幻灯片放映模式切换windows terminal背景图片


幻灯片模式自动切换windows terminal的背景图片,可自定义包含图片的目录、切换频率等。

使用命令python change_tty_image.py --help查看使用帮助。



近期在折腾windows terminal,于我而言这款终端软件也基本完全替代xshell,特别是win 10内置了ssh, scp等命令,用起来非常舒服和流畅。再和wsl结合起来一起玩,简直爽到飞起。

windows terminal可以自定义主题样式,自定义背景图片。作为一个伪二次元爱好者,当然要把背景换成adroable的小姐姐!

然而,每次终端只能设置一张图片,根本无法滿足敲命令的时候看不一样的二次元小姐姐的需求。联想到windows可以设定图片目录,并选择幻灯片模式动态切换桌面背景,于是去google一番,发现windows terminalsettings.json好像没有这个选项。查阅[官方文档](Windows Terminal Appearance Profile Settings | Microsoft Docs)如下:


所以,如果想要自动切换windows terminal的背景图片,有一个折中方案:把backgroundImage设置为desktopWallpaper,然后桌面背景搞成幻灯片模式,也就是下面这样子:


但是像我这样壁纸比较多的收藏家,正愁壁纸多得无处安放,怎么能把desktopwindows terminal设置成一样的背景呢?这多不合适!

于是,我花了1个小时,用python写了一个简单的脚本,支持设置壁纸目录更新频率随机更新功能,每个固定时间就为windows terminal切换一张背景图片。



  • 定时任务
  • 修改windows terminalsettings.json中的backgroundImage项,切换为指定目录下的图片路径,并进行轮循设置。


  • 使用time.sleep()设置定时任务。这应该是简单的方式了,适合简单的定时任务触发。
  • 使用IO操作,先读取指定目录的所有image路径,然后取一个路径出来,替换掉backgroundImage的值即可。


  • time模块获取时间,方便记录日志
  • random模块获取随机数,得到随机图片,显然,此处无需使用安全随机数生成器
  • os.walk()遍历所有目录下所有的图片路径
  • 设置临时文件,读配置的时候,边读边写,然后可以使用re模块,正则匹配含有backgroundImage的行,替换掉路径
  • 线程休眠实现定时任务


  • python change_tty_image.py -h查看帮助
  • 确保settings.json中已经预定义了一个路径
  • 每次开始任务之前会备份一份配置文件,不用担心原有配置丢失
  • 更新频率至少为10 min,太快了不就走马观花
  • 建议使用pythonw后台运行脚本






# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
@File : change_tty_image.py
@Time : 2021/04/08 21:00:20
@Author : Roderick Chan
@Email : ch22166@163.com
@Desc : Change windows-terminal background image automatically
''' import os
import sys
import functools
import random
import re
import time # key word to set image
key_word = "\"backgroundImage\"" # help message
help_msg = """
python change_tty_image.py [settings_path] [picture_directory] [update_frequency] [random]
Change windows-terminal background image automatically.
settings_path: [required]
The absolute path of windows-terminal setting file.
picture_directory: [required]
A absolute directory path fulled with pictures, only support 'png', 'jpg', 'gif'.
update_frequency: [required]
The frequency to update image, should be more than 10, default value is 30, which represents 30min.
random: [optional]
Select image randomly or not. Default value: False.
1. Use `python` to run this script and output log-info on the screen.
2. Use `pythonw` to run this script in the background and output nothing, but your can use 'tasklist' and 'taskkill' to stop.
3. recommendation command:
pythonw change_tty_image.py [settings_path] [picture_directory] [update_frequency] [random] > change_image.log
4. Use `python change_tty_image.py -h` to get help.
""" def get_time():
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) def log(msg):
print("\033[1;32mINFO\033[0m: {} \033[1;34mTime\033[0m: {}\n".format(msg, get_time())) # parse args
# check args
args = sys.argv
arg_len = len(args) # show help
if len(args) > 1 and (args[1] == "-h" or args[1] == "--help"):
sys.exit(0) if arg_len < 4 or arg_len > 5:
print("\033[1;31m[-] Args Error!\033[0m\n")
sys.exit(-1) # validate args
settings_path = args[1]
picture_directory = args[2]
update_frequency = args[3]
random_enabled = False
if arg_len == 5:
random_enabled = bool(args[4]) assert os.path.exists(settings_path), "settings_path doesn't exist."
assert os.path.isfile(settings_path), "settings_path is not a file path."
assert os.path.exists(picture_directory), "picture_directory doesn't exist."
assert os.path.isdir(picture_directory), "picture_directory is not a dir path." # process settings_path
settings_dir, settings_full_name = os.path.split(settings_path)
settings_name, setting_suffix = os.path.splitext(settings_full_name)
backup_setting_path = os.path.join(settings_dir, settings_name + "_backup" + setting_suffix)
tmp_setting_path = os.path.join(settings_dir, settings_name + "_tmpfile" + setting_suffix) # process update_frequency
if update_frequency.isdecimal():
update_frequency = int(update_frequency)
if update_frequency < 10:
update_frequency = 30
update_frequency = 30
log('settings_path: {}'.format(settings_path))
log('backup_setting_path: {}'.format(backup_setting_path))
log('picture_directory: {}'.format(picture_directory))
log('update_frequency: {}'.format(update_frequency))
log('random_enabled: {}'.format(random_enabled)) # get all picture path
all_picture_path = []
support_suffix = ('.jpg', '.png', '.gif')
for r, dl, fl in os.walk(picture_directory,):
for f in fl:
is_ok = functools.reduce(lambda a, b : a or b, map(lambda x: f.endswith(x), support_suffix))
if not is_ok:
# check size
if len(all_picture_path) > 0x1000:
all_picture_path.append(os.path.join(r, f)) assert len(all_picture_path) > 0, 'no pictures appended, check your picture_directory.' # validate settings_path
flag = False
with open(file=settings_path, mode='r+', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
for line in fd:
if line.strip().startswith(key_word):
flag = True
assert flag, "please initial your windows-terminal settings file first, add {} value at least.".format(key_word) log('all_picture_path : {}'.format(all_picture_path)) # back up
if not os.path.exists(backup_setting_path):
cmd = "copy {} {}".format(settings_path, backup_setting_path)
log("execute \"{}\"".format(cmd)) idx = -1 while True:
if random_enabled:
idx = random.randint(0, len(all_picture_path) - 1)
idx += 1
idx %= len(all_picture_path) # replace '\' with '/'
cur_picture_path = all_picture_path[idx].replace("\\", "/")
log('cur_picture_path: {}'.format(cur_picture_path))
with open(file=settings_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as fd_src:
with open(file=tmp_setting_path, mode='w+', encoding='utf-8') as fd_bck:
for line in fd_src:
if not line.strip().startswith(key_word):
res = re.sub(r"({}\s?:\s?)\".+\",".format(key_word), r'\1"{}",'.format(cur_picture_path), line)
fd_bck.write(res) cmd = "copy {} {}".format(tmp_setting_path, settings_path)
log("execute \"{}\"".format(cmd)) cmd = "del {}".format(tmp_setting_path)
log("execute \"{}\"".format(cmd)) # sleep
log("sleep start...")
time.sleep(update_frequency * 60)
log("sleep end...")


windows terminal profile setting:<Windows Terminal Appearance Profile Settings | Microsoft Docs>

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