
    yum install screen

Useful screen commands

List a particular users screen sessions:

        screen -list username/ (the forward slash is important)

List your own active screen sessions:

        screen -ls

Re-attach to a specific users screen and session:

        screen -x username/shared-session

Start a screen session and give it a unique name:

        screen -S somename

Detach from a running screen session leaving it running in the background:

        Hit the key combination: Control + A/a + D/d (not case sensitive)

Re-attach to a specific screen you've named:

        screen -R somename

Power detach a screen that you are logged into from another location:

This is helpful if you've been accidentally disconnected from ssh while in a remote screen session and it's still attached.

        screen -D somename

Delete Screen:

    screen -S session_name -X quit

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