








  默认使用“diff file1 file2”时,显示差异的行信息。可以使用选项“-q”,仅仅显示异同结果,不同时“Files file1 and file2 differ”。



  1. # file1
  2. i
  3. love
  4. you
  5. # file2
  6. you
  7. love
  8. i





  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q blank blank2
  2. Files blank and blank2 differ
  3. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -E blank blank2
  4. [view@file diffutils]$




  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q blank blank2
  2. Files blank and blank2 differ
  3. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -Z blank blank2
  4. [view@file diffutils]$




  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q blank blank2
  2. Files blank and blank2 differ
  3. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -E blank blank2
  4. Files blank and blank2 differ
  5. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -Z blank blank2
  6. Files blank and blank2 differ
  7. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -b blank blank2
  8. [view@file diffutils]$




  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -b blank blank2
  2. Files blank and blank2 differ
  3. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -w blank blank2
  4. [view@file diffutils]$




  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q blank blank2
  2. Files blank and blank2 differ
  3. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -B blank blank2
  4. [view@file diffutils]$


  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -B blank blank2
  2. Files blank and blank2 differ




  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q blank blank2
  2. Files blank and blank2 differ
  3. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q blank blank2 -I "^#"
  4. [view@file diffutils]$


  1. -i or --ignore-case




  1. # file t:
  2. The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
  3. The named is the mother of all things.
  5. Therefore let there always be non-being,
  6. so we may see their subtlety,
  7. And let there always be being,
  8. so we may see their outcome.
  9. The two are the same,
  10. But after they are produced,
  11. they have different names.
  12. They both may be called deep and profound.
  13. Deeper and more profound,
  14. The door of all subtleties!
  16. # file l
  17. The Way that can be told of is not the eternal Way;
  18. The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
  19. The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
  20. The Named is the mother of all things.
  21. Therefore let there always be non-being,
  22. so we may see their subtlety,
  23. And let there always be being,
  24. so we may see their outcome.
  25. The two are the same,
  26. But after they are produced,
  27. they have different names.




  1. 选项:--context[=lines] (-Clines) or -c
  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -c l t > c
  1. vim左侧打开上下部分分别打开lt;右侧打开c
  1. [view@file diffutils]$ vi -o l t
  2. :vsplit c
  3. Ctrl+W L
  4. Ctrl+w w
  5. Ctrl+w Ctrl+_
  6. Ctrl+w w
  7. Ctrl+w w
  8. Ctrl+w Ctrl+_




  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -C l t > c1
  2. [view@file diffutils]$ vi -o l t


  使用选项: --unified[=lines](-Ulines), or-u;默认3行

  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -u l t
  2. --- l -- ::18.861252990 +
  3. +++ t -- ::30.759311361 +
  4. @@ -, +, @@
  5. -The Way that can be told of is not the eternal Way;
  6. -The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
  7. -The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
  8. -The Named is the mother of all things.
  9. +meless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
  10. +The named is the mother of all things.
  11. +
  12. Therefore let there always be non-being,
  13. so we may see their subtlety,
  14. And let there always be being,
  15. @@ -, +, @@
  16. The two are the same,
  17. But after they are produced,
  18. they have different names.
  19. +They both may be called deep and profound.
  20. +Deeper and more profound,
  21. +The door of all subtleties!



  两个文件的内容并排显示出来,使用选项:--side-by-side(-y)。可是使用 --width=columns(-Wcolumns) 指定显示宽度。

  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -y l t
  2. The Way that can be told of is n <
  3. The name that can be named is no <
  4. The Nameless is the origin of He The Nameless is the origin of He
  5. The Named is the mother of all t | The named is the mother of all t
  6. >
  7. Therefore let there always be no Therefore let there always be no
  8. so we may see their subtlety, so we may see their subtlety,
  9. And let there always be being, And let there always be being,
  10. so we may see their outcome. so we may see their outcome.
  11. The two are the same, The two are the same,
  12. But after they are produced, But after they are produced,
  13. they have different names. they have different names.
  14. > They both may be called deep and
  15. > Deeper and more profound,
  16. > The door of all subtleties!



  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff l t
  2. ,4c1,
  3. < The Way that can be told of is not the eternal Way;
  4. < The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
  5. < The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
  6. < The Named is the mother of all things.
  7. ---
  8. > meless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
  9. > The named is the mother of all things.
  10. >
  11. 11a11,
  12. > They both may be called deep and profound.
  13. > Deeper and more profound,
  14. > The door of all subtleties!


  1. [view@file diffutils]$ ll
  2. total
  3. drwxrwxr-x work work Aug : dir1
  4. drwxrwxr-x work work Aug : dir2
  5. [view@file diffutils]$ tree
  6. .
  7. ├── dir1
  8. ├── l
  9. └── t
  10. └── dir2
  11. ├── l
  12. └── t
  14. directories, files
  15. 文件是一致的时候,没有任何显示
  16. [view@file diffutils]$ diff dir1 dir2
  17. [view@file diffutils]$ rm -f dir1/l
  18. [view@file diffutils]$ diff dir1 dir2
  19. Only in dir2: l
  20. [view@file diffutils]$ touch dir1/l
  21. 当不同的文件是文本文件时,就比较俩文件内容
  22. [view@file diffutils]$ diff dir1 dir2
  23. diff dir1/l dir2/l
  24. 0a1,
  25. > The Way that can be told of is not the eternal Way;
  26. > The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
  27. > The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
  28. > The Named is the mother of all things.
  29. > Therefore let there always be non-being,
  30. > so we may see their subtlety,
  31. > And let there always be being,
  32. > so we may see their outcome.
  33. > The two are the same,
  34. > But after they are produced,
  35. > they have different names.
  36. 把输出简化
  37. [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q dir1 dir2
  38. Files dir1/l and dir2/l differ
  39. 有差异时,不输出
  40. [work@file diffutils]$ diff -q dir1 dir2 >/dev/null
  41. [work@file diffutils]$ echo $?


  1. [view@file diffutils]$ diff bin1 bin2
  2. [view@file diffutils]$ mv bin1/ls bin1/lls
  3. [view@file diffutils]$ diff bin1 bin2
  4. Only in bin1: lls
  5. Only in bin2: ls
  1. 从结果看,比较二进制文件时,仅仅比较了文件名
  1. [view@file diffutils]$ echo $?


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