mybatis sql参考
参考mybatis sql:
<select id="xxx" resultType="" parameterType="">
CONCAT(apply.init_period, CASE WHEN (apply.period_unit_code='1') then '天' WHEN (apply.period_unit_code='2') then '月' END) as init_period_str,
(SELECT dict_value FROM aim_t_sys_dict_data WHERE dict_code = apply.apply_status AND dict_type = 'APPLY_STATUS' AND deleted='0' LIMIT 1) as apply_status_str,
<!-- apply.assets_platform_code, -->
<!-- apply.product_code, -->
FROM aim_t_loan_apply apply
LEFT JOIN aim_t_cust_base cust ON apply.cust_code = cust.cust_code
LEFT JOIN aim_t_loan_assets assets ON apply.apply_no = assets.apply_no
LEFT JOIN aim_t_assets_platform platform on apply.assets_platform_code = platform.platform_code
LEFT JOIN aim_t_product product on apply.product_code = product.product_code
LEFT JOIN aim_t_cust_sub_account account on cust.id_no=account.id_no and cust.id_type=account.id_type
<if test="userPlatformCodeList != null and userPlatformCodeList.size > 0">
AND apply.assets_platform_code in
<foreach collection="userPlatformCodeList" index="userPlatformCode" item="userPlatformCode"
open="(" separator="," close=")">
<if test="custName != null and custName != ''">
AND cust.cust_name = #{custName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="mobile != null and mobile != ''">
AND = #{mobile,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="idNo != null and idNo !=''">
AND cust.id_no = #{idNo,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="loanApplyCode != null and loanApplyCode != ''">
AND apply.loan_apply_code = #{loanApplyCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="assetsPlatformCode != null and assetsPlatformCode !=''">
AND apply.assets_platform_code = #{assetsPlatformCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="productCode != null and productCode != ''">
AND apply.product_code = #{productCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="initPeriod != null">
AND apply.init_period = #{initPeriod,jdbcType=INTEGER}
<if test="periodUnitCode != null and periodUnitCode != ''">
AND apply.period_unit_code = #{periodUnitCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="loanApplyStartTime != null and loanApplyStartTime != '' and loanApplyEndTime != null and loanApplyEndTime != ''">
AND apply.loan_apply_time BETWEEN #{loanApplyStartTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR} and #{loanApplyEndTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="applyStatus != null and applyStatus != ''">
AND apply.apply_status = #{applyStatus,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="approveStatus != null and approveStatus != ''">
AND apply.approve_status = #{approveStatus,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="isOpen != null and isOpen !=''">
AND apply.is_open = #{isOpen,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test='agreementConfirmStatus != null and agreementConfirmStatus=="0"'>
AND (apply.agreement_confirm_time IS NULL or apply.agreement_confirm_time = '')
<if test='agreementConfirmStatus != null and agreementConfirmStatus=="1"'>
AND apply.agreement_confirm_time IS NOT NULL
<if test="loanStartTime != null and loanStartTime != ''">
AND assets.loan_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{loanStartTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="loanEndTime != null and loanEndTime !=''">
AND assets.loan_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{loanEndTime,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
AND apply.deleted = '0'
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