext(checkPointDir, second, namesrv, topic, group);
- JavaStreamingContext jssc = JavaStreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkPointDir, jscFunc, new Configuration());
- jssc.sparkContext().setLogLevel(logLevel);
- try {
- jssc.start();
- jssc.awaitTermination();
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- jssc.stop(false, true);//关闭StreamingContext但不关闭SparkContext,同时等待数据处理完成
- }
- }
- /**
- * 获取当前时间yyyyMMdd,匹配账单数据saleTime
- * @param curTime
- * @return
- */
- static String getCurrentDate(long curTime) {
- return FORMATTER_YMD.get().format(new Date(curTime));
- }
- /**
- * 打印bill RDD<BCD>的分区及占用空间大小,debug方法
- * @param rdd
- * @param time
- */
- static void printStream(JavaRDD<BCD> rdd, Time time) {;
- System.out.println("==== time: "+FORMATTER_YMDHMSS.get().format(new Date(time.milliseconds()))+", rdd: partitions="+rdd.getNumPartitions()+", space="+SizeEstimator.estimate(rdd)/1048576+"mb");
- }
- /**
- * 合并parquet小文件
- * @param session
- * @param dfsDir
- */
- static void mergeSmallFiles(Dataset<Row> fulls, SparkSession session, String dfsDir) {
- fulls.coalesce(1).write().mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).parquet(BASE_PATH+TMP_PATH);
- }
- /**
- * 创建DFS Dir
- * @param session
- * @param dfsDir
- */
- static void mkDfsDir(SparkSession session, String dfsDir) {
- FileSystem fs = null;
- try {
- fs = FileSystem.get(session.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration());
- Path path = new Path(dfsDir);
- if(!fs.exists(path)) {
- fs.mkdirs(path);
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- try {
- if (null != fs) {fs.close();}
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * 容错Driver
- * @param checkPointDir
- * @param second
- * @param namesrv
- * @param topic
- * @param group
- * @return
- */
- static JavaStreamingContext createJavaSparkStreamingContext(String checkPointDir, int second, String namesrv, String topic, String group) {
- try {
- SparkConf conf = new SparkConf()
- //==== Enable Back Pressure
- .set("spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled", "true")//启用被压机制
- .set("spark.streaming.backpressure.initialRate", "50000")//初始接收数据条数,如该值为空时使用spark.streaming.backpressure.initialRate为默认值
- .set("spark.streaming.receiver.maxRate", "100")//每秒接收器可接收的最大记录数
- //==== Enable Dynamic Resource Allocation
- .set("spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled", "false")//禁用spark动态资源分配
- .set("spark.streaming.dynamicAllocation.enabled", "true")//启用SparkStreaming动态资源分配,该配置和spark动态资源分配存在冲突,只能使用一个
- .set("spark.streaming.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors", "2")//启用SparkStreaming动态资源分配后的给应用使用的最小executor数
- .set("spark.streaming.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors", "3")//启用SparkStreaming动态资源分配后的给应用使用的最大executor数
- //==== Spark Streaming Parallelism and WAL
- .set("spark.streaming.concurrentJobs", "1")//并行job数量,默认1
- .set("spark.streaming.blockInterval", "5000")//SparkStreaming接收器接收数据后5000毫秒生成block,默认200毫秒
- .set("spark.streaming.receiver.writeAheadLog.enable", "true")//开启SparkStreaming接收器的WAL来确保接收器实现至少一次的容错语义
- .set("spark.streaming.driver.writeAheadLog.allowBatching", "true")//driver端WAL
- .set("spark.streaming.driver.writeAheadLog.batchingTimeout", "15000")
- //==== Hive on Spark
- .set("hive.execution.engine", "spark")//设置hive引擎为spark,hdp-默认支持tez、mr,可通过应用级别配置使用Hive on Spark
- .set("hive.enable.spark.execution.engine", "true")//启用Hive on Spark
- .set("spark.driver.extraJavaOptions", "-Dhdp.version=")//hdp-中要求Hive on Spark必须指定driver的jvm参数
- .set("", "-Dhdp.version=")//hdp-中要求Hive on Spark必须指定ApplicationMaster的jvm参数
- //==== Hive Merge Small Files
- .set("hive.metastore.uris", "thrift://bd001:9083")//hive ThriftServer
- .set("hive.merge.sparkfiles", "true")//合并spark小文件
- .set("hive.merge.mapfiles", "true")//在只有map任务的作业结束时合并小文件。
- .set("hive.merge.mapredfiles", "true")//在mapreduce作业结束时合并小文件。
- .set("hive.merge.size.per.task", "268435456")//作业结束时合并文件的大小。
- .set("hive.merge.smallfiles.avgsize", "100000")//当作业的平均输出文件大小小于此数量时,Hive将启动另一个map-reduce作业,以将输出文件合并为更大的文件。如果hive.merge.mapfiles为true,则仅对仅map作业执行此操作;对于hive.merge.mapredfiles为true,仅对map-reduce作业执行此操作。
- //==== Spark SQL Optimizer
- .set("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "hdfs://bd001:8020/apps/hive/warehouse")//SparkSQL依赖的hive仓库地址
- .set("spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes", "134217728")//SparkSQL读取文件数据时打包到一个分区的最大字节数
- .set("spark.sql.files.openCostInBytes", "134217728")//当SparkSQL读取的文件中有大量小文件时,小于该值的文件将被合并处理,默认4M,此处设置为128M
- .set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "600")//SparkSQL运行shuffle的并行度
- .set("spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold", "67108864")//设置为64M,执行join时自动广播小于该值的表,默认10M
- //==== Spark Core Configure
- .set("spark.rdd.compress","true")//开启rdd压缩以节省内存
- .set("spark.default.parallelism", "600")//并行任务数
- .set("spark.rpc.askTimeout", "300")//spark rpc超时时间
- .set("spark.eventLog.enabled", "true")//开启eventLog
- //==== Application Configure
- .set("", appName)//Spark Application名称
- .set("spark.master", "yarn")//运行模式为Spark on YARN
- .set("spark.deploy.mode", "cluster")//部署模式为yarn-cluster
- .set("spark.driver.memory", "4g")//driver内存4g
- .set("spark.driver.cores", "1")//driver计算vcore数量为1
- .set("spark.executor.memory", "5g")//executor内存为4g
- .set("spark.executor.heartbeatInterval", "20000")//executor心跳间隔20秒,默认10秒
- .set("spark.yarn.archive", "hdfs://bd001:8020/hdp/apps/")//spark依赖jar存档到hdfs指定位置
- .set("spark.executor.extraJavaOptions", "-XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC")//打印GC详情和耗时
- .set("spark.jars", "/usr/hdp/")//如果使用了数据库驱动,则通过此配置即可
- //==== Serialized Configure
- .set("spark.kryoserializer.buffer", "512k")//默认64k,设置为256k
- .set("spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max", "256m")//默认64m,设置为256m
- .set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")//使用kryo序列化库
- .registerKryoClasses(new Class[]{HashMap.class, BCD.class})
- ;
- //构建MQ配置
- @SuppressWarnings("serial")
- HashMap<String, String> mqConf = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
- put(RocketMQConfig.NAME_SERVER_ADDR, namesrv);
- put(RocketMQConfig.CONSUMER_TOPIC, topic);
- put(RocketMQConfig.CONSUMER_GROUP, group);
- }};
- JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext(conf, Durations.seconds(second));
- jssc.checkpoint(checkPointDir);
- jssc.remember(Durations.minutes(1440));
- //接収RocketMQ账单
- JavaReceiverInputDStream<BCD> billListRDD = jssc.receiverStream(new RocketMQReceiver(mqConf, StorageLevels.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER));
- billListRDD
- .foreachRDD((rdd, time) -> {
- boolean isEmpty = rdd.partitions().isEmpty();
- if (!isEmpty) {
- printStream(rdd, time);
- long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
- String curTime = getCurrentDate(start).intern();
- String dfsDir = (BASE_PATH+"sdt="+curTime+"/").intern();
- //账单计数器
- //LongAccumulator billAccumulator = BillAccumulator.getInstance(JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(rdd.context()), appName);
- //billAccumulator.add(rdd.count());
- //初始化SparkSession
- SparkSession session = HiveSession.getInstance(conf);
- //维表等广播
- BroadcastDIM dim = BroadcastWrapper.getInstance(JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(rdd.context())).getValue();
- SaleAnalysisService service = dim.getService();
- Dataset<Row> shop = dim.getShop();
- Dataset<Row> type = dim.getType();
- Dataset<Row> ruian = dim.getRuian();
- String mallIdStr = dim.getMallIdStr();
- Set<String> areaSet=dim.getAreaSet();
- Map<String, Set<String>> areaMall=dim.getAreaMall();
- Set<String> mallSet=dim.getMallSet();
- Set<String> typeSet=dim.getTypeSet();
- //如果时间为00:00:00时则认为是新的一天,更新广播数据
- if ((curTime+"000000").equals(FORMATTER_YMDHMS.get().format(new Date(time.milliseconds())))) {
- BroadcastWrapper.update(session, JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(rdd.context()));//更新dim表数据
- mkDfsDir(session, dfsDir);//初始化dfsDir
- }
- //先持久化本次接收到的账单(写入当日)
- session.createDataFrame(rdd, BCD.class)
- .filter("sdt = "+curTime)
- .write()
- .mode("append")
- .parquet(dfsDir);
- //再读取全量账单(读取当日)
- Dataset<Row> bills =
- .filter("shopId in ("+mallIdStr+")")
- .dropDuplicates("billId")
- //.coalesce(1)
- .cache();
- //计算大屏指标
- System.out.println("==== 计算指标:时间条件:"+curTime+" ====");
- service.totalSale(bills);
- service.totalRefund(bills);
- service.peakTime(bills);
- service.areaSaleTrendForAll(bills, ruian,areaSet, curTime);
- service.projectContrast(bills, ruian,areaMall);
- service.saleForShopTop10(bills, shop, ruian);
- service.projectTypeSaleContrast(bills, shop, type, ruian,areaSet,mallSet,typeSet);
- long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
- System.out.println("==== 计算指标:耗时:"+(end-start)+"/ms ====");
- bills.unpersist();
- //每天最多存6个文件
- if (bills.inputFiles().length > 6) {
- mergeSmallFiles(bills, session, dfsDir);
- }
- } else {//如果SparkStreaming接收的Batch为空,则不做处理
- System.out.println("==== rdd is null! ");
- }
- });
- return jssc;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * 广播DIM相关数据
- * @author mengyao
- *
- */
- class BroadcastWrapper {
- private static volatile Broadcast<BroadcastDIM> instance = null;
- public static Broadcast<BroadcastDIM> getInstance(JavaSparkContext jsc) {
- if (instance == null) {
- synchronized (BroadcastWrapper.class) {
- if (instance == null) {
