Speaker: Andrew Ng
1. Introduction

1.A comptuter program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if it's performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.
例子:predict weather
a. The weather prediction task. 机器学习要完成的目标和任务T
b. The probability of it correctly predicting a future date's weather. 机器学习结果的评价P
c. The process of the algorithm examining a large amount of historical weather data. 机器学习的过程E 

2. 假设自己工作在一个气象监测站,对于每天的天气需要做出是晴天、多云、下雨三种。用机器学习算法预测明天天气,这是一个Regression(回归)问题还是一个Classification(分类)问题。
a. 在气象站工作,预测5pm时候是否会下雨。 Classification
b. 在股市工作,预测一只股票明早的价格。 Regression

3. Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning 监督学习与非监督学习
a. 分别给50篇男作者和50篇女作者写的文章,预测一个新的作者写的文章,作者是男的还是女的。 监督,分类。
b. 病人患心脏病的医疗记录,找出不同病人的簇Cluster。非监督,聚类
c. 检查网站,分类是对儿童友好还是针对成年人的。监督,分类
d. 给1000个病人的用药记录,发现是否有不同的类别或类型对于药物反应。非监督,聚类。

4.Machine Learning Definition
Machine learning is the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.----  Arthur Samuel

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