
class Util_UmcPlatform{ const INTERFACE_USER_LOGOUT = '/umc-broker-mcloud/umc/logout';
const INTERFACE_SSO_REGISTER = '/umc-broker-mcloud/session/register';
const INTERFACE_GET_ARTIFACT = '/umc-broker-mcloud/artifact/get';
const INTERFACE_ARTIFACT_RESOLVE = '/umc-broker-mcloud/umc/artifactResolve';
const INTERFACE_USER_INFO = '/umc-broker-mcloud/user/info';
const INTERFACE_KEEP_ALIVE = '/umc-alive-mcloud/session/keep.action'; /*
* 定义协议体中的键值
const KEY_JSON_STR = 'jsonStr'; const KEY_REQUEST_ID = 'requestId';
const KEY_IP = 'userIp';
const KEY_CLIENT_VERSION = 'clientVersion';
const KEY_CLIENT_ID = 'clientId';
const KEY_CLIENT_TYPE = 'clientType';
const KEY_PASS_ID = 'passId';
const KEY_MOBILE = 'mobile';
const KEY_EMAIL = 'email';
const KEY_ACCOUNT = 'userAccount';
const KEY_UID = 'uid'; const RERQUEST_METHOD = 'POST'; /*
* 定义协议中的参数(返回)
const CBP_RETURN_KEY_RESULT = 'result';
const CBP_RETURN_KEY_USERID = 'userId';
const CBP_RETURN_KEY_AUTH_TOKEN = 'authToken';
const CBP_RETURN_KEY_PASSWD = 'password';
const CBP_RETURN_KEY_ERRORMESSAGE = 'errorMessage';
const CBP_RETURN_KEY_TOKEN = 'token';
const CBP_RETURN_KEY_CCID = 'ccid';
const CBP_RETURN_KEY_MOBILE = 'mobile';
const CBP_RETURN_KEY_EMAIL = 'email';
const CBP_RETURN_KEY_EXPIRETIME = 'expireTime';
const CBP_RETURN_KEY_EXPANDPARAMS = 'expandParams';
* 定义平台错误代码
const CBP_E_CODE_NOT_EXIST = '10901'; #手机号码不存在
const CBP_E_CODE_WRONG_PWD = '1005'; #密码错误
const CBP_E_CODE_NO_AUTH = '1017'; #没有鉴权
const CBP_E_CODE_NOT_ACTIVE = '1026'; #手机号码没有激活
const CBP_E_CODE_BAD_REQUEST = '1041'; #重复的恶意登录
const CBP_E_CODE_WRONG_TOKEN = '1078'; #生成令牌失效
const CBP_E_CODE_NO_DYNPASSWD = '1104'; #以动态密码权鉴方式登录,但没有选择动态密码下发
const CBP_E_CODE_VERIFY_CODE_FAIL = '1212'; #验证码验证失败平台返回的错误码
const CBP_E_CODE_MOBILE_EXISTED = '1127'; #换号接口返回错误代码新手机已经注册
const CBP_E_CODE_ACCOUNT_SUSPEND = '1120'; #boss暂停使用, 用户登录接口返回 /*
* 定义返回值成功标识
const CBP_RETURN_SUCCESS = '1'; #成功
const CBP_RETURN_FAILURE = '0'; #失败
* 定义错误代码
const E_CODE_JSON_DECODE = 0x1; #json_decode错误
* 定义返回值
const SUCCESS = true; #成功
const FAILURE = false; #错误
* 定义方法返回值的数组的key
const RETURN_KEY_RESULT = 'result';
const RETURN_KEY_UID = 'uid';
const RETURN_KEY_PASSID = 'passId';
const RETURN_KEY_EMAIL = 'email';
const RETURN_KEY_MOBILE = 'mobile';
const RETURN_KEY_ARTIFACT = 'artifact'; const RETURN_KEY_ERRORMESSAGE = 'errormessage'; private static $_self = null;
private static $_conf = null; private $_host = null; private $_result = null;
private $_global_value = null; /**
* $post_data 数组
* $ret string
private function _log($post_data,$ret,$file_index){
$file = "/home/d139/logs/www/Cbp_$file_index.".date('Ymd').'.logs';
$post_data = json_encode($post_data);
$post_data = substr($post_data,0,194).'......';
$ret = substr($ret,0,194).'......';
error_log(date('H:i:s ').$post_data."\n",3,$file);
error_log('result : '.$ret."\n",3,$file);
} protected function __construct( $host='' ){
$this->_host = $host;
} public static function &getInstance( $host='' ){ if ( empty( self::$_self ) ){ if ( empty( $host ) ){
return false;
} self::$_self = new self( $host ); } return self::$_self;
