




  1. #! /usr/bin/env python
  2. #coding:utf-8
  3. #折半查找某个元素在list中的位置
  4. def half_search(lst,value,left,right):
  5. length = len(lst)
  6. while left<right:
  7. middle = (right-left)/2
  8. if lst[middle]>value:
  9. right = middle-1
  10. elif lst[middle]<value:
  11. left = middle+1
  12. else:
  13. return middle
  14. if __name__=="__main__":
  15. lst=sorted([2,4,5,9])    #折半算法中list要进行排序
  16. length = len(lst)
  17. left = 0
  18. right = length-1
  19. value =4
  20. result = half_search(lst,value,left,right)
  21. if result:
  22. print result
  23. else:
  24. print "There is no the value that you want to search."



  1. lst = sorted([2,4,5,9])    #这里进行排序。主要是为了得到与上面方法一样的结果。其实,list.index()能够针对不论什么list操作,不一定非要排序
  2. result = lst.index(4)


  1. def find_value_location(lst,value):
  2. result = [i for i in range(len(lst)) if value==lst[i]]
  3. return result




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