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Problem Statement




 1 def longestPeak(array):
2 # Write your code here.
3 longestPeakLength = 0
4 i = 1 # the first one(index 0) can not be the peak
5 while i < len(array) - 1: #check peak element
6 isPeak = array[i-1] < array[i] and array[i] > array[i+1]
7 if not isPeak:
8 i += 1
9 continue
10 leftIdx = i - 2 # expand the left side around peak
11 while leftIdx >=0 and array[leftIdx] < array[leftIdx + 1]:
12 leftIdx -= 1
13 rightIdx = i + 2# expand the right side around peak
14 while rightIdx < len(array) and array[rightIdx] < array[rightIdx - 1]:
15 rightIdx += 1
17 currentPeakLength = rightIdx - leftIdx - 1 # calculate the length of current peak
18 longestPeakLength = max(longestPeakLength, currentPeakLength) # update the longest length of peak
19 i = rightIdx # update i, inside the rightIdx will be the part of calculated peak, we don't need to recalculate
20 return longestPeakLength

Time and Space complexity

Time: O(N)-> outer loop. iterate the array once, inner loop, every element will be checked at most two or three times.(2N + 3N) -> O(N)

Space: O(1)

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