Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'createChild' of undefined

我在使用Ext 4.1.1做grid.Panel,然后chrome爆出这么个错误,无法理解,百度谷歌终于改好了


  1. Ext.onReady(function(){
  2. searchProcess();
  4. });



  1. Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled:true});
  2. Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', basePath + 'javascript/extjs/ux');
  3. Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL=basePath + "images/s.gif";
  4. Ext.require([
  5. 'Ext.grid.*',
  6. 'Ext.data.*',
  7. 'Ext.util.*',
  8. 'Ext.state.*',
  9. 'Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature',
  10. 'Ext.toolbar.Paging',
  11. 'Ext.ux.ajax.JsonSimlet',
  12. 'Ext.ux.ajax.SimManager'
  13. ]);
  15. Ext.define('processRejectDevice', {
  16. extend:'Ext.data.Model',
  17. fields:[
  18. { name:'id', type:'int', mapping:'id', convert:null, defaultValue:undefined},
  19. { name:'userId', type:'string', convert:null, defaultValue:undefined},
  20. { name:'finished', type:'string', convert:null, defaultValue:undefined},
  21. { name:'processType', type:'string', convert:null, defaultValue:undefined},
  22. { name:'destination', type:'string', convert:null, defaultValue:undefined},
  23. { name:'initDate', type:'string', convert:null, defaultValue:undefined},
  24. { name:'reason', type:'string', convert:null, defaultValue:undefined},
  25. { name:'title', type:'string', convert:null, defaultValue:undefined}
  26. ],
  27. idProperty:'id'
  28. });
  29. var searchProcess = function () {
  31. Ext.QuickTips.init();
  33. Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(Ext.create('Ext.state.CookieProvider'));
  35. var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
  36. model:'processRejectDevice',
  37. remoteSort:true,
  38. proxy:{
  39. //异步获取数据,这里的URL可以改为任何动态页面,只要返回JSON数据即可
  40. type:'ajax',
  41. url:'./processSecFile_getProcessByFileid4Ajax.action',
  42. reader:{
  43. root:'items',
  44. totalProperty:'total'
  45. }
  46. },
  47. pageSize:20
  48. });
  50. store.on('beforeload', function (store, options) {
  51. var new_params = {fileid:fileId};
  52. Ext.apply(store.proxy.extraParams, new_params);
  53. });
  55. //分页组件
  56. var pagingToolbar = new Ext.PagingToolbar({
  57. emptyMsg:"没有数据",
  58. displayInfo:true,
  59. displayMsg:"显示从{0}条数据到{1}条数据,共{2}条数据",
  60. store:store
  61. });
  63. var sm = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel');
  65. var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
  66. store:store,
  67. stateful:true,
  68. //collapsible: true,
  69. multiSelect:true,
  71. stateId:'stateGrid',
  72. bbar:pagingToolbar,
  73. selModel:sm,
  74. columns:[
  75. {dataIndex:'id', text:'流程id', width:30, filterable:true, sortable:true },
  76. {dataIndex:'userId', text:'用id', width:100, filterable:true, sortable:true },
  77. {dataIndex:'finished', text:'是否', width:100, sortable:true, filterable:true},
  78. {dataIndex:'processType', text:'流程类型', width:50, sortable:true, filterable:true},
  79. {dataIndex:'destination', text:'destination', width:50, sortable:true, filterable:true},
  80. {dataIndex:'initDate', text:'发起日期', width:50, sortable:true, filterable:true},
  81. {dataIndex:'reason', text:'发起原因', width:100, sortable:true, filterable:true},
  82. {dataIndex:'title', text:'标题', width:50, sortable:true, filterable:true}
  83. ],
  84. height:400,
  85. bodyStyle:'width:100%',
  86. renderTo:Ext.getBody(),
  87. forceFit:true,
  88. viewConfig:{
  89. stripeRows:true,
  90. enableTextSelection:true
  91. }
  92. });
  93. store.loadPage(1);
  94. }


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