- SparkSession session = HiveSession.getInstance(jsc.getConf());
- BroadcastDIM dim = new BroadcastDIM(session);
- dim.assign();
- instance = jsc.broadcast(dim);
- }
- }
- }
- return instance;
- }
- /**
- * 每日更新数据
- * @param batchTime batch发生时间
- * @param dayES 每日开始时间
- */
- public static void update(SparkSession session, JavaSparkContext jsc) {
- BroadcastDIM dim = instance.getValue();
- if (null!=dim) {
- dim.assign();
- jsc.broadcast(dim);
- }
- }
- }
- class BroadcastDIM {
- private SparkSession session;
- private SaleAnalysisService service = new SaleAnalysisService();
- private Dataset<Row> shop;
- private Dataset<Row> type;
- private Dataset<Row> ruian;
- private String mallIdStr;
- private List<RuianMall> ruianList ;
- private Set<String> areaSet;
- private Set<String> typeSet;
- private Set<String> mallSet;
- private Map<String, Set<String>> areaMall;
- public BroadcastDIM(SparkSession session) {
- this.session = session;
- }
- public void assign() {
- ruian = session.sql("select id,item,name,area_en,area_cn,channel,mid,rmid from tbl_dim_ruian").cache();
- Row[] ruianRows = (Row[])ruian.collect();
- setRuianList(ruianRows);
- setAreaSet();
- setMallIdStr();
- setRuianMallAll();
- setMallSet();
- shop = session.sql("select id,shop_entity_id,shop_entity_name,shop_id,shop_entity_type_root,shop_entity_type_leaf,bill_match_mode,leasing_model,shop_entity_status,open_time,close_time,open_time_list,close_time_list,monite_begin_time_list,monite_end_time_list,marketing_copywriter,marketing_image,font_style,font_size,contract_area,province,city,area,billhint,is_del,brand,brand_code,classify,in_aera,storey,leasing_resource,shop_entity_source,create_time,c_time_stamp,shop_entity_img,business_area_id,source,status,logo,door_head_photo,business_license,certificate,coordinates,consume_per,brand_name,brand_log,alipay,process "
- + "from tbl_ods_shop where shop_id in ("+mallIdStr+")").cache();
- type = session.sql("select * from tbl_ods_type").cache();
- setRuianType();
- }
- public void setRuianList(Row[] rows) {
- if(rows.length>0){
- ruianList=new ArrayList<>();
- for(Row row:rows){
- RuianMall rm=new RuianMall();
- if(!row.isNullAt(0)){//id
- rm.setId(row.getInt(0));
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(1)){//item
- rm.setItem(row.getString(1));
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(2)){//name
- rm.setName(row.getString(2));
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(3)){//area_en
- rm.setAreaEn(row.getString(3));
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(4)){//area_cn
- rm.setArenCn(row.getString(4));
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(5)){//channel
- rm.setChannel(row.getString(5));
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(6)){//mid
- rm.setMid(row.getInt(6));
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(7)){//rmid
- rm.setRmid(row.getString(7));
- }
- ruianList.add(rm);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * 提取rmid 拼接成字符串
- * @param rows
- */
- public void setMallIdStr() {
- if(ruianList.size()>0){
- StringBuilder sbStr=new StringBuilder();
- for(RuianMall row : ruianList){
- sbStr.append("'").append(row.getRmid()).append("',");
- }
- String tmpValue = sbStr.toString();
- mallIdStr=tmpValue.substring(0, tmpValue.length()-1);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 提取非空唯一中文区域名称
- * @return
- */
- public void setAreaSet() {
- if(ruianList.size()>0){
- areaSet=new java.util.HashSet<>();
- for(RuianMall row:ruianList){
- areaSet.add(row.getArenCn());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * 提取瑞安mall 14个机构中文名
- *
- * @return
- * Map<String,Set<String>>
- * key:areaCn value : Set<mallName>
- */
- public void setRuianMallAll( ){
- areaMall=new HashMap<>();
- ruianList.forEach(rm->{
- if(areaMall.containsKey(rm.getArenCn())){//存在,更新mall的列表
- areaMall.get(rm.getArenCn()).add(rm.getName());
- }else{//新的区域,新的mall
- Set<String> mallSet=new HashSet<>();
- mallSet.add(rm.getName());
- areaMall.put(rm.getArenCn(),mallSet);
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * 提取瑞安mall 14个机构中文名
- *
- * @return
- */
- public void setMallSet(){
- mallSet=new java.util.HashSet<>();
- ruianList.forEach(rm->{
- if(!mallSet.contains(rm.getName())){//存在,更新mall的列表
- mallSet.add(rm.getName());
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * 性能、性能、性能 考虑,先写死
- * 如果用账单、店铺、业态关联查询,效率会很慢
- *
- * @return
- */
- public void setRuianType(){
- //TODO 目前写死,需要改
- typeSet=new HashSet<>();
- typeSet.add("服务");
- typeSet.add("零售");
- typeSet.add("娱乐");
- typeSet.add("主力店");
- typeSet.add("餐饮");
- typeSet.add("其它");
- }
- public SaleAnalysisService getService() {
- return service;
- }
- public void setService(SaleAnalysisService service) {
- this.service = service;
- }
- public Dataset<Row> getShop() {
- return shop;
- }
- public void setShop(Dataset<Row> shop) {
- = shop;
- }
- public Dataset<Row> getType() {
- return type;
- }
- public void setType(Dataset<Row> type) {
- this.type = type;
- }
- public Dataset<Row> getRuian() {
- return ruian;
- }
- public void setRuian(Dataset<Row> ruian) {
- this.ruian = ruian;
- }
- public String getMallIdStr() {
- return mallIdStr;
- }
- public void setMallIdStr(String mallIdStr) {
- this.mallIdStr = mallIdStr;
- }
- public List<RuianMall> getRuianList() {
- return ruianList;
- }
- public Set<String> getAreaSet() {
- return this.areaSet;
- }
- public Map<String, Set<String>> getAreaMall() {
- return this.areaMall;
- }
- public Set<String> getMallSet() {
- return this.mallSet;
- }
- public Set<String> getTypeSet() {
- return this.typeSet;
- }
- }
- /**
- * 账单累加器
- * @author mengyao
- *
- */
- class BillAccumulator {
- private static volatile LongAccumulator instance = null;
- public static LongAccumulator getInstance(JavaSparkContext jsc, String name) {
- if (instance == null) {
- synchronized (BillAccumulator.class) {
- if (instance == null) {
- instance =;
- }
- }
- }
- return instance;
- }
- }
- /**
- * SparkSQL的Hive数据源
- * @author mengyao
- *
- */
- class HiveSession {
- private static transient SparkSession instance = null;
- public static SparkSession getInstance(SparkConf conf) {
- if (instance == null) {
- instance = SparkSession.builder()
- .config(conf)
- .enableHiveSupport()
- .getOrCreate();
- }
- return instance;
- }
- }
- package com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.commons.beans.ods.fmt;
- import;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.commons.beans.ods.BillInfo;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.commons.beans.ods.DiscountDetailsInfo;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.commons.beans.ods.GoodsDetailInfo;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.commons.beans.ods.SettlementWayInfo;
- import com.mengyao.utils.DateTimeUtils;
- /**
- * 账单信息 gag_bill.bill_info
- *
- * @author jmb
- * @update 2018-12-13 for mengyao
- */
- public class BillInfoFmt implements Serializable {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- /**
- * 预结单
- */
- public static final String BILLTYPE_JUJIEDAN = "2";
- /**
- * 结账单
- */
- public static final String BILLTYPE_JIEZHANGDAN = "1";
- /**
- * 日结账单
- */
- public static final String BILLTYPE_RIJIEDAN = "3";
- /**
- * 点菜单
- */
- public static final String BILLTYPE_DIANCAIDAN = "7";
- /**
- * 账单编号(系统产生),UUID
- */
- private String id;
- /**
- * 账单编号(系统产生),HBase主键
- */
- private String rowKey;
- /**
- * 商家编号(系统产生)
- */
- private String shopId;
- /**
- * 商家名称(系统产生)
- */
- private String shopName;
- /**
- * 实体店编号(系统产生)
- */
- private String shopEntityId;
- /**
- * 实体店名称(系统产生)
- */
- private String shopEntityName;
- /**
- * 创建时间(系统产生)
- */
- private String createTime;
- /**
- * 最后一次修改时间(系统产生)
- */
- private String cTimeStamp;
- /**
- * 信息上传时间(以header中创建时间为准yyyyMMddHHmmss)
- */
- private String hcTime;
- /**
- * 流水号(header中的流水号)
- */
- private String hserial;
- /**
- * 修正账单数据的设备编号(如果没有修正,则与原始上传账单的采集终端编号相同)
- */
- private String fixTerminal;
- /**
- * 采集终端编号(截获)
- */
- private String terminalNumber;
- /**
- * 账单文件名称,唯一(截获),12位MAC地址+17位时间
- */
- private String billfileName;
- /**
- * 反扫支付时终端生成的终端流水号UUID(全球唯一)[先支付后打单必填]
- */
- private String tsuuid;
- /**
- * 历史账单文件名称,记录合并过程中历次账单文件名称,全量,mongodb为Array
- */
- private List<String> billfileNameHis;
- /**
- * 账单序号,不保证唯一(截获)
- */
- private String billNo;
- /**
- * 截获时间(截获)
- */
- private String interceptTime;
- /**
- * 店铺全名(截获)
- */
- private String shopEntityFullName;
- /**
- * 店铺地址(截获)
- */
- private String shopEntityAddress;
- /**
- * 电话(截获)
- */
- private String telephone;
- /**
- * 售货员(截获)
- */
- private String saler;
- /**
- * 收银台(截获)
- */
- private String checkstand;
- /**
- * 收银员(截获)
- */
- private String cashier;
- /**
- * 应收金额(截获)
- */
- private Double receivableAmount;
- /**
- * 原始应收金额(截获)
- */
- private Double defaultReceivableAmount;
- /**
- * 商品数量(截获)
- */
- private Double totalNum;
- /**
- * 原始商品数量(截获)
- */
- private Double defaultTotalNum;
- /**
- * 小票流水号(截获)
- */
- private String billSerialNumber;
- /**
- * 总金额(截获)
- */
- private Double totalFee;
- /**
- * 原始总金额(截获)
- */
- private Double defaultTotalFee;
- /**
- * 实收金额(截获)
- */
- private Double paidAmount;
- /**
- * 原始实收金额(截获)
- */
- private Double defaultPaidAmount;
- /**
- * 折扣金额(截获)
- */
- private Double discountAmount;
- /**
- * 原始折扣金额(截获)
- */
- private Double defaultDiscountAmount;
- /**
- * 优惠金额(截获)
- */
