
  1. function zsplit(strn, chars)
  2. function stringPatch(str)
  3. --格式化输入包含特殊符号的分割字符
  4. local str_p = str: gsub("%)", "% %)")
  5. : gsub("%(", "%%(")
  6. : gsub("%[", "%%[")
  7. : gsub('%]', '%%]')
  8. : gsub('%:', '%%:')
  9. : gsub('%;', '%%;')
  10. : gsub('%+', '%%+')
  11. : gsub('%-', '%%-');
  12. return str_p;
  13. end
  14. function jbyteCount(jstr)
  15. local lenInByte = #jstr;
  16. local tbyteCount = {};
  17. local totallen = 0;
  18. for i = 1, lenInByte do
  19. --计算传入的字符串的每一个字符长度
  20. local curByte = string.byte(jstr, i);
  21. local byteCount = 0;--这里的初始长度设为0
  22. if curByte > 0 and curByte <= 127 then
  23. byteCount = 1
  24. elseif curByte >= 192 and curByte < 223 then
  25. byteCount = 2
  26. elseif curByte >= 224 and curByte < 239 then
  27. byteCount = 3
  28. elseif curByte >= 240 and curByte <= 247 then
  29. byteCount = 4
  30. end
  31. table.insert(tbyteCount,byteCount);
  32. totallen = totallen + byteCount;
  33. end
  34. -- print('totallen长度:',totallen);
  35. return totallen,tbyteCount;
  36. end
  37. --第二参数可省略 此时默认每个字符分割
  38. if not chars then
  39. chars = ''
  40. end
  41. --没有第一参数或为空值时报错
  42. if not strn then
  43. return "zsplit 错误: #1 nil 参数1为空值!";
  44. end
  45. local strSun = {};
  46. if chars == '' then
  47. --[[当默认每个字符分割时的补充方案.
  48. 因为遇到分割中文时,因为长度问题导致分割错误
  49. ]]
  50. local lenInByte = #strn;
  51. local width = 0
  52. local fuckn = 0
  53. for i = 1, lenInByte do
  54. --计算传入的字符串的每一个字符长度
  55. local curByte = string.byte(strn, i);
  56. local byteCount = 1;
  57. if curByte > 0 and curByte <= 127 then
  58. byteCount = 1
  59. elseif curByte >= 192 and curByte < 223 then
  60. byteCount = 2
  61. elseif curByte >= 224 and curByte < 239 then
  62. byteCount = 3
  63. elseif curByte >= 240 and curByte <= 247 then
  64. byteCount = 4
  65. end
  66. local char = string.sub(strn, i, i + byteCount - 1)
  67. fuckn = i + byteCount - 1;
  68. if (i~= fuckn or curByte < 127) then
  69. table.insert(strSun, char)
  70. end
  71. if (i == #strn) then
  72. return strSun
  73. end
  74. end
  75. else
  76. --endsign结束标志
  77. local endsign = 1;
  78. local ongsubs, gsubs = string.gsub(strn,stringPatch(chars), chars)
  79. print('\n替换结束:',ongsubs,
  80. '\n替换次数:',gsubs,
  81. '\n源字符串:',strn,
  82. '\n格式化匹配条件:',stringPatch(chars),
  83. '\n源匹配条件',chars)
  84. for i = 0,gsubs do
  85. local wi = string.find(ongsubs, stringPatch(chars));
  86. --print('匹配条件所在位置:',wi);
  87. if (wi == nil) then
  88. --当没有匹配到条件时 截取当前位置到最后一个位置
  89. wi = -1
  90. endsign = 0;
  91. end
  92. local acc = string.sub(ongsubs, 1, wi-endsign)
  93. table.insert(strSun,acc)-- (string.gsub(acc, stringPatch(chars), '')));
  94. ongsubs = string.sub(ongsubs, wi + jbyteCount(chars), -1);
  95. end
  96. end
  97. return strSun
  98. end


  1. zsplit(需要分割的字符串[string],分割条件[string])


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