
/* NSObject.h

Copyright (c) 1994-2018, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.


#if __has_feature(objc_arc)

// After using a CFBridgingRetain on an NSObject, the caller must take responsibility for calling CFRelease at an appropriate time.

NS_INLINE CF_RETURNS_RETAINED CFTypeRef _Nullable CFBridgingRetain(id _Nullable X) {

return (__bridge_retained CFTypeRef)X;


NS_INLINE id _Nullable CFBridgingRelease(CFTypeRef CF_CONSUMED _Nullable X) {

return (__bridge_transfer id)X;










- (BOOL)evaluateServerTrust:(SecTrustRef)serverTrust
forDomain:(NSString *)domain
if (domain && self.allowInvalidCertificates && self.validatesDomainName && (self.SSLPinningMode == AFSSLPinningModeNone || [self.pinnedCertificates count] == )) {
// https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/NetworkingTopics/Articles/OverridingSSLChainValidationCorrectly.html
// According to the docs, you should only trust your provided certs for evaluation.
// Pinned certificates are added to the trust. Without pinned certificates,
// there is nothing to evaluate against.
// From Apple Docs:
// "Do not implicitly trust self-signed certificates as anchors (kSecTrustOptionImplicitAnchors).
// Instead, add your own (self-signed) CA certificate to the list of trusted anchors."
NSLog(@"In order to validate a domain name for self signed certificates, you MUST use pinning.");
return NO;
} NSMutableArray *policies = [NSMutableArray array];
if (self.validatesDomainName) {
[policies addObject:(__bridge_transfer id)SecPolicyCreateSSL(true, (__bridge CFStringRef)domain)];
} else {
[policies addObject:(__bridge_transfer id)SecPolicyCreateBasicX509()];
} //设置policies
SecTrustSetPolicies(serverTrust, (__bridge CFArrayRef)policies); if (self.SSLPinningMode == AFSSLPinningModeNone) {
return self.allowInvalidCertificates || AFServerTrustIsValid(serverTrust);
} else if (!AFServerTrustIsValid(serverTrust) && !self.allowInvalidCertificates) {
return NO;
} //到了这里就说明:
//2.allowInvalidCertificates = YES switch (self.SSLPinningMode) {
case AFSSLPinningModeNone:
return NO;
case AFSSLPinningModeCertificate: {
NSMutableArray *pinnedCertificates = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSData *certificateData in self.pinnedCertificates) {
[pinnedCertificates addObject:(__bridge_transfer id)SecCertificateCreateWithData(NULL, (__bridge CFDataRef)certificateData)];
SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates(serverTrust, (__bridge CFArrayRef)pinnedCertificates); //验证证书是否可信任
if (!AFServerTrustIsValid(serverTrust)) {
return NO;
} // obtain the chain after being validated, which *should* contain the pinned certificate in the last position (if it's the Root CA)
NSArray *serverCertificates = AFCertificateTrustChainForServerTrust(serverTrust); //整个证书链都跟本地的证书匹配才通过验证
for (NSData *trustChainCertificate in [serverCertificates reverseObjectEnumerator]) {
if ([self.pinnedCertificates containsObject:trustChainCertificate]) {
return YES;
} return NO;
case AFSSLPinningModePublicKey: {
NSUInteger trustedPublicKeyCount = ;
NSArray *publicKeys = AFPublicKeyTrustChainForServerTrust(serverTrust); //只要有公钥相匹配就通过
for (id trustChainPublicKey in publicKeys) {
for (id pinnedPublicKey in self.pinnedPublicKeys) {
if (AFSecKeyIsEqualToKey((__bridge SecKeyRef)trustChainPublicKey, (__bridge SecKeyRef)pinnedPublicKey)) {
trustedPublicKeyCount += ;
return trustedPublicKeyCount > ;
} return NO;


NSMutableArray *policies = [NSMutableArray array];

// BasicX509 不验证域名是否相同
SecPolicyRef policy = SecPolicyCreateBasicX509();
[policies addObject:(__bridge_transfer id)policy];
SecTrustSetPolicies(trust, (__bridge CFArrayRef)policies);



    NSArray *serverCertificates = @[@"a",@"b",@"c",@"d",@"e",@"f"];

    for (NSString *trustChainCertificate in serverCertificates) {
NSSet *set = [[NSSet alloc] initWithArray:serverCertificates]; for (NSString *trustChainCertificate in [set objectEnumerator]) {


  • 使用 for (id object in array) 如果是顺序枚举

  • 使用 for (id object in [array reverseObjectEnumerator]) 如果是倒序枚举

  • 使用 for (NSInteger i = 0; i < count; i++) 如果你需要知道它的索引值,或者需要改变数组

  • 尝试 [array enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:] 如果你的代码受益于并行执行


  • 使用  for (id object in set) 大多数时候

  • 使用 for (id object in [set copy]) 如果你需要修改集合(但是会很慢)

  • 尝试 [array enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:] 如果你的代码受益于并行执行


  • 使用  for (id object in set) 大多数时候

  • 使用 for (id object in [set copy]) 如果你需要修改词典

  • 尝试 [array enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:] 如果你的代码受益于并行执行


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