- private Double couponAmount;
- /**
- * 原始优惠金额(截获)
- */
- private Double defaultCouponAmount;
- /**
- * 找零金额(截获)
- */
- private Double changeAmount;
- /**
- * 原始找零金额(截获)
- */
- private Double defaultChangeAmount;
- /**
- * 结算方式(支持多项)(截获)例:[{"a":5.0,"p":"现金"},{"a":10.01,"p":"书券"}],"a":结算金额,小数[截获,必填],
- * "p":"结算方式[截获,必填]"
- */
- private List<String> settlementWay;
- /**
- * 销售时间(截获)
- */
- private String saleTime;
- /**
- * 会员卡号(截获)
- */
- private String memberCardNumber;
- /**
- * 累计消费(截获)
- */
- private Double totalConsumption;
- /**
- * 原始累计消费(截获)
- */
- private Double defaultTotalConsumption;
- /**
- * 网址(截获)
- */
- private String website;
- /**
- * 小票图片(截获),只存url
- */
- private String billImage;
- /**
- * 商品详情(支持多项)(截获)[{"name":"可乐","itemserial":"PUMU00123","price":5.01,"totalnum":5.0,"totalprice":25.05},{"name":"金枪鱼","itemserial":"FOOD02012","price":10.55,"totalnum":1.5,"totalprice":15.83}]
- * ,"name":"商品名称[截获,选填]","itemserial":"条形码[截获,选填]","price":单价,小数[截获,选填],"totalnum":总数,小数[截获,选填],"totalprice":总价,小数[截获,选填]
- */
- private List<String> goodsDetails;
- /**
- * 房间号(截获)(酒店特有)
- */
- private String roomNo;
- /**
- * 入住姓名(截获)(酒店特有)
- */
- private String checkinName;
- /**
- * 桌号(截获)(餐饮特有)
- */
- private String deskNo;
- /**
- * 消费人数(截获)(一般用于餐饮)
- */
- private Double consumeNum;
- /**
- * 原始消费人数(截获)(一般用于餐饮)
- */
- private Double defaultConsumeNum;
- /**
- * 原始账单所有文本信息(截获)
- */
- private String billText;
- /**
- * 入住时间(截获)(酒店特有)
- */
- private String inTime;
- /**
- * 离店时间(截获)(钟点房特有)
- */
- private String outTime;
- /**
- * 默认打印时间
- */
- private String defaultPrintDate;
- /**
- * 默认入住时间
- */
- private String defaultInTime;
- /**
- * 默认离店时间
- */
- private String defaultOutTime;
- /**
- * 上传类型 1:全单上传 2. 筛选账单上传
- */
- private String uploadType;
- /**
- * 除了上面截获外的自定义数据(截获),json串(Map<String, Object>),json串中的key,value由采集终端自定义。
- */
- private Map<String, String> customRecord;
- /**
- * 账单类型1:结账单2:预结单 3:日结单 4:处方 5:预付押金单 6:退货单 7:点菜单 8:发票单 [选填]
- */
- private String billType;
- /**
- * 账单修改方式 0:默认值 1:收银员重打 2:人工修改金额 3:自动重解析
- */
- private String modifyType = "0";
- /**
- * 账单来源 1:设备采集 2:人工补录3、解析服务 4.第三方
- */
- private String billSource = "1";
- /**
- * 服务端解析路径[选填,用于服务端解析分析问题]
- */
- private String analyzPath;
- /**
- * 刷卡,钱包等匹配账单的key,格式BILL_MAC_金额_截获时间
- */
- private String billMatchKey;
- /**
- * 数据匹配支付结果等成功后,此字段保存支付结果等的主键 [选填] 匹配成功后为必填,理论上应该保证此值为全局唯一
- */
- private String matchId;
- /**
- * 默认销售时间;
- */
- private String defaultSaleTime;
- /**
- * 客户名称[截获,选填]
- */
- private String customerName;
- /**
- * 会员编号[截获,选填]
- */
- private String membershipId;
- /**
- * 会员级别[截获,选填]
- */
- private String memberLevels;
- /**
- * 宠物名称[截获,选填]
- */
- private String petName;
- /**
- * 宠物编号[截获,选填]
- */
- private String petNumber;
- /**
- * 负责人(医生)[截获,选填]
- */
- private String principal;
- /**
- * 预交押金[截获,选填]
- */
- private String deposit;
- /**
- * 打印时间yyyyMMddHHmmss[截获,选填,如果截获位数不够,后面补0]
- */
- private String printDate;
- /**
- * 默认拦截时间
- */
- private String defaultInterceptTime;
- /**
- * 匹配模型 sk0001:先刷卡后打单,单次刷卡; dd0001:先打单后刷卡,单次刷卡
- */
- private String printMatchType;
- /**
- * 账单合并时使用,唯一
- */
- private String billMergeKey;
- /**
- * 存重打单的应收金额
- */
- private Double modifyAmount;
- /**
- * 存重打单的应收金额List
- */
- private List<Double> modifyAmountList;
- /**
- * 存重打单的应收金额的销售时间List
- */
- private List<String> modifyAmountSaleTimeList;
- /**
- * 存重打单的应收金额的截获时间List
- */
- private List<String> modifyAmountInterceptTimeList;
- /**
- * 唯一标识[选填](目前可用来做积分标识使用)
- */
- private String uniqueId;
- /**
- * 历史唯一标识,记录合并过程中历次唯一标识,全量,mongodb为Array(目前可用来做积分标识使用)
- */
- private List<String> uniqueIdHis;
- /**
- * 是否追加二维码 1:是 2:否 [必填]
- */
- private String ifqrcode;
- /**
- * 优惠券券码
- */
- private String couponNum;
- /**
- * ERP会员
- */
- private String erpMemberCard;
- /**
- * 凭证类型 11:水单(商户pos、ERP打印)12:收银凭证(大pos打印) 13:支付凭证(签购单)99:类型未知 [选填,默认写99,表示未知]
- */
- private String voucherType;
- /**
- * 小票二维码[选填]
- */
- private String qrCode;
- /**
- * 积分标识 0:本次积分字段没找到或没有配置 1:有本次积分字段[选填]
- */
- private String integralmark;
- /**
- * 本次积分[选填]
- */
- private String thisintegral;
- /**
- * 备注[选填]
- */
- private String remarks;
- /**
- * 账单子类型,庖丁用于配置文件分类
- */
- private String templateName;
- /**
- * 购货方名称[截获,选填]
- */
- private String custName;
- /**
- * 购货方税号[截获,选填]
- */
- private String custTaxNo;
- /**
- * 购货方地址、电话[截获,选填]
- */
- private String custAdress;
- /**
- * 购货方银行及账号[截获,选填]
- */
- private String custBankAccount;
- /**
- * 第三方订单号(第三方系统唯一)
- */
- private String thirdPartyOrderNo;
- /**
- * 充值卡消费金额[截获,选填]
- */
- private Double rechargeableCardConsumeAmount;
- /**
- * 原始充值卡消费金额[截获,选填]
- */
- private Double defaultRechargeableCardConsumeAmount;
- /**
- * 实付金额[截获,选填]
- */
- private Double outOfPocketAmount;
- /**
- * 原始实付金额[截获,选填]
- */
- private Double defaultOutOfPocketAmount;
- /**
- * 充值金额[截获,选填]
- */
- private Double rechargeAmount;
- /**
- * 原始充值金额[截获,选填]
- */
- private Double defaultRechargeAmount;
- /**
- * 会员价[截获,选填]
- */
- private Double memberPrice;
- /**
- * 原始会员价[截获,选填]
- */
- private Double defaultMemberPrice;
- /**
- * 会员折扣率[截获,选填]
- */
- private Double memberDiscountrate;
- /**
- * 原始会员折扣率[截获,选填]
- */
- private Double defaultMemberDiscountrate;
- /**
- * 会员累计消费[截获,选填]
- */
- private Double memberTotalConsumption;
- /**
- * 原始会员累计消费[截获,选填]
- */
- private Double defaultMemberTotalConsumption;
- /**
- * 外卖单 1:外卖单 2:非外卖单[截获,选填]
- */
- private String takeout;
- /**
- * 优惠商品详情(支持多项)(截获),{"name":"可乐","price":5.01}
- */
- private List<String> discountDetails;
- public String getThirdPartyOrderNo() {
- return thirdPartyOrderNo;
- }
- public void setThirdPartyOrderNo(String thirdPartyOrderNo) {
- this.thirdPartyOrderNo = thirdPartyOrderNo;
- }
- public String getRemarks() {
- return remarks;
- }
- public void setRemarks(String remarks) {
- this.remarks = remarks;
- }
- public String getTemplateName() {
- return templateName;
- }
- public void setTemplateName(String templateName) {
- this.templateName = templateName;
- }
- public String getDefaultPrintDate() {
- return this.defaultPrintDate;
- }
- public void setDefaultPrintDate(String defaultPrintDate) {
- this.defaultPrintDate = defaultPrintDate;
- }
- public String getDefaultInTime() {
- return this.defaultInTime;
- }
- public void setDefaultInTime(String defaultInTime) {
- this.defaultInTime = defaultInTime;
- }
- public String getDefaultOutTime() {
- return this.defaultOutTime;
- }
- public void setDefaultOutTime(String defaultOutTime) {
- this.defaultOutTime = defaultOutTime;
- }
- public String getCouponNum() {
- return this.couponNum;
- }
- public void setCouponNum(String couponNum) {
- this.couponNum = couponNum;
- }
- public String getErpMemberCard() {
- return this.erpMemberCard;
- }
- public void setErpMemberCard(String erpMemberCard) {
- this.erpMemberCard = erpMemberCard;
- }
- public String getVoucherType() {
- return this.voucherType;
- }
- public void setVoucherType(String voucherType) {
- this.voucherType = voucherType;
- }
- public String getAnalyzPath() {
- return this.analyzPath;
- }
- public void setAnalyzPath(String analyzPath) {
- this.analyzPath = analyzPath;
- }
- public List<Double> getModifyAmountList() {
- return this.modifyAmountList;
- }
- public String getUniqueId() {
- return this.uniqueId;
- }
- public void setUniqueId(String uniqueId) {
- this.uniqueId = uniqueId;
- }
- public String getIfqrcode() {
- return this.ifqrcode;
- }
- public void setIfqrcode(String ifqrcode) {
- this.ifqrcode = ifqrcode;
- }
- public void setModifyAmountList(List<Double> modifyAmountList) {
- this.modifyAmountList = modifyAmountList;
- }
- public Double getModifyAmount() {
- return this.modifyAmount;
- }
- public void setModifyAmount(Double modifyAmount) {
- this.modifyAmount = modifyAmount;
- }
- public String getDefaultSaleTime() {
- return this.defaultSaleTime;
- }
- public void setDefaultSaleTime(String defaultSaleTime) {
- this.defaultSaleTime = defaultSaleTime;
- }
- public String getBillMergeKey() {
- return this.billMergeKey;
- }
- public void setBillMergeKey(String billMergeKey) {
- this.billMergeKey = billMergeKey;
- }
- public String getCustName() {
- return custName;
- }
- public void setCustName(String custName) {
- this.custName = custName;
- }
- public String getCustTaxNo() {
- return custTaxNo;
- }
- public void setCustTaxNo(String custTaxNo) {
- this.custTaxNo = custTaxNo;
- }
- public String getCustAdress() {
- return custAdress;
- }
- public void setCustAdress(String custAdress) {
- this.custAdress = custAdress;
- }
- public String getCustBankAccount() {
- return custBankAccount;
- }
- public void setCustBankAccount(String custBankAccount) {
- this.custBankAccount = custBankAccount;
- }
- public List<String> getUniqueIdHis() {
- return uniqueIdHis;
- }
- public void setUniqueIdHis(List<String> uniqueIdHis) {
- this.uniqueIdHis = uniqueIdHis;
- }
- public Double getRechargeableCardConsumeAmount() {
- return rechargeableCardConsumeAmount;
- }
- public void setRechargeableCardConsumeAmount(Double rechargeableCardConsumeAmount) {
- this.rechargeableCardConsumeAmount = rechargeableCardConsumeAmount;
- }
- public Double getDefaultRechargeableCardConsumeAmount() {
- return defaultRechargeableCardConsumeAmount;
- }
- public void setDefaultRechargeableCardConsumeAmount(Double defaultRechargeableCardConsumeAmount) {
- this.defaultRechargeableCardConsumeAmount = defaultRechargeableCardConsumeAmount;