} public function setGlobalValue( Array $arr ){
$this->_global_value = $arr;
} public function sendJson( $method, $options ){ $url = $this->_host; if (empty($options) || empty($method))
return false;
} else {
$options = self::_transact($options); if ( !empty( $this->_global_value ) ){
$options = array_merge( $this->_global_value, $options );
} if ( empty( $options[self::KEY_IP] ) ){
$options[self::KEY_IP] = Util_IP::getRemoteIp();
} if ( empty( $options[self::KEY_REQUEST_ID] ) ){
$options[self::KEY_REQUEST_ID] = time();
} if ( empty( $options[self::KEY_CLIENT_VERSION] ) ){
$options[self::KEY_CLIENT_VERSION] = '1.0';
} $request_url = $url . $method . '.action'; $options = self::_transact( $options ); $json_str = json_encode( $options ); $post_str = self::KEY_JSON_STR . '=' . urlencode($json_str);
$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $request_url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_str);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 4);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 4); $start = microtime(true);
$string = curl_exec($ch);
$end = microtime(true);
$time = sprintf('%01.4f', $end - $start);
$err = curl_errno($ch); $script_uri = Util_Tools::GetRequestUri( 2 );
$httpCode =curl_getinfo($ch,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($httpCode != 200 || $err != 0) {
$error_msg = curl_error($ch);
error_log(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\t".$time."\t". Util_IP::getRemoteIp () . ",".$request_url.", post:".$json_str."\tRet:$string\thttp_code:$httpCode,error_no:$err,error_msg:$error_msg\t". json_encode( curl_getinfo ( $ch ) )."\t".$script_uri. "\n", 3, '/home/d139/logs/www/Util_UmcPlatform_http_error.' . date('Ymd') . '.log');
// else{
// if($httpCode==200){
// if ( strstr($string, '"result":"0"') || strstr($string, '"result":0') ) {
// error_log(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\t".$time."\t". Util_IP::getRemoteIp () . ",".$request_url.", post:".$json_str."\tRet:$string\t,".$script_uri. "\n", 3, '/home/d139/logs/www/Util_UmcPlatform_api_error.' . date('Ymd') . '.log');
// }
// }
// }
curl_close($ch); Util_Log::getInstance()->write( 'Util_UmcPlatform_', "$time, $request_url, $json_str, $string, $script_uri\n" ); $this->_result = $string; return $this->result();
} /*
* 处理平台的返回值,返回需要的结果
* inptu
* result string 平台的返回的字符串,或这异常
* output bool
* ret 为返回的数据
public function result( &$ret = null ){
$json_str = json_decode( $this->_result, true);
if( !$json_str ){#解码失败
return self::E_CODE_JSON_DECODE;
if( is_array($json_str) && array_key_exists(self::CBP_RETURN_KEY_RESULT, $json_str) ){ $ret = $json_str; #返回结果
if($json_str[self::CBP_RETURN_KEY_RESULT] == self::CBP_RETURN_SUCCESS){
return self::SUCCESS;
return self::FAILURE;
} }else{
return self::FAILURE;
} private static function _transact($options)
$tempArr = array();
foreach ($options as $k => $v){
if ( is_null($v) || (is_string($v) && trim($v)==''))
$v = '';
is_array($v) ? $v = self::_transact($v) : $v = (string)$v;
$tempArr[$k] = $v;
return $tempArr;
} }


