1. SSH连接

Secure Shell(安全外壳协议,简称SSH)是一种加密的网络传输协议,可在不安全的网络中为网络服务提供安全的传输环境。SSH通过在网络中创建安全隧道来实现SSH客户端与服务器之间的连接。虽然任何网络服务都可以通过SSH实现安全传输,SSH最常见的用途是远程登录系统,人们通常利用SSH来传输命令行界面和远程执行命令。使用频率最高的场合类Unix系统,但是Windows操作系统也能有限度地使用SSH。

SSH本身是一个非常安全的认证连接方式。不过由于人过等方面的原因,难免会造成密码的泄露。针对这种问题我们不妨给SSH再加一把锁。当然,增加这层锁的方式有很多种。例如:knockd、S/KEY、OPIE/OPTW、Two-factor authentication等。

2. Google Authenticator

Google身份验证器是一款基于时间与哈希的一次性密码算法的两步验证软件令牌,此软件用于Google的认证服务。此项服务所使用的算法已列于 RFC 6238 和 RFC 4226 中。 


3.Linux 中安装

3.1 系统环境说明

[root@clsn.io /root] clsn.io Blog WebSite
#cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.8 (Final) [root@clsn.io /root] clsn.io Blog WebSite
#uname -a
Linux clsn.io 4.10.5-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Mar 22 14:55:33 EDT 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [root@clsn.io /root] clsn.io Blog WebSite
SELinux status: disabled

3.2 安装 Google Authenticator

3.2.1 安装依赖包

yum -y install wget gcc make pam-devel libpng-devel

3.2.2 Google Authenticator PAM插件安装

# 可在google的github下载
wget https://github.com/google/google-authenticator/archive/1.02.tar.gz
tar xf 1.02.tar.gz
cd google-authenticator-1.02/libpam/
make && make install

安装完成后会在 /usr/local/lib/security/pam_google_authenticator.so生成一个 库文件,


3.2.3 复制so文件

# cp  /usr/local/lib/security/pam_google_authenticator.so /lib64/security/

4. 配置 SSH + Google Authenticator

4.1 初始配置 Google Authenticator

[root@clsn.io /lib64/security] clsn.io Blog WebSite
Do you want authentication tokens to be time-based (y/n) n
# 是否基于时间的认证,为了防止不同跨时区的问题,这里选择n
# s生成的二维码
Your new secret key is: ****
Your verification code is 5****0
Your emergency scratch codes are:
# 这5个码用于在取不到或错的验证码有错时,用于应急用的。不过每个只能用一次,不能重复使用。 Do you want me to update your "/root/.google_authenticator" file? (y/n) y By default, three tokens are valid at any one time. This accounts for
generated-but-not-used tokens and failed login attempts. In order to
decrease the likelihood of synchronization problems, this window can be
increased from its default size of 3 to 17. Do you want to do so (y/n) y If the computer that you are logging into isn't hardened against brute-force
login attempts, you can enable rate-limiting for the authentication module.
By default, this limits attackers to no more than 3 login attempts every 30s.
Do you want to enable rate-limiting (y/n) y

4.2 SSH调用及客户端配置


# vim  /etc/pam.d/sshd
auth required pam_google_authenticator.so
#cat /etc/pam.d/sshd
auth required pam_sepermit.so
auth required pam_google_authenticator.so
auth include password-auth
account required pam_nologin.so
account include password-auth
password include password-auth
# pam_selinux.so close should be the first session rule
session required pam_selinux.so close
session required pam_loginuid.so
# pam_selinux.so open should only be followed by sessions to be executed in the user context
session required pam_selinux.so open env_params
session required pam_namespace.so
session optional pam_keyinit.so force revoke
session include password-auth


# vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

重启 sshd 服务

# service sshd restart

5. 客户端使用

5.1 Android客户端

(版本5.00,更新日期 2017年9月27日)


CLSN镜像地址 https://clsn.io/files/google/com.google.android.apps.authenticator.apk

6.2 浏览器客户端


chrome google-authenticator插件

firefox google-authenticator插件

6.3 Python 客户端

import hmac, base64, struct, hashlib, time

def calGoogleCode(secretKey):
input = int(time.time())//30
key = base64.b32decode(secretKey)
msg = struct.pack(">Q", input)
googleCode = hmac.new(key, msg, hashlib.sha1).digest()
o = ord(googleCode[19]) & 15
googleCode = str((struct.unpack(">I", googleCode[o:o+4])[0] & 0x7fffffff) % 1000000)
if len(googleCode) == 5:
googleCode = '0' + googleCode
return googleCode secretKey = '***这里填秘钥***'
print calGoogleCode(secretKey)

6. 参考文献






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