
  jmeter添加了与数据库mysql的连接,编写完JDBC Request之后,运行提示报错”Unknown column 'be7f5b6e750bb6becf85538633864420' in 'where clause'“





  正确的写法为:select * from todo where todo_start = ${todo_start} and user_uuid = "be7f5b6e750bb6becf85538633864420" ;

  顺其自然的,我们从/user/login的reponse获取的返回值uid也为be7f5b6e750bb6becf85538633864420,因我在/user/login中添加的JSON Extra获取了uid,因此在SQL中的写法是将uid直接传给了user_uuid为:user_uuid = "${uid}",运行出现报错。





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