- }
- public Double getOutOfPocketAmount() {
- return outOfPocketAmount;
- }
- public void setOutOfPocketAmount(Double outOfPocketAmount) {
- this.outOfPocketAmount = outOfPocketAmount;
- }
- public Double getDefaultOutOfPocketAmount() {
- return defaultOutOfPocketAmount;
- }
- public void setDefaultOutOfPocketAmount(Double defaultOutOfPocketAmount) {
- this.defaultOutOfPocketAmount = defaultOutOfPocketAmount;
- }
- public Double getRechargeAmount() {
- return rechargeAmount;
- }
- public void setRechargeAmount(Double rechargeAmount) {
- this.rechargeAmount = rechargeAmount;
- }
- public Double getDefaultRechargeAmount() {
- return defaultRechargeAmount;
- }
- public void setDefaultRechargeAmount(Double defaultRechargeAmount) {
- this.defaultRechargeAmount = defaultRechargeAmount;
- }
- public Double getMemberPrice() {
- return memberPrice;
- }
- public void setMemberPrice(Double memberPrice) {
- this.memberPrice = memberPrice;
- }
- public Double getDefaultMemberPrice() {
- return defaultMemberPrice;
- }
- public void setDefaultMemberPrice(Double defaultMemberPrice) {
- this.defaultMemberPrice = defaultMemberPrice;
- }
- public Double getMemberDiscountrate() {
- return memberDiscountrate;
- }
- public void setMemberDiscountrate(Double memberDiscountrate) {
- this.memberDiscountrate = memberDiscountrate;
- }
- public Double getDefaultMemberDiscountrate() {
- return defaultMemberDiscountrate;
- }
- public void setDefaultMemberDiscountrate(Double defaultMemberDiscountrate) {
- this.defaultMemberDiscountrate = defaultMemberDiscountrate;
- }
- public Double getMemberTotalConsumption() {
- return memberTotalConsumption;
- }
- public void setMemberTotalConsumption(Double memberTotalConsumption) {
- this.memberTotalConsumption = memberTotalConsumption;
- }
- public Double getDefaultMemberTotalConsumption() {
- return defaultMemberTotalConsumption;
- }
- public void setDefaultMemberTotalConsumption(Double defaultMemberTotalConsumption) {
- this.defaultMemberTotalConsumption = defaultMemberTotalConsumption;
- }
- public String getTakeout() {
- return takeout;
- }
- public void setTakeout(String takeout) {
- this.takeout = takeout;
- }
- public List<String> getDiscountDetails() {
- return discountDetails;
- }
- public void setDiscountDetails(List<String> discountDetails) {
- this.discountDetails = discountDetails;
- }
- public String getId() {
- return;
- }
- public void setId(String id) {
- = id;
- }
- public String getShopId() {
- return this.shopId;
- }
- public void setShopId(String shopId) {
- this.shopId = shopId;
- }
- public String getShopName() {
- return this.shopName;
- }
- public void setShopName(String shopName) {
- this.shopName = shopName;
- }
- public String getShopEntityId() {
- return this.shopEntityId;
- }
- public void setShopEntityId(String shopEntityId) {
- this.shopEntityId = shopEntityId;
- }
- public String getShopEntityName() {
- return this.shopEntityName;
- }
- public void setShopEntityName(String shopEntityName) {
- this.shopEntityName = shopEntityName;
- }
- public String getCreateTime() {
- return this.createTime;
- }
- public void setCreateTime(String createTime) {
- this.createTime = createTime;
- }
- public String getCTimeStamp() {
- return this.cTimeStamp;
- }
- public void setCTimeStamp(String cTimeStamp) {
- this.cTimeStamp = cTimeStamp;
- }
- public String getHcTime() {
- return this.hcTime;
- }
- public void setHcTime(String hcTime) {
- this.hcTime = hcTime;
- }
- public String getHserial() {
- return this.hserial;
- }
- public void setHserial(String hserial) {
- this.hserial = hserial;
- }
- public String getFixTerminal() {
- return this.fixTerminal;
- }
- public void setFixTerminal(String fixTerminal) {
- this.fixTerminal = fixTerminal;
- }
- public String getTerminalNumber() {
- return this.terminalNumber;
- }
- public void setTerminalNumber(String terminalNumber) {
- this.terminalNumber = terminalNumber;
- }
- public String getBillfileName() {
- return this.billfileName;
- }
- public void setBillfileName(String billfileName) {
- this.billfileName = billfileName;
- }
- public List<String> getBillfileNameHis() {
- return this.billfileNameHis;
- }
- public void setBillfileNameHis(List<String> billfileNameHis) {
- this.billfileNameHis = billfileNameHis;
- }
- public String getBillNo() {
- return this.billNo;
- }
- public void setBillNo(String billNo) {
- this.billNo = billNo;
- }
- public String getInterceptTime() {
- return this.interceptTime;
- }
- public void setInterceptTime(String interceptTime) {
- this.interceptTime = interceptTime;
- }
- public String getShopEntityFullName() {
- return this.shopEntityFullName;
- }
- public void setShopEntityFullName(String shopEntityFullName) {
- this.shopEntityFullName = shopEntityFullName;
- }
- public String getShopEntityAddress() {
- return this.shopEntityAddress;
- }
- public void setShopEntityAddress(String shopEntityAddress) {
- this.shopEntityAddress = shopEntityAddress;
- }
- public String getTelephone() {
- return this.telephone;
- }
- public void setTelephone(String telephone) {
- this.telephone = telephone;
- }
- public String getSaler() {
- return this.saler;
- }
- public void setSaler(String saler) {
- this.saler = saler;
- }
- public String getCheckstand() {
- return this.checkstand;
- }
- public void setCheckstand(String checkstand) {
- this.checkstand = checkstand;
- }
- public String getCashier() {
- return this.cashier;
- }
- public void setCashier(String cashier) {
- this.cashier = cashier;
- }
- public Double getReceivableAmount() {
- return this.receivableAmount;
- }
- public void setReceivableAmount(Double receivableAmount) {
- this.receivableAmount = receivableAmount;
- }
- public Double getTotalNum() {
- return this.totalNum;
- }
- public void setTotalNum(Double totalNum) {
- this.totalNum = totalNum;
- }
- public String getBillSerialNumber() {
- return this.billSerialNumber;
- }
- public void setBillSerialNumber(String billSerialNumber) {
- this.billSerialNumber = billSerialNumber;
- }
- public Double getTotalFee() {
- return this.totalFee;
- }
- public void setTotalFee(Double totalFee) {
- this.totalFee = totalFee;
- }
- public Double getPaidAmount() {
- return this.paidAmount;
- }
- public void setPaidAmount(Double paidAmount) {
- this.paidAmount = paidAmount;
- }
- public Double getDiscountAmount() {
- return this.discountAmount;
- }
- public void setDiscountAmount(Double discountAmount) {
- this.discountAmount = discountAmount;
- }
- public Double getCouponAmount() {
- return this.couponAmount;
- }
- public void setCouponAmount(Double couponAmount) {
- this.couponAmount = couponAmount;
- }
- public Double getChangeAmount() {
- return this.changeAmount;
- }
- public void setChangeAmount(Double changeAmount) {
- this.changeAmount = changeAmount;
- }
- public List<String> getSettlementWay() {
- return this.settlementWay;
- }
- public void setSettlementWay(List<String> settlementWay) {
- this.settlementWay = settlementWay;
- }
- public String getSaleTime() {
- return saleTime;
- }
- public void setSaleTime(String saleTime) {
- this.saleTime = saleTime;
- }
- public String getMemberCardNumber() {
- return this.memberCardNumber;
- }
- public void setMemberCardNumber(String memberCardNumber) {
- this.memberCardNumber = memberCardNumber;
- }
- public Double getTotalConsumption() {
- return this.totalConsumption;
- }
- public void setTotalConsumption(Double totalConsumption) {
- this.totalConsumption = totalConsumption;
- }
- public String getWebsite() {
- return;
- }
- public void setWebsite(String website) {
- = website;
- }
- public String getBillImage() {
- return this.billImage;
- }
- public void setBillImage(String billImage) {
- this.billImage = billImage;
- }
- public List<String> getGoodsDetails() {
- return this.goodsDetails;
- }
- public void setGoodsDetails(List<String> goodsDetails) {
- this.goodsDetails = goodsDetails;
- }
- public String getRoomNo() {
- return this.roomNo;
- }
- public void setRoomNo(String roomNo) {
- this.roomNo = roomNo;
- }
- public String getCheckinName() {
- return this.checkinName;
- }
- public void setCheckinName(String checkinName) {
- this.checkinName = checkinName;
- }
- public String getDeskNo() {
- return this.deskNo;
- }
- public void setDeskNo(String deskNo) {
- this.deskNo = deskNo;
- }
- public Double getConsumeNum() {
- return this.consumeNum;
- }
- public void setConsumeNum(Double consumeNum) {
- this.consumeNum = consumeNum;
- }
- public String getBillText() {
- return this.billText;
- }
- public void setBillText(String billText) {
- this.billText = billText;
- }
- public Map<String, String> getCustomRecord() {
- return this.customRecord;
- }
- public void setCustomRecord(Map<String, String> customRecord) {
- this.customRecord = customRecord;
- }
- public String getBillType() {
- return this.billType;
- }
- public void setBillType(String billType) {
- this.billType = billType;
- }
- public String getInTime() {
- return this.inTime;
- }
- public String getOutTime() {
- return this.outTime;
- }
- public void setInTime(String inTime) {
- this.inTime = inTime;
- }
- public void setOutTime(String outTime) {
- this.outTime = outTime;
- }
- public String getBillMatchKey() {
- return this.billMatchKey;
- }
- public void setBillMatchKey(String billMatchKey) {
- this.billMatchKey = billMatchKey;
- }
- public String getMatchId() {
