

hive> load data [local] inpath '/opt/module/datas/student.txt' [overwrite] into table student [partition (partcol1=val1,…)];

(1)load data:表示加载数据




(5)into table:表示加载到哪张表





create table student(id string,name string)
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';


load data local inpath '/opt/student.txt' into table student;


load data inpath '/user/hive/warehouse/stu.txt' into table student;


load data inpath '/user/hive/warehouse/stu.txt' overwrite into table student;



create table student(id int, name string) partitioned by (month string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';


insert into table student partition(month='2019') values(1,"wang"),(2,"zhang");
insert  overwrite table stu partition(month='2019') select id,name from  student where month='2019';

insert into :以追加数据的方式插入到表或分区,原有数据不会删除

insert overwrite:会覆盖表或分区中已经存在的数据

insert 不支持插入部分字段


from student
insert overwrite table student partition(month='201706')
select id,name where month='201706'
insert overwrite table student partition(month='201707')
select id,name where month='201707';

3)查询语句中创建表并加载数据(as select)

create table if not exists stu
select id,name from student;


create external table if not exists student(
id int ,name string
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
location '/student';



import table stu partition(month='201901')




insert overwrite local directory '/opt/export/student' select * from student;


insert overwrite local directory '/opt/export/student' row format delimited fileds terminated by '\t' select * from student;


insert overwrite local directory '/user/hive/warehouse/export/student' row format delimited fileds terminated by '\t' select * from student;


dfs -get /user/hive/warehouse/student/month=201709/000000_0 /opt/module/datas/export/student.txt;

3)hive shell命令导出

hive -f/-e 执行语句或者脚本 > file

hive -e 'select * from student' > /opt/datas/student.txt;


export table student to  '/user/hive/warehouse/export/student';

export 和import主要用于两个hadoop平台集群之间hive表迁移

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