一个段落是由一个以上的连接的行句组成,而一个以上的空行则会划分出不同的段落(空行的定义是显示上看起来像是空行,就被视为空行,例如有一行只有空白和 tab,那该行也会被视为空行),一般的段落不需要用空白或换行缩进。Markdown 支持两种标题的语法,Setext 和 atx 形式。Setext 形式是用底线的形式,利用 =
(最高阶标题)和 -
(第二阶标题),Atx 形式在行首插入 1 到 6 个 #
,对应到标题 1 到 6 阶。区块引用则使用 email 形式的 '>
' 角括号。
Markdown 语法:
A First Level Header
A Second Level Header
Now is the time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country. This is just a
regular paragraph.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog's back.
### Header 3
> This is a blockquote.
> This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.
> ## This is an H2 in a blockquote
输出 HTML 为:
<h1>A First Level Header</h1>
<h2>A Second Level Header</h2>
<p>Now is the time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country. This is just a
regular paragraph.</p>
<p>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog's back.</p>
<h3>Header 3</h3>
<p>This is a blockquote.</p>
<p>This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.</p>
<h2>This is an H2 in a blockquote</h2>
Markdown 使用星号和底线来标记需要强调的区段。
Markdown 语法:
Some of these words *are emphasized*.
Some of these words _are emphasized also_.
Use two asterisks for **strong emphasis**.
Or, if you prefer, __use two underscores instead__.
输出 HTML 为:
<p>Some of these words <em>are emphasized</em>.
Some of these words <em>are emphasized also</em>.</p>
<p>Use two asterisks for <strong>strong emphasis</strong>.
Or, if you prefer, <strong>use two underscores instead</strong>.</p>
* Candy.
* Gum.
* Booze.
+ Candy.
+ Gum.
+ Booze.
- Candy.
- Gum.
- Booze.
都会输出 HTML 为:
1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue
输出 HTML 为:
如果你在项目之间插入空行,那项目的内容会用 <p>
包起来,你也可以在一个项目内放上多个段落,只要在它前面缩排 4 个空白或 1 个 tab 。
* A list item.
With multiple paragraphs.
* Another item in the list.
输出 HTML 为:
<li><p>A list item.</p>
<p>With multiple paragraphs.</p></li>
<li><p>Another item in the list.</p></li>
Markdown 支援两种形式的链接语法: 行内 和 参考 两种形式,两种都是使用角括号来把文字转成连结。
This is an [example link](http://example.com/).
输出 HTML 为:
<p>This is an <a href="http://example.com/">
example link</a>.</p>
你也可以选择性的加上 title 属性:
This is an [example link](http://example.com/ "With a Title").
输出 HTML 为:
<p>This is an <a href="http://example.com/" title="With a Title">
example link</a>.</p>
I get 10 times more traffic from [Google][1] than from
[Yahoo][2] or [MSN][3].
[1]: http://google.com/ "Google"
[2]: http://search.yahoo.com/ "Yahoo Search"
[3]: http://search.msn.com/ "MSN Search"
输出 HTML 为:
<p>I get 10 times more traffic from <a href="http://google.com/"
title="Google">Google</a> than from <a href="http://search.yahoo.com/"
title="Yahoo Search">Yahoo</a> or <a href="http://search.msn.com/"
title="MSN Search">MSN</a>.</p>
title 属性是选择性的,链接名称可以用字母、数字和空格,但是不分大小写:
I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
[The New York Times][NY Times].
[ny times]: http://www.nytimes.com/
输出 HTML 为:
<p>I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/">The New York Times</a>.</p>
行内形式(title 是选择性的):
![alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Title")
![alt text][id]
[id]: /path/to/img.jpg "Title"
上面两种方法都会输出 HTML 为:
<img src="/path/to/img.jpg" alt="alt text" title="Title" />
在一般的段落文字中,你可以使用反引号 `
来标记代码区段,区段内的 &
和 >
都会被自动的转换成 HTML 实体,这项特性让你可以很容易的在代码区段内插入 HTML 码:
I strongly recommend against using any `<blink>` tags.
I wish SmartyPants used named entities like `—`
instead of decimal-encoded entites like `—`.
输出 HTML 为:
<p>I strongly recommend against using any
<code><blink></code> tags.</p>
<p>I wish SmartyPants used named entities like
<code>&mdash;</code> instead of decimal-encoded
entites like <code>&#8212;</code>.</p>
如果要建立一个已经格式化好的代码区块,只要每行都缩进 4 个空格或是一个 tab 就可以了,而 &
和 >
也一样会自动转成 HTML 实体。
Markdown 语法:
If you want your page to validate under XHTML 1.0 Strict,
you've got to put paragraph tags in your blockquotes:
<p>For example.</p>
输出 HTML 为:
<p>If you want your page to validate under XHTML 1.0 Strict,
you've got to put paragraph tags in your blockquotes:</p>
<p>For example.</p>
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