- return this.matchId;
- }
- public void setMatchId(String matchId) {
- this.matchId = matchId;
- }
- public String getPrintMatchType() {
- return this.printMatchType;
- }
- public void setPrintMatchType(String printMatchType) {
- this.printMatchType = printMatchType;
- }
- public String getTsuuid() {
- return this.tsuuid;
- }
- public void setTsuuid(String tsuuid) {
- this.tsuuid = tsuuid;
- }
- public String getUploadType() {
- return this.uploadType;
- }
- public void setUploadType(String uploadType) {
- this.uploadType = uploadType;
- }
- public String getCustomerName() {
- return this.customerName;
- }
- public void setCustomerName(String customerName) {
- this.customerName = customerName;
- }
- public String getMembershipId() {
- return this.membershipId;
- }
- public void setMembershipId(String membershipId) {
- this.membershipId = membershipId;
- }
- public String getMemberLevels() {
- return this.memberLevels;
- }
- public void setMemberLevels(String memberLevels) {
- this.memberLevels = memberLevels;
- }
- public String getPetName() {
- return this.petName;
- }
- public void setPetName(String petName) {
- this.petName = petName;
- }
- public String getPetNumber() {
- return this.petNumber;
- }
- public void setPetNumber(String petNumber) {
- this.petNumber = petNumber;
- }
- public String getPrincipal() {
- return this.principal;
- }
- public void setPrincipal(String principal) {
- this.principal = principal;
- }
- public String getDeposit() {
- return this.deposit;
- }
- public void setDeposit(String deposit) {
- this.deposit = deposit;
- }
- public String getPrintDate() {
- return this.printDate;
- }
- public void setPrintDate(String printDate) {
- this.printDate = printDate;
- }
- public String getDefaultInterceptTime() {
- return this.defaultInterceptTime;
- }
- public void setDefaultInterceptTime(String defaultInterceptTime) {
- this.defaultInterceptTime = defaultInterceptTime;
- }
- public String getModifyType() {
- return this.modifyType;
- }
- public void setModifyType(String modifyType) {
- this.modifyType = modifyType;
- }
- public String getBillSource() {
- return this.billSource;
- }
- public void setBillSource(String billSource) {
- this.billSource = billSource;
- }
- public String getQrCode() {
- return qrCode;
- }
- public void setQrCode(String qrCode) {
- this.qrCode = qrCode;
- }
- public String getIntegralmark() {
- return integralmark;
- }
- public void setIntegralmark(String integralmark) {
- this.integralmark = integralmark;
- }
- public String getThisintegral() {
- return thisintegral;
- }
- public void setThisintegral(String thisintegral) {
- this.thisintegral = thisintegral;
- }
- public List<String> getModifyAmountSaleTimeList() {
- return modifyAmountSaleTimeList;
- }
- public void setModifyAmountSaleTimeList(List<String> modifyAmountSaleTimeList) {
- this.modifyAmountSaleTimeList = modifyAmountSaleTimeList;
- }
- public List<String> getModifyAmountInterceptTimeList() {
- return modifyAmountInterceptTimeList;
- }
- public void setModifyAmountInterceptTimeList(List<String> modifyAmountInterceptTimeList) {
- this.modifyAmountInterceptTimeList = modifyAmountInterceptTimeList;
- }
- public Double getDefaultReceivableAmount() {
- return defaultReceivableAmount;
- }
- public void setDefaultReceivableAmount(Double defaultReceivableAmount) {
- this.defaultReceivableAmount = defaultReceivableAmount;
- }
- public Double getDefaultTotalNum() {
- return defaultTotalNum;
- }
- public void setDefaultTotalNum(Double defaultTotalNum) {
- this.defaultTotalNum = defaultTotalNum;
- }
- public Double getDefaultTotalFee() {
- return defaultTotalFee;
- }
- public void setDefaultTotalFee(Double defaultTotalFee) {
- this.defaultTotalFee = defaultTotalFee;
- }
- public Double getDefaultPaidAmount() {
- return defaultPaidAmount;
- }
- public void setDefaultPaidAmount(Double defaultPaidAmount) {
- this.defaultPaidAmount = defaultPaidAmount;
- }
- public Double getDefaultDiscountAmount() {
- return defaultDiscountAmount;
- }
- public void setDefaultDiscountAmount(Double defaultDiscountAmount) {
- this.defaultDiscountAmount = defaultDiscountAmount;
- }
- public Double getDefaultCouponAmount() {
- return defaultCouponAmount;
- }
- public void setDefaultCouponAmount(Double defaultCouponAmount) {
- this.defaultCouponAmount = defaultCouponAmount;
- }
- public Double getDefaultChangeAmount() {
- return defaultChangeAmount;
- }
- public void setDefaultChangeAmount(Double defaultChangeAmount) {
- this.defaultChangeAmount = defaultChangeAmount;
- }
- public Double getDefaultTotalConsumption() {
- return defaultTotalConsumption;
- }
- public void setDefaultTotalConsumption(Double defaultTotalConsumption) {
- this.defaultTotalConsumption = defaultTotalConsumption;
- }
- public Double getDefaultConsumeNum() {
- return defaultConsumeNum;
- }
- public void setDefaultConsumeNum(Double defaultConsumeNum) {
- this.defaultConsumeNum = defaultConsumeNum;
- }
- public String getRowKey() {
- return rowKey;
- }
- public void setRowKey(String rowKey) {
- this.rowKey = rowKey;
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return id + "\t" + rowKey + "\t" + shopId + "\t" + shopName + "\t" + shopEntityId + "\t" + shopEntityName + "\t"
- + createTime + "\t" + cTimeStamp + "\t" + hcTime + "\t" + hserial + "\t" + fixTerminal + "\t"
- + terminalNumber + "\t" + billfileName + "\t" + tsuuid + "\t" + billfileNameHis + "\t" + billNo + "\t"
- + interceptTime + "\t" + shopEntityFullName + "\t" + shopEntityAddress + "\t" + telephone + "\t" + saler
- + "\t" + checkstand + "\t" + cashier + "\t" + receivableAmount + "\t" + defaultReceivableAmount + "\t"
- + totalNum + "\t" + defaultTotalNum + "\t" + billSerialNumber + "\t" + totalFee + "\t" + defaultTotalFee
- + "\t" + paidAmount + "\t" + defaultPaidAmount + "\t" + discountAmount + "\t" + defaultDiscountAmount
- + "\t" + couponAmount + "\t" + defaultCouponAmount + "\t" + changeAmount + "\t" + defaultChangeAmount
- + "\t" + settlementWay + "\t" + saleTime + "\t" + memberCardNumber + "\t" + totalConsumption + "\t"
- + defaultTotalConsumption + "\t" + website + "\t" + billImage + "\t" + goodsDetails + "\t" + roomNo
- + "\t" + checkinName + "\t" + deskNo + "\t" + consumeNum + "\t" + defaultConsumeNum + "\t" + billText
- + "\t" + inTime + "\t" + outTime + "\t" + defaultPrintDate + "\t" + defaultInTime + "\t"
- + defaultOutTime + "\t" + uploadType + "\t" + customRecord + "\t" + billType + "\t" + modifyType + "\t"
- + billSource + "\t" + analyzPath + "\t" + billMatchKey + "\t" + matchId + "\t" + defaultSaleTime + "\t"
- + customerName + "\t" + membershipId + "\t" + memberLevels + "\t" + petName + "\t" + petNumber + "\t"
- + principal + "\t" + deposit + "\t" + printDate + "\t" + defaultInterceptTime + "\t" + printMatchType
- + "\t" + billMergeKey + "\t" + modifyAmount + "\t" + modifyAmountList + "\t" + modifyAmountSaleTimeList
- + "\t" + modifyAmountInterceptTimeList + "\t" + uniqueId + "\t" + uniqueIdHis + "\t" + ifqrcode + "\t"
- + couponNum + "\t" + erpMemberCard + "\t" + voucherType + "\t" + qrCode + "\t" + integralmark + "\t"
- + thisintegral + "\t" + remarks + "\t" + templateName + "\t" + custName + "\t" + custTaxNo + "\t"
- + custAdress + "\t" + custBankAccount + "\t" + thirdPartyOrderNo + "\t" + rechargeableCardConsumeAmount
- + "\t" + defaultRechargeableCardConsumeAmount + "\t" + outOfPocketAmount + "\t"
- + defaultOutOfPocketAmount + "\t" + rechargeAmount + "\t" + defaultRechargeAmount + "\t" + memberPrice
- + "\t" + defaultMemberPrice + "\t" + memberDiscountrate + "\t" + defaultMemberDiscountrate + "\t"
- + memberTotalConsumption + "\t" + defaultMemberTotalConsumption + "\t" + takeout + "\t"
- + discountDetails;
- }
- public static BillInfoFmt cloneBill(BillInfo fromBean) {
- if (null == fromBean) {
- return null;
- }
- BillInfoFmt toBean = new BillInfoFmt();
- toBean.setId(stringRemove(fromBean.getId()));
- toBean.setRowKey(stringRemove(fromBean.getRowKey()));
- toBean.setShopId(stringRemove(fromBean.getShopId()));
- toBean.setShopName(stringRemove(fromBean.getShopName()));
- toBean.setShopEntityId(stringRemove(fromBean.getShopEntityId()));
- toBean.setShopEntityName(stringRemove(fromBean.getShopEntityName()));
- toBean.setCreateTime(DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getCreateTime()));
- toBean.setCTimeStamp(DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getCTimeStamp()));
- toBean.setHcTime(stringRemove(fromBean.getHcTime()));
- toBean.setHserial(stringRemove(fromBean.getHserial()));
- toBean.setFixTerminal(stringRemove(fromBean.getFixTerminal()));
- toBean.setTerminalNumber(stringRemove(fromBean.getTerminalNumber()));
- toBean.setBillfileName(stringRemove(fromBean.getBillfileName()));
- toBean.setTsuuid(stringRemove(fromBean.getTsuuid()));
- toBean.setBillfileNameHis(fromBean.getBillfileNameHis());
- toBean.setBillNo(stringRemove(fromBean.getBillNo()));
- toBean.setInterceptTime(DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getInterceptTime()));
- toBean.setShopEntityFullName(stringRemove(fromBean.getShopEntityFullName()));
- toBean.setShopEntityAddress(stringRemove(fromBean.getShopEntityAddress()));
- toBean.setTelephone(stringRemove(fromBean.getTelephone()));
- toBean.setSaler(stringRemove(fromBean.getSaler()));
- toBean.setCheckstand(stringRemove(fromBean.getCheckstand()));
- toBean.setCashier(stringRemove(fromBean.getCashier()));