class Bean_UmcUser extends Bean_Model { private $_platform = null; const VALUE_ST = 'v_st';
const VALUE_CLENT_TYPE = 'v_client_type';
const VALUE_PASS_ID = 'v_pass_id';
const VALUE_MOBILE = 'v_mobile';
const VALUE_EMAIL = 'v_email';
const VALUE_SSO_UID = 'v_sso_uid';
const VALUE_ATF = 'v_atf';
const VALUE_CLIENT_VERSION = 'v_client_version';
const VALUE_USER_IP = 'v_user_ip';
const VALUE_ERROR_CODE = 'v_error_code'; public function __construct( $st, $clientType, $need_validate = true, $keepAlive = false ) {
$app = self::getApplication();
$context = $app->getContext(); if ( $keepAlive ) {
$this->_platform = Util_UmcPlatform::getInstance( $context['_conf']['cbpumc2']['host'] );
$values = array( Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_CLIENT_ID=> $context['_conf']['cbpumc2']['client_id'] );
} else {
$this->_platform = Util_UmcPlatform::getInstance( $context['_conf']['cbpumc']['host'] );
$values = array( Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_CLIENT_ID=> $context['_conf']['cbpumc']['client_id'] );
} $this->_platform->setGlobalValue( $values ); $this->setSt( $st );
$this->setClientType( $clientType ); if ( $need_validate )
} public function ssoRegister() { $account = $this->getMobile();
if ( empty($account) ) {
$account = $this->getEmail();
if ( empty($account) ) {
$account = $this->getPassId();
} $options = array(
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_ACCOUNT => $account,
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_CLIENT_TYPE => $this->getClientType(),
); $ret = $this->_platform->sendJson( Util_UmcPlatform::INTERFACE_SSO_REGISTER , $options );
$this->_platform->result( $data );
if ( $ret ) {
$this->setSsoUid( $data[Util_UmcPlatform::RETURN_KEY_UID] );
$this->setPassId( $data[Util_UmcPlatform::RETURN_KEY_PASSID] );
$this->setMobile( $data[Util_UmcPlatform::RETURN_KEY_MOBILE] );
$this->setEmail( $data[Util_UmcPlatform::RETURN_KEY_EMAIL] );
return true;
return false;
} public function keepAlive() { $options = array(
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_ACCOUNT => $this->getPassId(),
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_CLIENT_TYPE => $this->getClientType(),
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_UID => '',
); $ret = $this->_platform->sendJson( Util_UmcPlatform::INTERFACE_KEEP_ALIVE , $options );
$this->_platform->result( $data ); if ( $ret ) {
return true;
return false;
} public function getArtifact() {
$options = array(
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_PASS_ID => $this->getPassId(),
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_UID => $this->getSsoUid(),
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_CLIENT_TYPE => $this->getClientType(),
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_CLIENT_VERSION => $this->getClientVersion(),
); $ret = $this->_platform->sendJson( Util_UmcPlatform::INTERFACE_GET_ARTIFACT, $options );
$this->_platform->result( $data ); if ( $ret ) {
$this->setAtf( $data[Util_UmcPlatform::RETURN_KEY_ARTIFACT] );
return true;
} else {
$this->setErrorCode( $data['error']['errorCode'] );
return false;
} public function getUserInfo($passId = "", $mobile = "", $email = "") {
$options = array(
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_PASS_ID => $passId,
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_MOBILE => $mobile,
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_EMAIL => $email,
Util_UmcPlatform::KEY_CLIENT_TYPE => $this->getClientType(),
); $ret = $this->_platform->sendJson( Util_UmcPlatform::INTERFACE_USER_INFO, $options );
$this->_platform->result( $data ); if ( $ret ) {
$expandParams = $data[Util_UmcPlatform::CBP_RETURN_KEY_EXPANDPARAMS];
if ( !preg_match("/UseFlag=0/", $expandParams) ) {
$this->setPassId( $data[Util_UmcPlatform::RETURN_KEY_PASSID] );
$this->setMobile( $data[Util_UmcPlatform::RETURN_KEY_MOBILE] );
$this->setEmail( $data[Util_UmcPlatform::RETURN_KEY_EMAIL] );
return true;
} else {
$this->setErrorCode( $data['error']['errorCode'] );
return false;
} private function validate() {
$app = $this->getApplication();
$context = $app->getContext();
$request = $context->getRequestInfo(); $ticket = new Bean_Ticket();
$ticket->setSt( $request['st'] ); $bisSTValid = $ticket->isSTValid( $request['service'] ); if ( $bisSTValid ) {
$expires = $ticket->getExpires();
$tgt = $ticket->getTgt(); $user = new Bean_User();
$user->setToken( $tgt );
$ret = $user->verifyToken();
if ( $ret ){
$this->setPassId( $user->getPassId() );
$this->setMobile( $user->getMobile() );
$this->setEmail( $user->getEmail() );
$this->setErrorCode( Util_Errorcode::SUCCESS_CODE );
return true;
} $this->setErrorCode( Util_Errorcode::ERRCODE_ST_INVALID );
return false;
} }


