

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using OFFICECORE = Microsoft.Office.Core;

using POWERPOINT = Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint;

using System.windows;

using System.Collections;

using System.windows.Controls;

namespace PPTDraw.PPTOperate


/// <summary>

/// PPT文档操作实现类.

/// </summary>

public class OperatePPT



POWERPOINT.Application objApp = null;

POWERPOINT.Presentation objPresSet = null;

POWERPOINT.SlideShowwindows objSSWs;

POWERPOINT.SlideShowTransition objSST;

POWERPOINT.SlideShowSettings objSSS;

POWERPOINT.SlideRange objSldRng;

bool bAssistantOn;

double pixperPoint = 0;

double offsetx = 0;

double offsety = 0;



/// <summary>

/// 打开PPT文档并播放显示。

/// </summary>

/// <param name="filePath">PPT文件路径</param>

public void PPTOpen(string filePath)



if (this.objApp != null) { return; }



objApp = new POWERPOINT.Application();


objPresSet = objApp.Presentations.Open(filePath, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoFalse, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoFalse, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoFalse);

//Prevent Office Assistant from displaying alert messages:

bAssistantOn = objApp.Assistant.On;

objApp.Assistant.On = false;

objSSS = this.objPresSet.SlideShowSettings;



catch (Exception ex)





/// <summary>

/// 自动播放PPT文档.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="filePath">PPTy文件路径.</param>

/// <param name="playTime">翻页的时间间隔.【以秒为单位】</param>

public void PPTAuto(string filePath, int playTime)



if (this.objApp != null) { return; }

objApp = new POWERPOINT.Application();

objPresSet = objApp.Presentations.Open(filePath, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoCTrue, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoFalse, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoFalse);

// 自动播放的代码(开始)

int Slides = objPresSet.Slides.Count;

int[] SlideIdx = new int[Slides];

for (int i = 0; i < Slides; i++) { SlideIdx[i] = i + 1; };

objSldRng = objPresSet.Slides.Range(SlideIdx);

objSST = objSldRng.SlideShowTransition;


objSST.AdvanceOnTime = OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoCTrue;

objSST.AdvanceTime = playTime;


objSST.EntryEffect = POWERPOINT.PpEntryEffect.ppEffectCircleOut;

//Prevent Office Assistant from displaying alert messages:

bAssistantOn = objApp.Assistant.On;

objApp.Assistant.On = false;

//Run the Slide show from slides 1 thru 3.

objSSS = objPresSet.SlideShowSettings;

objSSS.StartingSlide = 1;

objSSS.EndingSlide = Slides;


//Wait for the slide show to end.

objSSWs = objApp.SlideShowwindows;

while (objSSWs.Count >= 1) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(playTime * 100);




/// <summary>

/// PPT下一页。

/// </summary>

public void NextSlide()


if (this.objApp != null)



/// <summary>

/// PPT上一页。

/// </summary>

public void PreviousSlide()


if (this.objApp != null)



/// <summary>

/// 对当前的PPT页面进行图片插入操作。

/// </summary>

/// <param name="alImage">图片对象信息数组</param>

/// <param name="offsetx">插入图片距离左边长度</param>

/// <param name="pixperPoint">距离比例值</param>

/// <returns>是否添加成功!</returns>

public bool InsertToSlide(List<PPTOBJ> listObj)


bool InsertSlide = false;

if (this.objPresSet != null)



int slipeint = objPresSet.SlideShowwindow.View.CurrentShowPosition;

foreach (PPTOBJ myobj in listObj)



myobj.Path,      //图片路径



(float)((myobj.X - this.offsetx) / this.pixperPoint),    //插入图片距离左边长度

(float)(myobj.Y / this.pixperPoint),    //插入图片距离顶部高度

(float)(myobj.Width / this.pixperPoint),  //插入图片的宽度

(float)(myobj.Height / this.pixperPoint)  //插入图片的高度



InsertSlide = true;


return InsertSlide;


/// <summary>

/// 计算InkCanvas画板上的偏移参数,与PPT上显示图片的参数。

/// 用于PPT加载图片时使用

/// </summary>

private void SlideParams()


double slideWidth = this.objPresSet.PageSetup.SlideWidth;

double slideHeight = this.objPresSet.PageSetup.SlideHeight;

double inkCanWidth = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth;//inkCan.ActualWidth;

double inkCanHeight = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight;//inkCan.ActualHeight ;

if ((slideWidth / slideHeight) > (inkCanWidth / inkCanHeight))


this.pixperPoint = inkCanHeight / slideHeight;

this.offsetx = 0;

this.offsety = (inkCanHeight - slideHeight * this.pixperPoint) / 2;




this.pixperPoint = inkCanHeight / slideHeight;

this.offsety = 0;

this.offsetx = (inkCanWidth - slideWidth * this.pixperPoint) / 2;



/// <summary>

/// 关闭PPT文档。

/// </summary>

public void PPTClose()



if (this.objPresSet != null)



//objSSWs = objApp.SlideShowwindows;

//if (objSSWs.Count >= 1)


if (MessageBox.Show("是否保存修改的笔迹!", "提示", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.OK)





if (this.objApp != null)







本文出自 “我的笔记” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://9891814.blog.51cto.com/9881814/1627298

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