- toBean.setReceivableAmount(fromBean.getReceivableAmount());
- toBean.setDefaultReceivableAmount(fromBean.getDefaultReceivableAmount());
- toBean.setTotalNum(fromBean.getTotalNum());
- toBean.setDefaultTotalNum(fromBean.getDefaultTotalNum());
- toBean.setBillSerialNumber(stringRemove(fromBean.getBillSerialNumber()));
- toBean.setTotalFee(fromBean.getTotalFee());
- toBean.setDefaultTotalFee(fromBean.getDefaultTotalFee());
- toBean.setPaidAmount(fromBean.getPaidAmount());
- toBean.setDefaultPaidAmount(fromBean.getDefaultPaidAmount());
- toBean.setDiscountAmount(fromBean.getDiscountAmount());
- toBean.setDefaultDiscountAmount(fromBean.getDefaultDiscountAmount());
- toBean.setCouponAmount(fromBean.getCouponAmount());
- toBean.setDefaultCouponAmount(fromBean.getDefaultCouponAmount());
- toBean.setChangeAmount(fromBean.getChangeAmount());
- toBean.setDefaultChangeAmount(fromBean.getDefaultChangeAmount());
- if (null != fromBean.getSettlementWay()) {
- List<SettlementWayInfo> rawList = fromBean.getSettlementWay();
- List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
- for (SettlementWayInfo raw : rawList) {
- list.add(raw.toString());
- }
- toBean.setSettlementWay(list);
- }
- toBean.setSaleTime(fromBean.getSaleTime());
- toBean.setMemberCardNumber(stringRemove(fromBean.getMemberCardNumber()));
- toBean.setTotalConsumption(fromBean.getTotalConsumption());
- toBean.setDefaultTotalConsumption(fromBean.getDefaultTotalConsumption());
- toBean.setWebsite(stringRemove(fromBean.getWebsite()));
- toBean.setBillImage(stringRemove(fromBean.getBillImage()));
- if (null != fromBean.getGoodsDetails()) {
- List<GoodsDetailInfo> rawList = fromBean.getGoodsDetails();
- List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
- for (GoodsDetailInfo raw : rawList) {
- list.add(raw.toString());
- }
- toBean.setGoodsDetails(list);
- }
- toBean.setRoomNo(stringRemove(fromBean.getRoomNo()));
- toBean.setCheckinName(stringRemove(fromBean.getCheckinName()));
- toBean.setDeskNo(stringRemove(fromBean.getDeskNo()));
- toBean.setConsumeNum(fromBean.getConsumeNum());
- toBean.setDefaultConsumeNum(fromBean.getDefaultConsumeNum());
- toBean.setBillText(stringRemove(fromBean.getBillText()));
- toBean.setInTime(DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getInTime()));
- toBean.setOutTime(DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getOutTime()));
- toBean.setDefaultPrintDate(DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getDefaultPrintDate()));
- toBean.setDefaultInTime(DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getDefaultInTime()));
- toBean.setDefaultOutTime(DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getDefaultOutTime()));
- toBean.setUploadType(stringRemove(fromBean.getUploadType()));
- toBean.setCustomRecord(fromBean.getCustomRecord());
- toBean.setBillType(stringRemove(fromBean.getBillType()));
- toBean.setModifyType(stringRemove(fromBean.getModifyType()));
- toBean.setBillSource(stringRemove(fromBean.getBillSource()));
- toBean.setAnalyzPath(stringRemove(fromBean.getAnalyzPath()));
- toBean.setBillMatchKey(stringRemove(fromBean.getBillMatchKey()));
- toBean.setMatchId(stringRemove(fromBean.getMatchId()));
- toBean.setDefaultSaleTime(DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getDefaultSaleTime()));
- toBean.setCustomerName(stringRemove(fromBean.getCustomerName()));
- toBean.setMembershipId(stringRemove(fromBean.getMembershipId()));
- toBean.setMemberLevels(stringRemove(fromBean.getMemberLevels()));
- toBean.setPetName(stringRemove(fromBean.getPetName()));
- toBean.setPetNumber(stringRemove(fromBean.getPetNumber()));
- toBean.setPrincipal(stringRemove(fromBean.getPrincipal()));
- toBean.setDeposit(stringRemove(fromBean.getDeposit()));
- toBean.setPrintDate(DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getPrintDate()));
- toBean.setDefaultInterceptTime(DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getDefaultInterceptTime()));
- toBean.setPrintMatchType(stringRemove(fromBean.getPrintMatchType()));
- toBean.setBillMergeKey(stringRemove(fromBean.getBillMergeKey()));
- toBean.setModifyAmount(fromBean.getModifyAmount());
- toBean.setModifyAmountList(fromBean.getModifyAmountList());
- toBean.setModifyAmountSaleTimeList(DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getModifyAmountSaleTimeList()));
- toBean.setModifyAmountInterceptTimeList(
- DateTimeUtils.getYmdhmsForNo(fromBean.getModifyAmountInterceptTimeList()));
- toBean.setUniqueId(stringRemove(fromBean.getUniqueId()));
- toBean.setUniqueIdHis(fromBean.getUniqueIdHis());
- toBean.setIfqrcode(stringRemove(fromBean.getIfqrcode()));
- toBean.setCouponNum(stringRemove(fromBean.getCouponNum()));
- toBean.setErpMemberCard(stringRemove(fromBean.getErpMemberCard()));
- toBean.setVoucherType(stringRemove(fromBean.getVoucherType()));
- toBean.setQrCode(stringRemove(fromBean.getQrCode()));
- toBean.setIntegralmark(stringRemove(fromBean.getIntegralmark()));
- toBean.setThisintegral(stringRemove(fromBean.getThisintegral()));
- toBean.setRemarks(stringRemove(fromBean.getRemarks()));
- toBean.setTemplateName(stringRemove(fromBean.getTemplateName()));
- toBean.setCustName(stringRemove(fromBean.getCustName()));
- toBean.setCustName(stringRemove(fromBean.getCustTaxNo()));
- toBean.setCustAdress(stringRemove(fromBean.getCustAdress()));
- toBean.setCustBankAccount(stringRemove(fromBean.getCustBankAccount()));
- toBean.setThirdPartyOrderNo(stringRemove(fromBean.getThirdPartyOrderNo()));
- toBean.setRechargeableCardConsumeAmount(fromBean.getRechargeableCardConsumeAmount());
- toBean.setDefaultRechargeableCardConsumeAmount(fromBean.getDefaultRechargeableCardConsumeAmount());
- toBean.setOutOfPocketAmount(fromBean.getOutOfPocketAmount());
- toBean.setDefaultOutOfPocketAmount(fromBean.getDefaultOutOfPocketAmount());
- toBean.setRechargeAmount(fromBean.getRechargeAmount());
- toBean.setDefaultRechargeAmount(fromBean.getDefaultRechargeAmount());
- toBean.setMemberPrice(fromBean.getMemberPrice());
- toBean.setDefaultMemberPrice(fromBean.getDefaultMemberPrice());
- toBean.setMemberDiscountrate(fromBean.getMemberDiscountrate());
- toBean.setDefaultMemberDiscountrate(fromBean.getDefaultMemberDiscountrate());
- toBean.setMemberTotalConsumption(fromBean.getMemberTotalConsumption());
- toBean.setDefaultMemberTotalConsumption(fromBean.getDefaultMemberTotalConsumption());
- toBean.setTakeout(stringRemove(fromBean.getTakeout()));
- if (null != fromBean.getDiscountDetails()) {
- List<DiscountDetailsInfo> rawList = fromBean.getDiscountDetails();
- List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
- for (DiscountDetailsInfo raw : rawList) {
- list.add(raw.toString());
- }
- toBean.setDiscountDetails(list);
- }
- return toBean;
- }
- /**
- * 原始数据格式化处理,待完善
- *
- * @param jsonStr
- * @return
- */
- private static String stringRemove(String strVal) {
- if (StringUtils.isEmpty(strVal)) {
- return "";
- }
- strVal = strVal.replace("\t", "");
- strVal = strVal.replace("\n", "");
- strVal = strVal.replace("\r", "");
- return strVal;
- }
- }
- package com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.beans;
- import;
- /**
- * Bill Consumer Dashboard Bean
- * @author mengyao
- *
- */
- public class BCD implements Serializable {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1749406742944513387L;
- private String billId;
- private double receivableAmount;
- private String saleTime;
- private String sdt;//yyyyMMdd
- private int hour;
- private String billType;
- private String shopId;
- private String shopEntityId;
- public BCD() {
- super();
- }
- public BCD(String billId, double receivableAmount, String saleTime, String billType, String shopId, String shopEntityId) {
- super();
- this.billId = billId;
- this.receivableAmount = receivableAmount;
- this.saleTime = saleTime;
- setDateTime(saleTime);
- this.billType = billType;
- this.shopId = shopId;
- this.shopEntityId = shopEntityId;
- }
- public String getBillId() {
- return billId;
- }
- public void setBillId(String billId) {
- this.billId = billId;
- }
- public double getReceivableAmount() {
- return receivableAmount;
- }
- public void setReceivableAmount(double receivableAmount) {
- this.receivableAmount = receivableAmount;
- }
- public String getSaleTime() {
- return saleTime;
- }
- public void setSaleTime(String saleTime) {
- this.saleTime = saleTime;
- setDateTime(saleTime);
- }
- public String getSdt() {
- return sdt;
- }
- public void setSdt(String sdt) {
- this.sdt = sdt;
- }
- public int getHour() {
- return hour;
- }
- public void setHour(int hour) {
- this.hour = hour;
- }
- public String getBillType() {
- return billType;
- }
- public void setBillType(String billType) {
- this.billType = billType;
- }
- public String getShopId() {
- return shopId;
- }
- public void setShopId(String shopId) {
- this.shopId = shopId;
- }
- public String getShopEntityId() {
- return shopEntityId;
- }
- public void setShopEntityId(String shopEntityId) {
- this.shopEntityId = shopEntityId;
- }
- private void setDateTime(String saleTime) {
- if (null!=saleTime&&saleTime.length()==17) {
- this.sdt = saleTime.substring(0, 8);
- this.hour = Integer.parseInt(saleTime.substring(8, 10));
- }
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return billId + "\t" + receivableAmount + "\t" + saleTime + "\t" + sdt + "\t" + billType + "\t" + shopId + "\t" + shopEntityId;