$conf = array(
'cbp' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
//'lumc' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
'lumc' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
'cbpumc' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
'cbpumc2' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
'cbpwb' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
'cbpwbUp' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
'cbpapi' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
'pim' => array('host'=>'','client_id'=>'100013'), //联系人平台
/** +1服务器配置
'cbp' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
'cbpumc' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
'cbpumc2' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
'cbpwb' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
'cbpapi' => array( 'host' => '', 'client_id' => '100013' ),
'database' => array( 'default' => array( 'host' => '', 'port' =>'3306', 'database' => 'cloud_auth', 'user' => 'aspire', 'password' => 'aspire.de', 'encoding' => 'UTF-8' ) ),
'memcache' => array( 'default' => array( array( 'host' => '', 'port' =>'11211', 'weight' => '50' ), array( 'host' => '', 'port' =>'11211', 'weight' => '50' ), ) ),
'redis' => array( 'default' =>
array( 'host' => '', 'port' =>'6379', 'password'=>'tpQGf3Xf$hZ3YpP', 'database'=>3 ),
array( 'host' => '', 'port' =>'6379', 'password'=>'tpQGf3Xf$hZ3YpP', 'database'=>3 ),
), 'smarty_templates_dir' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '../templates/',
'smarty_compiled_dir' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '../compiled/',
'default_include_path' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '../lib/',
'allow_response' => array( 'html' => 'App_Smarty', 'json' => 'App_Response', 'xml'=> 'App_XmlResponse' ),
'default_class_path' => array( realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../' ) ), 'router_rule' => array(
'registerAndLogin' => array( 'url' => '/registerAndLogin:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'registerAndLogin' ) ),
'sendcode' => array( 'url' => '/sendcode:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'sendcode' ) ),
'register' => array( 'url' => '/register:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'register', 'action' => 'register' ) ),
'unregister' => array( 'url' => '/unregister:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'register', 'action' => 'unregister' ) ),
'validate' => array( 'url' => '/validate:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'validate', 'action' => 'validate' ) ),
'convert' => array( 'url' => '/convert:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'convert', 'action' => 'convert' ) ),
'wblogin' => array( 'url' => '/wblogin:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'wblogin' ) ),
'ssoRegister' => array( 'url' => '/ssoRegister:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'umc', 'action' => 'getsso') ),
'getArtifact' => array( 'url' => '/getArtifact:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'umc', 'action' => 'getArtifact') ),
'keepAlive' => array( 'url' => '/keepAlive:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'umc', 'action' => 'keepalive') ),
'activate' => array( 'url' => '/activate:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'umc', 'action' => 'activate') ),
'userInfo' => array( 'url' => '/userInfo:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'user', 'action' => 'umcInfo') ),
'getUserId' => array( 'url' => '/getUserId:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'user', 'action' => 'getUserId') ),
'getUserState' => array( 'url' => '/getUserState:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'user', 'action' => 'getUserState') ),
'getCancelTime' => array( 'url' => '/getCancelTime:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'user', 'action' => 'getCancelTime') ),
'renew' => array( 'url' => '/renew:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'renew') ),
'getUserProfileByMobile' => array( 'url' => '/getUserProfileByMobile:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'user', 'action' => 'getUserProfileByMobile') ), //登录相关
array( 'url' => '/sms/login:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'login' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/sso/login:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'login' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/atrifact/login:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'login' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/pwd/login:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'login' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/credential/login:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'login' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/sms/registerAndLogin:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'registerAndLogin' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/credential/registerAndLogin:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'registerAndLogin' ) ), //令牌相关
