Meeting time:   2015.September.22th 1:00~2:00

Chairperson:    Serg Melikyan, PTL from Mirantis

Meeting summary:

1.About PTL Candidacy

   PIC:   Serg Melikyan 

Desc:   Our PTL(Program Technical Lead) miss deadline for sending his candidacy as PTL for the next cycle.

      So it's up to TC(Technical Committee) to assign PTL for Murano.

      But I think he is still the Murano PTL for the next cycle.

      Becasue lots of people support him.


2.Liberty RC1 Release 

         Murano have some bugs about Murano Application deployment.

       There are 5~6 high level bugs to solve.

     The community is willing to release Liberty RC1 on September 24.

3.Weekly Work

        After setting up the latest OpenStack version,

       By  testing  the Murano Client, I find one bug about Murano --debug.

       There is no information when i typed the --debug.

     This bug has already be merged into the Master branch.


Murano Weekly Meeting 2015.09.22的更多相关文章

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