Synthesis = Translation +  Logic Optimization + Mapping


Step 1  Source files

 1) make directory

 mkdir    Lab
cd Lab
mkdir HDL
cd HDL

 2) Verilog code

 // --------- Full Adder -----------------
module fulladder(sum, c_out, x, y, c_in);
output sum, c_out;
input x, y, c_in; wire a, b, c; xor(a, x, y);
xor(sum, a, c_in);
and(b, x, y);
and(c, a, c_in);
or(c_out, c, b); endmodule
 // ------- 4-Bit Adder ---------------------
module FourBitAdder(sum, c_out, x, y, c_in);
output [:] sum;
output c_out;
input [:] x, y;
input c_in;
wire c1,c2,c3; fulladder fa0(sum[], c1, x[], y[], c_in);
fulladder fa1(sum[], c2, x[], y[], c1);
fulladder fa2(sum[], c3, x[], y[], c2);
fulladder fa3(sum[], c_out, x[], y[], c3); endmodule

Step 2  Invoke RTL Compiler

rc    -gui

Step 3  Setting the lib

# This tells the compiler where to look for the libraries
set_attribute lib_search_path
a/lib/tsmc025/signalstorm # This defines the libraries to use
set_attribute library {osu025_stdcells.lib}

  This step I got the following messages: (maybe the osu025 library is not configured correctly)

    Could not find an attribute in the library. [LBR-436]: 101

    Missing library level attribute. [LBR-516]: 1

  library download:

Step 4  Read and Elaborate RTL

# This must point to your VHDL/verilog file
read_hdl ../HDL/FourBitAdder.v
# Elaborate your top-level module
set DESIGN "FourBitAdder"
elaborate $DESIGN

Step 5  Apply Constraints

  Since the design is a very simple, we only set the some operating conditions, for example:

# Setting constraints
set_attribute wireload_mode enclosed       # Use the default wireload operaqtion mode
set_attribute max_dynamic_power 0.0 $DESIGN   # Restrict RC to optimise for dynamic and leakage power
set_attribute max_leakage_power 0.0 $DESIGN

Step 6  Synthesize/Compile

# This synthesizes your design
set MAP_EFF high
synthesize -to_mapped -eff $MAP_EFF -no_incr
# This section writes the mapped design and sdc file
write -mapped > ${DESIGN}_synth.v
write_sdc > ${DESIGN}.sdc

Step 7  Analyze Timing and Power

# report and analyze power and timing
report power > ${DESIGN}.power.rpt
report timing > ${DESIGN}.timing.rpt

Step 8  Exit

# exit

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