

1. 创建set集合,会自动转换成set类型

2. add():添加元素

 def add(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 添加元素
Add an element to a set. This has no effect if the element is already present.

3. clear():清除元素

 def clear(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
""" Remove all elements from this set. """

3. copy():浅拷贝

def copy(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
""" Return a shallow copy of a set. """

4. difference():取差集,不更新原集合

def difference(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 取差集,不更新原集合,重新生成新的集合
Return the difference of two or more sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in this set but not the others.)

5. difference_update():取差集,更新原集合

def difference_update(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 取差集,更新原集合,不生成新的集合
""" Remove all elements of another set from this set. """

6. discard():删除元素,更新原集合

def discard(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 删除指定元素,更新原集合
Remove an element from a set if it is a member. If the element is not a member, do nothing.

7. intersection():取交集,返回一个新的集合

def intersection(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 取交集,不更新原集合,重新生成新集合
Return the intersection of two sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in both sets.)

8. intersection_update():取交集,更新原集合

def intersection_update(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 取交集,更新原集合
""" Update a set with the intersection of itself and another. """

9. isdisjoint():判断是否有交集,无则返回True

def isdisjoint(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 若无交集,则返回True
""" Return True if two sets have a null intersection. """

10. issubset():判断是否是子集,是则返回True

def issubset(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 判断另一集合是否包含该集合,是则返回True
""" Report whether another set contains this set. """

11. issuperset():判断是否是父集,是则返回True

def issuperset(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 判断该集合是否包含另一集合,是则返回True
""" Report whether this set contains another set. """

12. pop():随机删除一个元素并返回,更新原集合

def pop(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 随机删除一个元素并返回,更新原集合
Remove and return an arbitrary set element.
Raises KeyError if the set is empty.

13. remove():删除元素,更新原集合

 def remove(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 删除指定元素,无返回值,更新原集合
Remove an element from a set; it must be a member. If the element is not a member, raise a KeyError.

14. symmetric_difference():取差集,不更新原集合

 def symmetric_difference(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 取差集,返回一个新的集合,不更新原集合
Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.)

15. symmetric_difference_update():取差集,更新原集合

 def symmetric_difference_update(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 取差集,更新原集合
""" Update a set with the symmetric difference of itself and another. """

16. union():取并集,不更新原集合

 def union(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 取并集,返回一个新的集合,不更新原集合
Return the union of sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in either set.)

17. update():取并集,更新原集合

def update(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
# 取并集,更新原集合
""" Update a set with the union of itself and others. """


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