- }
- }
- package com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.service;
- import;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.LinkedList;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Map.Entry;
- import java.util.Set;
- import org.apache.spark.sql.Column;
- import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
- import org.apache.spark.sql.Row;
- import org.apache.spark.sql.functions;
- import;
- import;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.beans.AreaProjSale;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.beans.AreaSaleTrendAll;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.beans.PeakTime;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.beans.ProjectTypeShopNumber;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.beans.ShopSaleRank;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.beans.TotalRefund;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.beans.TotalSale;
- import com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.beans.TotalSettlementBillNumber;
- import com.mengyao.utils.RedisUtil;
- /**
- * 大屏指标分析
- * @author mengyao
- *
- */
- public class SaleAnalysisService implements Serializable {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 8289368096001689148L;
- //解决区域名称hash重复问题
- private static final String SALT="aAb12";
- /**
- * 每日重置大屏指标值
- */
- @Deprecated
- public void reset() {
- RedisUtil.setObject("dtsbn_6", "{\"结账单数\":{\"val\":7270}}\"");
- RedisUtil.setObject("dpt_7", "{\"高峰时段\":{\"val\":13}}\"");
- RedisUtil.setObject("dtr_5", "{\"退款金额\":{\"val\":7301.8}}\"");
- RedisUtil.setObject("dts_4", "{\"总销售额\":{\"val\":1300523.8000000005}}\"");
- RedisUtil.setObject("curDay", "20190227\"");
- RedisUtil.setObject("dastfa_2_20190227", "{\"各区域销售额发展趋势\":{\"重庆天地\":[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,9.5,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],\"创智天地\":[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,43.3,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],\"上海瑞虹\":[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,16.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],\"上海新天地\":[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,553.75,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]}}\"");
- RedisUtil.setObject("dasp_1", "{\"各区域销售额占比\":{\"重庆天地\":[{\"bn\":1,\"n\":\"重庆天地\",\"sa\":9.5}],\"创智天地\":[{\"bn\":3,\"n\":\"壹方\",\"sa\":43.3}],\"上海新天地\":[{\"bn\":4,\"n\":\"新天地时尚购物中心\",\"sa\":152.0},{\"bn\":3,\"n\":\"上海新天地南里北里\",\"sa\":74.0},{\"bn\":2,\"n\":\"湖滨道购物中心\",\"sa\":100.0},{\"bn\":10,\"n\":\"新天地广场\",\"sa\":227.75}],\"上海瑞虹\":[{\"bn\":1,\"n\":\"瑞虹天地星星堂\",\"sa\":16.0}]}}\"");
- RedisUtil.setObject("dpc_8", "{\"各项目销售额对比\":{\"重庆天地\":[{\"bn\":1,\"n\":\"重庆天地\",\"sa\":9.5}],\"创智天地\":[{\"bn\":3,\"n\":\"壹方\",\"sa\":43.3}],\"上海新天地\":[{\"bn\":4,\"n\":\"新天地时尚购物中心\",\"sa\":152.0},{\"bn\":3,\"n\":\"上海新天地南里北里\",\"sa\":74.0},{\"bn\":2,\"n\":\"湖滨道购物中心\",\"sa\":100.0},{\"bn\":10,\"n\":\"新天地广场\",\"sa\":227.75}],\"上海瑞虹\":[{\"bn\":1,\"n\":\"瑞虹天地星星堂\",\"sa\":16.0}]}}\"");
- RedisUtil.setObject("dpac_10", "{\"各项目单均消费\":{\"重庆天地\":[{\"bn\":1,\"n\":\"重庆天地\",\"sa\":9.5}],\"创智天地\":[{\"bn\":3,\"n\":\"壹方\",\"sa\":43.3}],\"上海新天地\":[{\"bn\":4,\"n\":\"新天地时尚购物中心\",\"sa\":152.0},{\"bn\":3,\"n\":\"上海新天地南里北里\",\"sa\":74.0},{\"bn\":2,\"n\":\"湖滨道购物中心\",\"sa\":100.0},{\"bn\":10,\"n\":\"新天地广场\",\"sa\":227.75}],\"上海瑞虹\":[{\"bn\":1,\"n\":\"瑞虹天地星星堂\",\"sa\":16.0}]}}\"");
- RedisUtil.setObject("dsfst_9", "{\"店铺销售排行\":[{\"pn\":\"新天地时尚购物中心\",\"sa\":152.0,\"sn\":\"GREYBOX COFFEE\"},{\"pn\":\"新天地广场\",\"sa\":114.75,\"sn\":\"Arabica\"},{\"pn\":\"湖滨道购物中心\",\"sa\":100.0,\"sn\":\"LOKAL\"},{\"pn\":\"上海新天地南里北里\",\"sa\":74.0,\"sn\":\"哈肯铺_手感烘焙\"},{\"pn\":\"壹方\",\"sa\":60.3,\"sn\":\"新一天便利\"},{\"pn\":\"新天地广场\",\"sa\":41.0,\"sn\":\"奈雪的茶\"},{\"pn\":\"新天地广场\",\"sa\":39.0,\"sn\":\"蒲石小点\"},{\"pn\":\"新天地广场\",\"sa\":18.0,\"sn\":\"Fresh_Every_Day\"},{\"pn\":\"瑞虹天地星星堂\",\"sa\":16.0,\"sn\":\"老盛昌\"},{\"pn\":\"新天地广场\",\"sa\":15.0,\"sn\":\"多几谷\"}]}\"");
- RedisUtil.setObject("dptsc_11", "{\"各项目业态销售额对比\":{\"上海新天地南里北里\":[{\"n\":\"餐饮\",\"sa\":74.0,\"sn\":3}],\"新天地广场\":[{\"n\":\"餐饮\",\"sa\":227.75,\"sn\":10}],\"重庆天地\":[{\"n\":\"其它\",\"sa\":9.5,\"sn\":0}],\"湖滨道购物中心\":[{\"n\":\"餐饮\",\"sa\":100.0,\"sn\":2}],\"壹方\":[{\"n\":\"餐饮\",\"sa\":43.3,\"sn\":3}],\"瑞虹天地星星堂\":[{\"n\":\"餐饮\",\"sa\":16.0,\"sn\":1}],\"新天地时尚购物中心\":[{\"n\":\"餐饮\",\"sa\":152.0,\"sn\":4}]}}\"");
- RedisUtil.setObject("dpsn_12", "{\"各项目店铺数量\":{\"上海新天地南里北里\":[{\"n\":\"餐饮\",\"sa\":74.0,\"sn\":3}],\"新天地广场\":[{\"n\":\"餐饮\",\"sa\":227.75,\"sn\":10}],\"重庆天地\":[{\"n\":\"其它\",\"sa\":9.5,\"sn\":0}],\"湖滨道购物中心\":[{\"n\":\"餐饮\",\"sa\":100.0,\"sn\":2}],\"壹方\":[{\"n\":\"餐饮\",\"sa\":43.3,\"sn\":3}],\"瑞虹天地星星堂\":[{\"n\":\"餐饮\",\"sa\":16.0,\"sn\":1}],\"新天地时尚购物中心\":[{\"n\":\"餐饮\",\"sa\":152.0,\"sn\":4}]}}\"");
- }
- /**
- * 总销售额
- * @param ds
- */
- public void totalSale(Dataset<Row> bill) {
- Row[] rows = (Row[])bill
- .filter("billType=1 and receivableAmount>=0")
- .agg(functions.sum(new Column("receivableAmount")).alias("totalSale"), functions.count("receivableAmount"))
- .head(1);
- Map<String, TotalSale> map = new HashMap<String, TotalSale>();
- double totalSale=0D;
- if(rows.length>0){
- Row row = rows[0];
- if (!row.isNullAt(0)) {
- //销售额
- totalSale=row.getDouble(0);
- }
- if (!row.isNullAt(1)) {
- //结账单数
- totalSettlementBillNumber(new TotalSettlementBillNumber(row.getLong(1)));
- }
- }
- map.put("总销售额", new TotalSale(totalSale));
- String str = JSONObject.toJSONString(map);
- System.out.println("====####--totalSale##" + str);
- // 将总销售额存入redis
- RedisUtil.setObject("dts_4", str);
- }
- /**
- * 退款金额
- * @param ds
- */
- public void totalRefund(Dataset<Row> bill) {
- Row[] rows = (Row[]) bill
- .filter("((billType=6) or (billType=1 and receivableAmount<0))")
- .agg(functions.sum(functions.abs(new Column("receivableAmount"))).alias("totalSale"))
- .head(1);
- Map<String, TotalRefund> map=new HashMap<>();
- map.put("退款金额", new TotalRefund(0));
- if(rows.length>0){
- Row row = rows[0];
- if (!row.isNullAt(0)) {
- map.put("退款金额", new TotalRefund(row.getDouble(0)));
- }
- }
- String str=JSONObject.toJSONString(map);
- System.out.println("====####--totalRefund##"+str);
- //将退款金额存入redis
- RedisUtil.setObject("dtr_5",str);
- }
- /**
- * 高峰时段
- * 1、时段:小时;
- * 2、高峰:当日每小时结账单数累计最大;
- * 3、高峰时段:所有mall累计每小时结账单数;
- * @param ds
- * @return {"高峰时段":{"val":12}}
- */
- public void peakTime(Dataset<Row> bill) {
- //账单表本身有mallid(shopId) 因此无需关联店铺表
- Map<String, PeakTime> map=new HashMap<>();
- map.put("高峰时段", new PeakTime(8));
- Row[] rows = (Row[])bill
- .filter("billType=1")
- .groupBy("hour")
- .agg(functions.sum("receivableAmount").alias("totalSale"))
- .orderBy(new Column("totalSale").desc())
- .limit(1)
- .head(1);
- if(rows.length>0){
- Row row = rows[0];
- if (!row.isNullAt(0)) {
- map.put("高峰时段", new PeakTime(row.getAs(0)));
- }
- }
- String str=JSONObject.toJSONString(map);
- System.out.println("====####--peakTime##"+str);
- //将高峰时段放入redis
- RedisUtil.setObject("dpt_7", str);
- }
- /**
- * 各区域销售发展趋势-多个区域(每个区域下有多个mall)当日0点~24点的累计销售额
- * @param bill
- * @param ruian
- * @param curDay
- */
- public void areaSaleTrendForAll(Dataset<Row> bill, Dataset<Row> ruian,Set<String> areaSet, String curDay) {
- Row[] rows = (Row[])bill
- .filter("billType=1 and receivableAmount>0")
- .join(ruian, bill.col("shopId").equalTo(ruian.col("rmid")), "leftouter")
- .groupBy("area_cn", "hour")
- .agg(functions.sum("receivableAmount").alias("areaDayHourSale"))
- .orderBy("areaDayHourSale")
- .select("area_cn","areaDayHourSale","hour")
- .collect();
- // Map<String, Map<String,Map<Integer, Double>>> map = new HashMap<>();
- Map<String, Map<String,Collection<Double>>> map = new HashMap<>();
- Map<String,AreaSaleTrendAll> maps=new HashMap<>();
- if(rows.length>0){
- for (Row row : rows) {
- String areaCn=null;
- double areaDayHourSale=0D;
- int saleHour=0;
- if(!row.isNullAt(0)){
- areaCn=row.getString(0);
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(1)){
- areaDayHourSale=row.getDouble(1);
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(2)){
- saleHour=row.getInt(2);
- }
- if(maps.containsKey(areaCn+SALT)){
- AreaSaleTrendAll ast=maps.get(areaCn+SALT);
- ast.getVals().put(saleHour, areaDayHourSale);
- }else{
- HashMap<Integer,Double> vals=new HashMap<Integer,Double>();
- vals.put(saleHour, areaDayHourSale);
- maps.put(areaCn+SALT, new AreaSaleTrendAll(areaCn, saleHour, areaDayHourSale));
- }
- }
- }
- //填充没有销售额的区域记录,使数据更加完整。
- areaSet.forEach(areaCn->{
- if(!maps.containsKey(areaCn+SALT)){
- maps.put(areaCn+SALT, new AreaSaleTrendAll(areaCn));
- }
- });
- System.out.println("==####========填充hou====begin=====================");
- for (String key:maps.keySet()) {
- System.out.println("Key:"+key);
- }
- System.out.println("==####========填充hou=====end====================");
- // Map<String,Map<Integer, Double>> rs=new HashMap<>();
- // for(AreaSaleTrendAll asta:maps.values()){
- // rs.put(asta.getAreaCn(), asta.getVals());
- // }
- Map<String,Collection<Double>> rs=new HashMap<>();
- for(AreaSaleTrendAll asta:maps.values()){
- rs.put(asta.getAreaCn(), asta.getVals().values());
- }
- map.put("各区域销售额发展趋势", rs);
- //转成json 字符串
- String str=JSONObject.toJSONString(map);
- System.out.println("====####--areaSaleTrendForAll##"+str);
- //放入redis
- RedisUtil.setObject("dastfa_2_"+curDay, str);
