About Us - Tech in Asia - Tech in Asia

About us

Asia is big. Its place in the world, even bigger.

Tech in Asia is an online technology media company based across Asia and the US. As a crew of journalists and bloggers with a culture and passion for new ways of delivering tech and startup news, we’ve bonded together under one goal – to share with the world and our regional audiences on the latest happenings in Asia’s tech and startup scene.

We constantly write news about technology and startups Asia. We also curate from other sources that we think are great. We’ll frequently experiment with data and charts, photos and videos. There’s no office and no printing press, no whiteboards and no J. Jonah Jamieson. With a virtual newsroom that spans many countries, we aspire to find a story, cover it, and send it out to the world within minutes. It’s unconventional, but exciting. Call it an experiment. But as with any experiment, we’ll mess up up occasionally, but always with the best of intentions. We’re learning too, and we’d love your feedback and support to become better.

If you love the tech and startup scene in Asia, and want to learn with us? Great. Get in touch. We can always use an extra hand. If you’ve got special skills, that will be even better. Hadn’t got the time? No problem. Throw your support behind us another way. Send us story tips if you see something that should be covered. Know of a great new startup in Asia? Perhaps an app we should review? We’d love to hear about it!

Advertising and sponsorships are greatly accepted, so we can keep bringing you an alternative news voice — but we do have some ethical guidelines in place, so be sure to check that out. Or, just help spread the word. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or LinkedIn.

Do check back often. Asia grows every second and we’d like to show you what’s new, what’s cool and what’s different. Sure, it’s a big place but we want to make it a little smaller for you.

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