







 class Solution(object):
def addBinary(self, a, b):
:type a: str
:type b: str
:rtype: str
size1 = len(a);size2 = len(b)
if size1 == 0:
return b
if size2 == 0:
return a
carry,ans = 0,""
while size1 > 0 and size2 > 0:
tmp = int(a[size1 -1]) + int(b[size2 - 1]) + carry
carry = tmp // 2;tmp %= 2
ans += str(tmp)
size1 -= 1;size2 -= 1
if size1 == 0:
while size2 > 0:
tmp = int(b[size2 - 1]) + carry
carry = tmp // 2;tmp %= 2
ans += str(tmp)
size2 -= 1
if size2 == 0:
while size1 > 0:
tmp = int(a[size1 - 1]) + carry
carry = tmp // 2;tmp %= 2
ans += str(tmp)
size1 -= 1
if carry == 1:
ans += str(carry)
ans = ans[::-1]
return ans


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