生产单根据BOM计算出相应的物料需求,生产领料单stock.picking ( internal moves)

Stock.picking使用工作流自动计算库存量,如果库存量够,则使用 test_assigned() 将 picking的状态切换到 assigned

test_assigned()调用 stock.check_assign() 计算库存量是否够


如果原材料库存量不够,生产单就会处于 confirmed 状态,而不能进入 assigned状态



使用force reservation按钮之后,系统会把picking对应的stock.move预留下来,这样就可以完成移库操作;如工作流所示


picking状态为 assigned的,就是可以完成picking的文档




模型 stock.move


def check_assign(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):

""" Checks the product type and accordingly writes the state.

@return: No. of moves done


done = []

count = 0

pickings = {}

if context is None:

context = {}

for move in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):

if move.product_id.type == 'consu' or move.location_id.usage == 'supplier':

if move.state in ('confirmed', 'waiting'):


pickings[move.picking_id.id] = 1


if move.state in ('confirmed', 'waiting'):

# Important: we must pass lock=True to _product_reserve() to avoid race conditions and double reservations

res = self.pool.get('stock.location')._product_reserve(cr, uid, [move.location_id.id], move.product_id.id, move.product_qty, {'uom': move.product_uom.id}, lock=True)

if res:

#_product_available_test depends on the next status for correct functioning

#the test does not work correctly if the same product occurs multiple times

#in the same order. This is e.g. the case when using the button 'split in two' of

#the stock outgoing form

self.write(cr, uid, [move.id], {'state':'assigned'})


pickings[move.picking_id.id] = 1

r = res.pop(0)

product_uos_qty = self.pool.get('stock.move').onchange_quantity(cr, uid, ids, move.product_id.id, r[0], move.product_id.uom_id.id, move.product_id.uos_id.id)['value']['product_uos_qty']


'location_id': r[1],

'product_qty': r[0],

'product_uos_qty': product_uos_qty,



while res:

r = res.pop(0)

product_uos_qty = self.pool.get('stock.move').onchange_quantity(cr, uid, ids, move.product_id.id, r[0], move.product_id.uom_id.id, move.product_id.uos_id.id)['value']['product_uos_qty']

move_id = self.copy(cr, uid, move.id, {'product_uos_qty': product_uos_qty, 'product_qty': r[0], 'location_id': r[1]})


if done:

count += len(done)

self.write(cr, uid, done, {'state': 'assigned'})


if count:

for pick_id in pickings:

wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")

wf_service.trg_write(uid, 'stock.picking', pick_id, cr)

return count



模型 product.product

def _product_available(self, cr, uid, ids, field_names=None, arg=False, context=None):

""" Finds the incoming and outgoing quantity of product.

@return: Dictionary of values


if not field_names:

field_names = []

if context is None:

context = {}

res = {}

for id in ids:

res[id] = {}.fromkeys(field_names, 0.0)

for f in field_names:

c = context.copy()

if f == 'qty_available':

c.update({ 'states': ('done',), 'what': ('in', 'out') })

if f == 'virtual_available':

c.update({ 'states': ('confirmed','waiting','assigned','done'), 'what': ('in', 'out') })

if f == 'incoming_qty':

c.update({ 'states': ('confirmed','waiting','assigned'), 'what': ('in',) })

if f == 'outgoing_qty':

c.update({ 'states': ('confirmed','waiting','assigned'), 'what': ('out',) })

stock = self.get_product_available(cr, uid, ids, context=c)

for id in ids:

res[id][f] = stock.get(id, 0.0)

return res


模型 mrp.production

def force_production(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):

""" Assigns products.

@param *args: Arguments

@return: True


pick_obj = self.pool.get('stock.picking')

pick_obj.force_assign(cr, uid, [prod.picking_id.id for prod in self.browse(cr, uid, ids)])

return True




模型 stock.picking

def force_assign(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):

""" Changes state of picking to available if moves are confirmed or waiting.

@return: True


wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")

for pick in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):

move_ids = [x.id for x in pick.move_lines if x.state in ['confirmed','waiting']]

self.pool.get('stock.move').force_assign(cr, uid, move_ids)

wf_service.trg_write(uid, 'stock.picking', pick.id, cr)

return True



模型 stock.move

def force_assign(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):

""" Changes the state to assigned.

@return: True


self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'assigned'})

wf_service = netsvc.LocalService('workflow')

for move in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context):

if move.picking_id:

wf_service.trg_write(uid, 'stock.picking', move.picking_id.id, cr)

return True




工作流 -生产单 -调用拣货子流程




工作流 -拣货单



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