







#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int MAXN = ; struct node
char op[];
int xc, yc;
int l, w, c;
}; int N, M, Q;
node D[MAXN];
int p[MAXN];
bool vis[MAXN]; int find( int x )
return p[x] == x ? x : p[x] = find(p[x]);
} int main()
while ( scanf( "%d%d%d", &N, &M, &Q ) == )
for ( int i = ; i < Q; ++i )
scanf( "%s%d%d", D[i].op, &D[i].xc, &D[i].yc );
if ( D[i].op[] == 'R' )
scanf("%d%d%d", &D[i].l, &D[i].w, &D[i].c );
scanf( "%d%d", &D[i].w, &D[i].c );
} int ans[] = { };
for ( int i = ; i < N; ++i )
for ( int j = ; j < M; ++j )
vis[j] = false;
p[j] = j;
for ( int j = Q - ; j >= ; --j )
int l, r;
int color = D[j].c;
if ( D[j].op[] == 'R' )
if ( i < D[j].xc || i >= D[j].xc + D[j].l ) continue;
l = D[j].yc;
r = D[j].yc + D[j].w - ;
else if ( D[j].op[] == 'D' )
if ( i < D[j].xc - D[j].w || i > D[j].xc + D[j].w ) continue;
l = D[j].yc - ( D[j].w - abs( i - D[j].xc ) );
r = D[j].yc + ( D[j].w - abs( i - D[j].xc ) );
else if ( D[j].op[] == 'C' )
if ( ( i - D[j].xc )*( i - D[j].xc ) > D[j].w*D[j].w ) continue;
int ww = (int)( sqrt( ( double)(D[j].w*D[j].w - ( i - D[j].xc )*( i - D[j].xc ) ) ) + 1e- );
l = D[j].yc - ww;
r = D[j].yc + ww;
if ( i < D[j].xc || i > D[j].xc + (D[j].w+)/ - ) continue;
int ww = D[j].w - *( i - D[j].xc );
l = D[j].yc - ww / ;
r = D[j].yc + ww / ;
} l = max( , l );
r = min( M - , r ); int xx = find(l);
int yy;
for ( int k = r; k >= l; k = yy - )
yy = find(k);
if ( !vis[yy] ) ++ans[color];
vis[yy] = true;
if ( xx != yy ) p[yy] = xx;
} for ( int i = ; i <= ; ++i )
if ( i != ) putchar(' ');
printf( "%d", ans[i] );
return ;





#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring> #define lson l, m, rt << 1
#define rson m + 1, r, rt << 1 | 1
#define lc rt << 1
#define rc rt << 1 | 1 const int MAXN = ; int N, M, Q;
short tree[][ MAXN << ];
char op[];
int ans[]; inline int max( int a, int b )
return a > b ? a : b;
} inline int min( int a, int b )
return a < b ? a : b;
} inline int abs( int a )
return a >= ? a : -a;
} inline void update( short *color, int L, int R, short val, int l, int r, int rt )
if ( L <= l && r <= R )
color[rt] = val;
//if ( l >= r ) return; if ( color[rt] )
color[lc] = color[rc] = color[rt];
color[rt] = ;
} int m = ( l + r ) >> ;
if ( L <= m ) update( color, L, R, val, lson );
if ( R > m ) update( color, L, R, val, rson ); //if ( color[lc] == color[rc] ) color[rt] = color[lc];
} inline void query( short *color, int l, int r, int rt )
if ( color[rt] != )
//printf("[%d %d]: %d\n", l, r, color[rt] );
ans[ color[rt] ] += r - l + ;
if ( l >= r ) return;
int m = ( l + r ) >> ;
query( color, lson );
query( color, rson );
} int main()
while ( scanf( "%d%d%d", &N, &M, &Q ) == )
for ( int i = ; i < N; ++i )
memset( tree[i], , sizeof(short)*(( N << ) + ) ); while ( Q-- )
scanf( "%s", op );
if ( op[] == 'D' || op[] == 'C' )
int xc, yc, r, c;
scanf("%d%d%d%d", &xc, &yc, &r, &c);
int stX = max( , xc - r );
int edX = min( N - , xc + r );
//printf( "stX=%d edX=%d\n", stX, edX );
if ( r == )
update( tree[xc], yc, yc, c, , M - , );
} for ( int i = stX; i <= edX; ++i )
int stY = max( , yc - ( r - abs( i - xc ) ) );
int edY = min( M - , yc + ( r - abs(i - xc) ) );
//printf("**%d %d\n", stY, edY );
update( tree[i], stY, edY, c, , M - , );
else if ( op[] == 'T' )
int xc, yc, w, c;
scanf( "%d%d%d%d", &xc, &yc, &w, &c );
int stx = xc, sty = yc;
int limitX = min( N - , xc + (w+)/ - );
//printf( "T: %d %d\n", xc, limitX );
for ( int i = stx; i <= limitX && w >= ; ++i )
update( tree[i], max( sty - w/, ), min( sty + w/, M - ), c, , M - , );
w -= ;
if ( w < ) break;
else if ( op[] == 'R' )
int xc, yc, l, w, c;
scanf( "%d%d%d%d%d", &xc, &yc, &l, &w, &c );
if ( l == || w == ) continue;
int limitX = min( xc + l - , N - );
int limitY = min( yc + w - , M - );
//printf("R: %d %d %d %d\n", xc, limitX, yc, limitY );
for ( int i = xc; i <= limitX; ++i )
update( tree[i], yc, limitY, c, , M - , );
} memset( ans, , sizeof(ans) );
for ( int j = ; j < N; ++j )
query( tree[j], , M - , ); bool first = false;
for ( int i = ; i <= ; ++i )
if ( first ) putchar(' ');
printf( "%d", ans[i] );
first = true;
return ;

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