The operator sort_region sorts the regions with respect to their relative position. All sorting methods with the exception of 'character' use one point of the region. With the help of the parameterRowOrCol = 'row' these points will be sorted according to their row and then according to their column. By using 'column', the column value will be used first. The following values are available for the parameter SortMode:


The regions will be treated like characters in a row and will be sorted according to their order in the line: If two regions overlap horizontally, they will be sorted with respect to their column values, otherwise they will be sorted with regard to their row values. To be able to sort a line correctly, all regions in the line must overlap each other vertically. Furthermore, the regions in adjacent rows must not overlap.


The point with the lowest column value in the first row of the region.


The point with the highest column value in the last row of the region.


Upper left corner of the surrounding rectangle.


Upper right corner of the surrounding rectangle.


Lower left corner of the surrounding rectangle.


Lower right corner of the surrounding rectangle.

The parameter Order determines whether the sorting order is increasing or decreasing: using 'true'the order will be increasing, using 'false' the order will be decreasing.


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