iPhone4 is so much more than just a new products.
I mean this would have a lot of impact on the way in which we can connect with each other.
In 2007, iphone reinvented a phone.
In 2008, Iphone3 brought faster 3G networking and revolutionary Appstore.
In 2009, Iphone3GS was twice as fast and brought up new features
like video recording.
For 2010, iphone4 is the biggest leap forward since ritual
iphone. we are introducing amazing retina display and we are bringing video calling to the world.
We call it FACE TIME.
It's gonna change the way we communicate forever.
The very first time I had a face time call.
I was blown away. Because it is amazing, engaging, personal .
It'a all about connecting people. I think my own
children like 7 or 8 years will be out for college.
and I can image I'll be able to call them and see them and also look into
their eyes and see how they are really doing.
What makes it Even better is that it switchs from the front camera to back camera.
So you can show someone what you are seeing.
because it's so mobile as your phone.
you will chart anywhere with WIFI.
What's amazing, every time... I've been years ago, you cann't help smug.
you cann't believe this is real, this's actually happening.
Another thing we really excited about on the new iphone4 is the Retina
display. it's the highest resultion display ever built in your Phone.
326 pixels per inch, you get 4 times the pixels as before.
so instead of the fuzzing individule pexels, you get smooth continue
shapes and tongue.
you have something that looks into your eyes like you
are holding a printing page in your hand.
And the level of find details and images just is incrediable.
Another thing that adds sharpness and clearity is optical levitation.
This's a very precise technical process that laminates the cover glass to
the display and eliminates the light flash.
so all of the hard work has been put into this ultra high resoultion display.
This presents with the most visual clarity.
On top of that we use the IPS technology and LED backlight.
So you get most vivid experience in everything you do.
The display on iPhone is blown away.
Apps can show more details than you've ever seen on any device before.
The text is just perfect. iPhone4 is multitasking for all apps.
You can now quickly switch between the applications and everything is exactly as you left it.
If you're like me, you have lots of applications on your phone,
You love a way to easily organize them and find them.
this's exactly the folder does for you.
Take an app and drag it onto another app, and It automaticlly creats a
folder and intelligently names with types of apps you are grouping.
Mail on iPhone4 is incredibly efficient.
you can see all messages from multiple accounts and a signle unify inbox.
and it allows you organize all messages in your boxes by thread.
so you can deal with the single topic all together.
Pictures taken with a 5-mega-pixel camera look amazing.
we even have LED flash. so you can take photos in low light.
Plus the camera captures 720P HD video and up to 30 frames per seccond.
Now not only can you record great video, but also edit your video right on your Phone with iMovie.
The iPhone for user is simplicity. it is easily to use.
Behind it is intense technology.
what's running all these incredible software is an A4 chip.
It's custom designed silicon and with that get you the remarkable speed and efficiency.
It's very a small chip. the one thing we make large is battery.
In fact iPhone delivers up 40% more talk time.
we started with the completely opposing goals, and we wanted to make this
iphone more capable. we wanted to add more features. At the same time, we
wanted to make it smaller and thinner. And that led it to a really
surprising innovations.
we developed an entirely new grade stainless steel.
and after machining, it is incredibly strong but also with remarkably precise.
the steel frame function is as a container.
but also the primary structure giving it more internal value.
we also developed the customed glass that conformable
strength to sapphire crystal(蓝宝石).
but about 30 times harder than plastic.
This glass is not only useing on front of the phone but also on the back.
The quality of material, the manufacture precision,
the advaced technology.
Ultimately, all of these become relevant when you just hold it in your
Even if face time is only feature we are delivering. This mean an
amazing new iphone. but it is the fact that we get the retina display,
5-mega-pixel camera, high definition video recording, A4 chip, big
batteray, all is in the thinner product.
This is gonna change everything all over again.





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