array( 'url' => '/token/validate:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'validate', 'action' => 'validate' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/token/renew:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'renew' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/token/account/get:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'getAccount' ) ), //短信下发
array( 'url' => '/sms/send:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login', 'action' => 'sendcode' ) ), //帐号相关
array( 'url' => '/umc/activate:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'umc', 'action' => 'activate' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/user/register:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'register', 'action' => 'register' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/sms/register:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'register', 'action' => 'register' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/credential/register:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'register', 'action' => 'register' ) ), //用户相关
array( 'url' => '/user/getState:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'user', 'action' => 'getUserState') ),
array( 'url' => '/user/getUid:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'user', 'action' => 'getUserId') ),
array( 'url' => '/user/getInfo:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'user', 'action' => 'umcInfo') ), //用管SSO
array( 'url' => '/umc/getSso:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'umc', 'action' => 'getsso') ),
array( 'url' => '/atrifact/get:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'umc', 'action' => 'getArtifact') ),
array( 'url' => '/umc/keepAlive:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'umc', 'action' => 'keepalive') ), //手机号码相关
array( 'url' => '/mobile/operator:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'user', 'action' => 'getOperator') ), //令牌转换
array( 'url' => '/conv2fetion:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'convert', 'action' => 'convert2fetion' ) ), //存储相关
array( 'url' => '/store/setParams:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'store', 'action' => 'setParams') ),
array( 'url' => '/store/getParams:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'store', 'action' => 'getParams') ), //号簿帐号相磁
array( 'url' => '/vip/apply:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'vip', 'action' => 'apply' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/vip/open:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'vip', 'action' => 'open' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/vip/close:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'vip', 'action' => 'close' ) ),
array( 'url' => '/vip/subGet:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'vip', 'action' => 'subGet' ) ), 'login' => array( 'url' => '/:action:response_type', 'param' => array( 'module' => 'login' ) ),
'default' => array( 'url' => '/:module/:action:response_type', )
), 'sso_url_weili' => 'http://weili.cmpower.cn/api/user_info', // +1地址 'tokenvalidate_server' => array (
'url' => '',
//'urlfetion' => 'http://north.cmpassport.com/api/tokenValidate',
'urlfetion' => 'http://wap.cmpassport.com:8080/api/tokenValidate',
'version' => '1.0',
'sourceid' => '001023',
'apptype' => '5'
), 'ucentervalidate_server' => 'http://www.cmpassport.com:4300/openapi/s?func=UAVerifyTokenRequest', 'sso_url_weibo' => '',
'path_key_der_cytoken' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '../data/auth-pub-v1.der',
'mcloud_server' => 'http://api.cytxl.com.cn', //+1服务器配置
//'mcloud_server' => 'http://api.cytxl.com.cn:6080', 'mid_server' => '',
'139mail_ssoserver' => 'http://ssointerface.mail.10086.cn:8080/ssointerface/GetUserByKey',
'fx_ssiportal_server' => 'https://uid.fetion.com.cn',
'sxy_server' => '!checkCredential.action',
'fujian_key' => 'fw75$^IEa83', //福建移动通讯助手Des算法:key
'fujian_ivs' => array(12, 105, 5, 40, 94, 64, 113, 48), //福建移动通讯助手Des算法偏移量:ivs
'default_service' => 'http://auth.cytxl.com.cn',
'default_access_log_filename' => 'mcloud_cas_access.',
'default_error_log_filename' => 'mcloud_cas_error.',
'default_expired_log_filename' => 'mcloud_cas_expired.',
'default_log_dir' => '/home/d139/logs',
'tgt_iplist' => array('','','','',),
'ssoLoginApp' => array('4186d8e89861735346686ffcdc9a0427','5681864af839cd7a8504b8d8ff0c532e','25ea5e13d9caa694682b1ba4624d07cd' ,'8e37ca98026946537eb687114fc2829b',
); define('LOG_PATH', '/home/d139/logs');


