diffutils's diff
默认使用“diff file1 file2”时,显示差异的行信息。可以使用选项“-q”,仅仅显示异同结果,不同时“Files file1 and file2 differ”。
- # file1
- i
- love
- you
- # file2
- you
- love
- i
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q blank blank2
- Files blank and blank2 differ
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -E blank blank2
- [view@file diffutils]$
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q blank blank2
- Files blank and blank2 differ
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -Z blank blank2
- [view@file diffutils]$
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q blank blank2
- Files blank and blank2 differ
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -E blank blank2
- Files blank and blank2 differ
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -Z blank blank2
- Files blank and blank2 differ
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -b blank blank2
- [view@file diffutils]$
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -b blank blank2
- Files blank and blank2 differ
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -w blank blank2
- [view@file diffutils]$
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q blank blank2
- Files blank and blank2 differ
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -B blank blank2
- [view@file diffutils]$
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q -B blank blank2
- Files blank and blank2 differ
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q blank blank2
- Files blank and blank2 differ
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q blank blank2 -I "^#"
- [view@file diffutils]$
- -i or --ignore-case
- # file t:
- The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
- The named is the mother of all things.
- Therefore let there always be non-being,
- so we may see their subtlety,
- And let there always be being,
- so we may see their outcome.
- The two are the same,
- But after they are produced,
- they have different names.
- They both may be called deep and profound.
- Deeper and more profound,
- The door of all subtleties!
- # file l
- The Way that can be told of is not the eternal Way;
- The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
- The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
- The Named is the mother of all things.
- Therefore let there always be non-being,
- so we may see their subtlety,
- And let there always be being,
- so we may see their outcome.
- The two are the same,
- But after they are produced,
- they have different names.
- 选项:--context[=lines] (-Clines) or -c
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -c l t > c
- 在vim左侧打开上下部分分别打开l、t;右侧打开c
- [view@file diffutils]$ vi -o l t
- :vsplit c
- Ctrl+W L
- Ctrl+w w
- Ctrl+w Ctrl+_
- Ctrl+w w
- Ctrl+w w
- Ctrl+w Ctrl+_
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -C l t > c1
- [view@file diffutils]$ vi -o l t
使用选项: --unified[=lines](-Ulines), or-u;默认3行
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -u l t
- --- l -- ::18.861252990 +
- +++ t -- ::30.759311361 +
- @@ -, +, @@
- -The Way that can be told of is not the eternal Way;
- -The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
- -The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
- -The Named is the mother of all things.
- +meless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
- +The named is the mother of all things.
- +
- Therefore let there always be non-being,
- so we may see their subtlety,
- And let there always be being,
- @@ -, +, @@
- The two are the same,
- But after they are produced,
- they have different names.
- +They both may be called deep and profound.
- +Deeper and more profound,
- +The door of all subtleties!
两个文件的内容并排显示出来,使用选项:--side-by-side(-y)。可是使用 --width=columns(-Wcolumns) 指定显示宽度。
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -y l t
- The Way that can be told of is n <
- The name that can be named is no <
- The Nameless is the origin of He The Nameless is the origin of He
- The Named is the mother of all t | The named is the mother of all t
- >
- Therefore let there always be no Therefore let there always be no
- so we may see their subtlety, so we may see their subtlety,
- And let there always be being, And let there always be being,
- so we may see their outcome. so we may see their outcome.
- The two are the same, The two are the same,
- But after they are produced, But after they are produced,
- they have different names. they have different names.
- > They both may be called deep and
- > Deeper and more profound,
- > The door of all subtleties!
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff l t
- ,4c1,
- < The Way that can be told of is not the eternal Way;
- < The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
- < The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
- < The Named is the mother of all things.
- ---
- > meless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
- > The named is the mother of all things.
- >
- 11a11,
- > They both may be called deep and profound.
- > Deeper and more profound,
- > The door of all subtleties!
- [view@file diffutils]$ ll
- total
- drwxrwxr-x work work Aug : dir1
- drwxrwxr-x work work Aug : dir2
- [view@file diffutils]$ tree
- .
- ├── dir1
- │ ├── l
- │ └── t
- └── dir2
- ├── l
- └── t
- directories, files
- 文件是一致的时候,没有任何显示
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff dir1 dir2
- [view@file diffutils]$ rm -f dir1/l
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff dir1 dir2
- Only in dir2: l
- [view@file diffutils]$ touch dir1/l
- 当不同的文件是文本文件时,就比较俩文件内容
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff dir1 dir2
- diff dir1/l dir2/l
- 0a1,
- > The Way that can be told of is not the eternal Way;
- > The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
- > The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
- > The Named is the mother of all things.
- > Therefore let there always be non-being,
- > so we may see their subtlety,
- > And let there always be being,
- > so we may see their outcome.
- > The two are the same,
- > But after they are produced,
- > they have different names.
- 把输出简化
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff -q dir1 dir2
- Files dir1/l and dir2/l differ
- 有差异时,不输出
- [work@file diffutils]$ diff -q dir1 dir2 >/dev/null
- [work@file diffutils]$ echo $?
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff bin1 bin2
- [view@file diffutils]$ mv bin1/ls bin1/lls
- [view@file diffutils]$ diff bin1 bin2
- Only in bin1: lls
- Only in bin2: ls
- 从结果看,比较二进制文件时,仅仅比较了文件名
- [view@file diffutils]$ echo $?
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