

[postgres@localhost ~]$ psql
psql (9.2.4)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# create table t_kenyon(id int,vname varchar(30),remark text);
postgres=# insert into t_kenyon(id,vname) values(1,'test_kenyon') returning id;
(1 row) INSERT 0 1
postgres=# insert into t_kenyon(id,vname) select generate_series(1,5),'Kenyon here' returning id;
(5 rows) INSERT 0 5


postgres=# insert into t_kenyon(id,vname) select generate_series(6,8),'Kenyon here' returning id,vname;
id | vname
6 | Kenyon here
7 | Kenyon here
8 | Kenyon here
(3 rows) INSERT 0 3 postgres=# insert into t_kenyon(id,vname,remark) select generate_series(9,11),'Kenyon here','KENYON GOOD BOY!' returning *;
id | vname | remark
9 | Kenyon here | KENYON GOOD BOY!
10 | Kenyon here | KENYON GOOD BOY!
11 | Kenyon here | KENYON GOOD BOY!
(3 rows) INSERT 0 3


postgres=# select * from t_kenyon;
id | vname | remark
1 | test_kenyon |
1 | Kenyon here |
2 | Kenyon here |
3 | Kenyon here |
4 | Kenyon here |
5 | Kenyon here |
6 | Kenyon here |
7 | Kenyon here |
8 | Kenyon here |
9 | Kenyon here | KENYON GOOD BOY!
10 | Kenyon here | KENYON GOOD BOY!
11 | Kenyon here | KENYON GOOD BOY!
(12 rows) postgres=# delete from t_kenyon where id >9 returning id,vname;
id | vname
10 | Kenyon here
11 | Kenyon here
(2 rows) DELETE 2
postgres=# delete from t_kenyon where id <5 returning *;
id | vname | remark
1 | test_kenyon |
1 | Kenyon here |
2 | Kenyon here |
3 | Kenyon here |
4 | Kenyon here |
(5 rows) DELETE 5
postgres=# select * from t_kenyon;
id | vname | remark
5 | Kenyon here |
6 | Kenyon here |
7 | Kenyon here |
8 | Kenyon here |
9 | Kenyon here | KENYON GOOD BOY!
(5 rows)


postgres=# update t_kenyon set remark = 'kenyon bad boy!' where id <7 returning id,remark;
id | remark
5 | kenyon bad boy!
6 | kenyon bad boy!
(2 rows) UPDATE 2



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