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    1.环境配置 (可参考uni-官网的环境配置) common文件夹下新建config.js let url_config = "" if(process.env.NODE_ENV ...

  3. 业务逻辑:完成客户下单后前台系统的数据处理并调用后台系统服务处理业务 webservice接口调用 有用

    思路: 页面提交表单后,在Action类中将页面提交的参数进行组装,随后通过使用Webservice技术来远程调用后台系统的业务接口服务来进行订单的保存操作 操作步骤: 在前台系统的Action类中通 ...

  4. 微信公众平台接口调用第一步(获取access_token)

    最近公司需要开发微信公众号,闲着无聊就写写博客,希望能帮到你我 上代码: package test; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList ...

  5. 图片美化增强AI接口调用手册

    在调合合AI平台提供的图片美化增强API接口,API平台链接:https://ai.ccint.com/doc/api/crop_enhance_image, 因为有遇到一些问题,写篇博客记录一下 A ...

  6. Java微信公众平台接口封装源码分享

    前言:      这篇博客是在三月初动手项目的时候准备写的,但是为了完成项目只好拖延时间写这篇博客,顺便也可以在项目中应用我自己总结的的一些经验.今天看来,这些方法的应用还是可以的,至少实现了我之前的 ...

  7. 关于公众平台接口不再支持HTTP方式调用的公告

    为保证数据传输安全,提高业务安全性,公众平台将不再支持HTTP方式调用.避免影响正常使用中含有HTTP方式调用的服务,请开发者尽快调整,将现有通过HTTP方式调用的切换成HTTPS调用,平台将于201 ...

  8. 关于调用三方平台接口与推送接口的总结<二>(2020.7.27)

    前言:本篇博客是接着上篇总结写的,想了解怎么对接第三方平台接口的同学可以看我上一篇博客,地址是  https://www.cnblogs.com/alanturingson/p/13377500.ht ...

  9. 微信公众号开发C#系列-4、获取接口调用凭证

    概述 获取接口调用凭证实质就是获取access_token.在微信接口开发中,许多服务的使用都离不开Access Token,Access Token相当于打开这些服务的钥匙,正常情况下会在7200秒 ...


  1. 解决在django中应用keras模型时出现的ValueError("Tensor %s is not an element of this graph." % obj)问题

    用keras训练好模型,再在django初始化加载模型,这个过程没有问题,但是在调用到模型执行model.predict()的时候就报错: raise ValueError("Tensor ...

  2. [Linux] sed命令使用之在文件中快速删除/增加指定行

    1.删除文档的第一行 sed -i '1d' <file> 2.删除文档的最后一行sed -i '$d' <file> 3.在文档指定行中增加一行例如文档如下:echo &qu ...

  3. web前端开发中的命名规范

      (一)主体 头:header 内容:content/container 尾:footer 导航:nav 侧栏:sidebar 栏目:column 页面外围控制整体布局宽度:wrapper 左右中: ...

  4. 对于KVO,你真的了解么?

      目录 关于面试 官方文档 核心代码 (Key-Value Observing) 进阶(手动创建KVO) 关于isa指针 参考文章链接 一.关于面试 面试官:谈一谈你对KVO的理解? A:添加响应者 ...

  5. 原 the app referencesnon-public selectors in payload

    摘要 当我们上传验证的时候,出现了the app referencesnon-public selectors in payload/项目名.app/项目:字符 的警告的解决办法 当我们上传验证的时候 ...

  6. 读文件名,shell


  7. Ubuntu12.04中Gvim无法固定到启动器的解决办法

    sudo vim /usr/share/applications/gvim.desktop 修改Categories键值如下: Categories=Application;Development;

  8. CentOS7 firewalld设置端口

    Centos升级到7之后,发现无法使用iptables控制Linuxs的端口,google之后发现Centos 7使用firewalld代替了原来的iptables.下面记录如何使用firewalld ...

  9. JanusGraph Server配置

    转自:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiyuqi/p/320267ff0b5052fad4613945e58ea1f1.html JanusGraph使用Gremlin Server ...

  10. 如何优雅的使用RabbitMQ(转)

    RabbitMQ无疑是目前最流行的消息队列之一,对各种语言环境的支持也很丰富,作为一个.NET developer有必要学习和了解这一工具.消息队列的使用场景大概有3种: 1.系统集成,分布式系统的设 ...