- //维护redis中最新日期
- if(!RedisUtil.existsObject("curDay")){//如果为空,说明是第一次运行,直接将当前日期设置到redis中
- RedisUtil.setObject("curDay", curDay);
- }else{
- String curDayRedis=(String) RedisUtil.getObject("curDay");
- if((curDayRedis.compareTo(curDay))<0){//说明当前日期大于redis中的日期,更新
- RedisUtil.setObject("curDay", curDay);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * 各项目销售额对比
- * 1、各项目:各个mall;
- * 2、单一项目销售额:mall的当日开始营业时间到当前时间累计销售额;
- */
- public void projectContrast(Dataset<Row> bill, Dataset<Row> ruian,Map<String, Set<String>> ruianMallAll) {
- Row[] rows = (Row[])bill
- .filter("billType=1 and receivableAmount>0")
- .join(ruian, bill.col("shopId").equalTo(ruian.col("rmid")), "leftouter")
- .groupBy("name", "area_cn")
- .agg(functions.sum("receivableAmount").alias("mallDaySale"), functions.count("receivableAmount").alias("mallDayBillNum"))
- // .orderBy("area_cn")
- .select("name","area_cn","mallDaySale","mallDayBillNum")
- .collect();
- Map<String,List<AreaProjSale>> rs=new HashMap<>();
- if(rows.length>0) {
- for (Row row : rows) {
- String mallName=null;
- String areaCn=null;
- double mallDaySale=0D;
- long mallDayBillNum=0L;
- AreaProjSale obj=new AreaProjSale();
- if(!row.isNullAt(0)){//项目、mall的名称
- mallName=row.getString(0);
- obj.setN(mallName);
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(1)){//区域名称
- areaCn=row.getString(1);
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(2)){//mall的日销售额
- mallDaySale=row.getDouble(2);
- obj.setSa(mallDaySale);
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(3)){//mall的日结账单数
- mallDayBillNum=row.getLong(3);
- obj.setBn(mallDayBillNum);
- }
- //判断是否有该区域
- if(rs.containsKey(areaCn)){
- rs.get(areaCn).add(obj);
- }else{//不存在该区域
- List<AreaProjSale> list=new ArrayList<>();
- list.add(obj);
- rs.put(areaCn, list);
- }
- }
- }
- //填充未产生账单的数据,默认0
- //获取全部瑞安的区域和mallName的集合
- Set<Entry<String,Set<String>>> entrySet = ruianMallAll.entrySet();
- for(Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry:entrySet){
- String areaCn=entry.getKey();//获取区域名称
- //获取每个区域的标准mall的集合
- Set<String> mallSet=entry.getValue();
- if(rs.containsKey(areaCn)){//实际数据中已经存在该区域相关数据
- //判断实际数据mall是否完整
- //用来存放实际数据中mallname的集合
- Set<String> mallSetCur=new HashSet<>();
- //用来存放没有账单的mall的集合
- Set<String> mallSetNew=new HashSet<>();
- //遍历该区域下实际数据集合 并填充set
- for(AreaProjSale obj:rs.get(areaCn)){
- mallSetCur.add(obj.getN());
- }
- //求两个set的差集合 将标准数据放入
- mallSetNew.addAll(mallSet);
- //求差集合 标准数据-实际数据 得到差集
- mallSetNew.removeAll(mallSetCur);
- //遍历差集合 ,填充默认值
- mallSetNew.forEach(mn->{
- rs.get(areaCn).add(new AreaProjSale(mn));
- });
- }else{//该区域不存在
- //便利该区域下标准mall集合,逐个放入
- List<AreaProjSale> list=new ArrayList<>();
- mallSet.forEach(mn->{
- list.add(new AreaProjSale(mn));
- });
- rs.put(areaCn, list);
- }
- }
- //各区域销售额占比
- areaSaleProportion(rs);
- //各区域单均消费
- projectAvgConsumer(rs);
- //转成json
- Map<String, Map<String,List<AreaProjSale>>> pmap=new HashMap<>();
- pmap.put("各项目销售额对比", rs);
- //转成json
- String str=JSONObject.toJSONString(pmap);
- System.out.println("====####--projectContrast##"+str);
- //1 8各项目销售额对比dpc_8
- RedisUtil.setObject("dpc_8", str);
- }
- /**
- * 所有mall中销售额最高的top10店铺
- * @param bill
- * @param shop
- * @param ruian
- */
- public void saleForShopTop10(Dataset<Row> bill, Dataset<Row> shop, Dataset<Row> ruian) {
- Row[] rows = (Row[])bill
- .filter("billType=1 and receivableAmount>0")
- .join(shop, bill.col("shopEntityId").equalTo(shop.col("shop_entity_id")), "leftouter")
- .join(ruian, bill.col("shopId").equalTo(ruian.col("rmid")), "leftouter")
- .groupBy("shop_entity_name", "name")
- .agg(functions.sum("receivableAmount").alias("shopDaySale"))
- .orderBy(new Column("shopDaySale").desc())
- .select("shop_entity_name","name","shopDaySale")
- .limit(10)
- .head(10);
- List<ShopSaleRank> ssrList=new LinkedList<>();
- if(rows.length>0) {
- for (Row row : rows) {
- ShopSaleRank ssr=new ShopSaleRank();
- if(!row.isNullAt(0)){//店铺名称
- ssr.setSn(row.getString(0));
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(1)){//项目/mall名称
- ssr.setPn(row.getString(1));
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(2)){//店铺日销售额
- ssr.setSa(row.getDouble(2));
- }
- ssrList.add(ssr);
- }
- }
- //转成json
- Map<String, List<ShopSaleRank>> pmap=new HashMap<>();
- pmap.put("店铺销售排行", ssrList);
- String str=JSON.toJSONString(pmap);
- System.out.println("====####--saleForShopTop10##"+str);
- //将10个店铺日销售额放入redis
- RedisUtil.setObject("dsfst_9",str);
- }
- /**
- * 各项目业态销售额对比
- *
- * @param session
- * @param beginYMDH
- * @param endYMDH
- */
- public void projectTypeSaleContrast(Dataset<Row> bill, Dataset<Row> shop, Dataset<Row> type, Dataset<Row> ruian,
- Set<String> areaSet,Set<String> mallSet,Set<String> ruianTypeAll) {
- Row[] rows = (Row[])bill
- .filter("billType=1 and receivableAmount>0")
- .join(shop, shop.col("shop_entity_id").equalTo(bill.col("shopEntityId")), "leftouter")
- .join(type, type.col("id").equalTo(shop.col("shop_entity_type_root")), "leftouter")
- .join(ruian, ruian.col("rmid").equalTo(bill.col("shopId")))
- .groupBy("name", "shop_type_name")
- .agg(functions.sum("receivableAmount").alias("shopTypeDaySale"), functions.countDistinct("shop_entity_id").alias("shopNum"))
- .select("name","shop_type_name","shopTypeDaySale","shopNum")
- .collect();
- Map<String,List<ProjectTypeShopNumber>> map=new HashMap<>();
- if(rows.length>0) {
- for (Row row : rows) {
- ProjectTypeShopNumber pac=new ProjectTypeShopNumber();
- String mallName=null;
- if(!row.isNullAt(0)){//项目、mall名称
- mallName=row.getString(0);
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(1)){//业态名称
- pac.setN(row.getString(1));
- }else{
- pac.setN("其它");
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(2)){//mall的业态日销售额
- pac.setSa(row.getDouble(2));
- }
- if(!row.isNullAt(3)){//mall的业态店铺数量
- pac.setSn(row.getLong(3));
- }
- if(map.containsKey(mallName)){//更新map中的list列表
- List<ProjectTypeShopNumber> pacList=map.get(mallName);
- pacList.add(pac);
- }else{//新的mall 新建列表放入map
- List<ProjectTypeShopNumber> pacList=new LinkedList<>();
- pacList.add(pac);
- map.put(mallName, pacList);
- }
- }
- }
- //为没有产生账单的业态或mall填充默认数据,是数据看起来完整
- mallSet.forEach(mallName->{
- if(!map.containsKey(mallName)) {//没有账单的mall
- List<ProjectTypeShopNumber> list=new ArrayList<>();
- //遍历全量业态,进行填充
- ruianTypeAll.forEach(type_->{
- list.add(new ProjectTypeShopNumber(type_,0.0,0));
- });
- map.put(mallName,list);
- }else{//有账单的mall
- //用来获取实际账单数据中已存在的业态
- Set<String> ruianTypeCur = new HashSet<>();
- //用来存放没有账单的业态
- Set<String> ruianTypeNew = new HashSet<>();
- //遍历数据,提取实际数据中的业态
- for(ProjectTypeShopNumber obj:map.get(mallName)){
- ruianTypeCur.add(obj.getN());
- }
- //将产生账单的业态和全量业态求差即
- ruianTypeNew.addAll(ruianTypeAll);
- ruianTypeNew.removeAll(ruianTypeCur);
- //将没有实际账单的业态数据填从(默认值填充)
- for(String type_:ruianTypeNew){
- map.get(mallName).add(new ProjectTypeShopNumber(type_,0.0,0));
- }
- }
- });
- //为==各项目店铺数量==填充数据
- projectShopNumber(map);
- //转成json
- Map<String, Map<String,List<ProjectTypeShopNumber>>> pmap=new HashMap<>();
- pmap.put("各项目业态销售额对比", map);
- String str=JSON.toJSONString(pmap);
- System.out.println("====####--projectTypeSaleContrast##"+str);
- RedisUtil.setObject("dptsc_11",str);
- }
- //=============================================================================================================
- /**
- * 结账单数
- *
- * @param tsb
- */
- public void totalSettlementBillNumber(TotalSettlementBillNumber tsb) {
- Map<String, TotalSettlementBillNumber> map=new HashMap<>();
- map.put("结账单数", tsb);
- String str=JSONObject.toJSONString(map);
- System.out.println("====####--totalSettlementBillNumber##"+str);
- //将结账单数放入redis
- RedisUtil.setObject("dtsbn_6", str);
- }
- /**
- * 各区域销售占比
- * 直接将数据封装成json,无需额外处理
- *
- * @param rs 已经封装好的数据,请参考{@link com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.service.SaleAnalysisService.projectContrast()}
- */
- private void areaSaleProportion(Map<String, List<AreaProjSale>> rs) {
- Map<String, Map<String,List<AreaProjSale>>> pmap=new HashMap<>();
- pmap.put("各区域销售额占比 ", rs);
- //转成json
- String str=JSONObject.toJSONString(pmap);
- System.out.println("====####--areaSaleProportion##"+str);
- //各区域销售占比dasp_1
- RedisUtil.setObject("dasp_1", str);
- }
- /**
- * 各项目单均消费
- * 版本二 营业时间24小时制
- * 1、各项目:各个mall;
- * 2、单均消费:mall的当日开始营业时间到当前时间累计销售额,应收额累计/结账单累计;
- * 直接将数据封装成json,无需额外处理
- *
- * @param rs 已经封装好的数据,请参考{@link com.mengyao.graph.etl.apps.dashboard.service.SaleAnalysisService.projectContrast()}
- */
- private void projectAvgConsumer(Map<String, List<AreaProjSale>> rs) {
- Map<String, Map<String,List<AreaProjSale>>> pmap=new HashMap<>();
- pmap.put("各项目单均消费", rs);
- //转成json
- String str=JSONObject.toJSONString(pmap);
- System.out.println("====####--projectAvgConsumer##"+str);
- //10各项目单均消费dpac_10
- RedisUtil.setObject("dpac_10", str);
- }
- /**
- * 各项目店铺数量
- * 数据填充自上面的方法
- *
- * {@link projectTypeSaleContrast(SparkSession session,String beginYMDH,String endYMDH)}
- */
- private void projectShopNumber(Map<String,List<ProjectTypeShopNumber>> map) {
- //转成json
- Map<String, Map<String,List<ProjectTypeShopNumber>>> pmap=new HashMap<>();
- pmap.put("各项目店铺数量", map);
- String str=JSON.toJSONString(pmap);
- System.out.println("====####--projectShopNumber##"+str);
- RedisUtil.setObject("dpsn_12",str);
- }
- }
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