ASP.Net MVP Framework

Project Description

A project to get you started with creating and designing websites. The
project is intended to provide you with guidance for whatever you want
to do in ASP.Net. We hope to make it easier for you to create and reuse
your websites by focusing on productivity and

NOTE This is NOT the ASP.Net MVC Framework. If you are looking for that, it can be found at

Instead of introducing a whole new framework for programming in ASP.Net,
the purpose of this project is to add all the parts missing from
ASP.Net. We hope to make it easier for you to create and reuse your
websites by focusing on productivity and quality.

For example, when you download the project, you get:

  • exception handling built right in
  • a pre-defined logging facility
  • a sensible directory structure for ASP.Net projects, including space for
    • project management
    • testing
    • configuration
    • automated builds
    • setup and deployment
  • a framework for using the MVP pattern, with code based on a simplified version of the Microsoft Patterns and Practices web client factory.
  • best practices for configuration and security
  • basic web stuff, like favicon and robots.txt files - just to make your life a little bit easier,
  • a routing framework
  • url rewriting
  • an integrated testing environment

The project structure makes it easy to integrate with build servers, such as Teamcity from

In the future, we hope to make your life easier for all your projects, by offering:

  • powershell integration
  • MS Build scripts to create basic project items (presenters and views)
  • theme and skin support
  • built-in workflow for Hub and Spoke patterns, Shopping Carts, and Contact Forms.
  • plug-in support for all ASP.Net applications

For more information, visit Richard Bushnell's blog at

There are no releases yet, but you can use the source code browser to
see what there is. Maybe you could get something from it already. If
not, just throw it away.

If you are interested in helping build out a framework to make ASP.Net
easier to build professional websites with, please contact Richard
Bushnell on his blog at

Last edited Feb 6, 2008 at 4:31 AM by richardbushnell, version 8

Model View Presenter with ASP.NET






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