
hjs@ubuntu:~$ gphoto2 --auto-detect

Model                          Port


Canon PowerShot SX110 IS       usb:001,002

hjs@ubuntu:~$ gphoto2 --summary

Camera summary:

Manufacturer: Canon Inc.

Model: Canon PowerShot SX110 IS

Version: 1-

Serial Number: 4DC57827F79840BF8F1A8AD63DB3ABC3

Vendor Extension ID: 0xb (1.0)

Capture Formats: JPEG

Display Formats: Association/Directory, Script, DPOF, MS AVI, MS Wave, JPEG, Defined Type, CRW, Unknown(b103), Unknown(b104), Unknown(bf01)

Device Capabilities:

         File Download, File Deletion, File Upload

         Generic Image Capture, No Open Capture, Canon Capture

Storage Devices Summary:


StorageDescription: None

VolumeLabel: None

Storage Type: Removable RAM (memory card)

Filesystemtype: Digital Camera Layout (DCIM)

Access Capability: Read-Write

Maximum Capability: 2147155968 (2047 MB)

Free Space (Bytes): 1551794176 (1479 MB)

Free Space (Images): -1

Device Property Summary:

Event Emulate Mode(0xd045):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] value: 2

Property 0xd04a:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Enumeration [0,1,2,3] value: 0

Size of Output Data from Camera(0xd02e):(read only) (type=0x6) 524288

Size of Input Data to Camera(0xd02f):(read only) (type=0x6) 524288

Battery Type(0xd002):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0,1,2,3,4,5] value: Unknown (0)

Battery Mode(0xd003):(read only) (type=0x6) Enumeration [0,1,2,3] value: Normal (1)

UNIX Time(0xd034):(readwrite) (type=0x6) 1428148490

Type of Slideshow(0xd047):(read only) (type=0x4) 0

DPOF Version(0xd046):(read only) (type=0x4) 257

Supported Thumb Size(0xd02d):(read only) (type=0x4006) a[4] 119,0,159,0

Average Filesizes(0xd048):(read only) (type=0x4006) a[19] 3981312,2785280,2050048,0,254976,2357248,1658880,1142784,0,153600,1126400,798720,569344,0,86016,0,1026048,571392,284672

Size Quality Mode(0xd02c):(read only) (type=0x4006) Enumeration [

a[6] 2592,3456,1,0,0,0,

a[6] 2592,3456,6,0,0,0,

a[6] 2592,3456,11,0,0,0,

a[6] 2112,2816,2,0,0,0,

a[6] 2112,2816,7,0,0,0,

a[6] 2112,2816,12,0,0,0,

a[6] 1704,2272,3,0,0,0,

a[6] 1704,2272,8,0,0,0,

a[6] 1704,2272,13,0,0,0,

a[6] 1200,1600,17,0,0,0,

a[6] 1200,1600,18,0,0,0,

a[6] 1200,1600,19,0,0,0,

a[6] 480,640,5,0,0,0,

a[6] 480,640,10,0,0,0,

a[6] 480,640,15,0,0,0

] value: a[6] 0,0,0,0,0,0

Remote API Version(0xd030):(read only) (type=0x6) 256

Model ID(0xd049):(read only) (type=0x6) 38928384

Camera Model(0xd032):(read only) (type=0xffff) 'Canon PowerShot SX110 IS'

Camera Owner(0xd033):(readwrite) (type=0x4002) a[0]

Firmware Version(0xd031):(read only) (type=0x6) 16777216

Property 0xd050:(read only) (type=0x2) 0

Property 0xd402:(read only) (type=0xffff) 'Canon PowerShot SX110 IS'

Property 0xd406:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'Windows'

Property 0xd407:(read only) (type=0x6) 1

hjs@ubuntu:~$ gphoto2 --set-config /main/settings/capture=1

hjs@ubuntu:~$ gphoto2 --capture-image-and-download      

New file is in location /store_00010001/DCIM/100CANON/IMG_6552.JPG on the camera

Downloading 'IMG_6552.JPG' from folder '/store_00010001/DCIM/100CANON'...

Saving file as IMG_6552.JPG

Deleting file /store_00010001/DCIM/100CANON/IMG_6552.JPG on the camera

Deleting 'IMG_6552.JPG' from folder '/store_00010001/DCIM/100CANON'...

Basic usage

·         gphoto2 --set-config /main/settings/capture=1      # extend lens
·         gphoto2 --set-config /main/settings/output=0       # view finder on
·         gphoto2 --set-config /main/imgsettings/imagesize=0 # max image quality
·         gphoto2 --capture-image-and-download               # snap

hjs@ubuntu:~$ gphoto2

Usage: gphoto2 [-?valLnPTDR] [-?|--help] [--usage] [--debug]

[--debug-logfile=FILENAME] [--quiet] [--hook-script=FILENAME]

[--stdout] [--stdout-size] [--auto-detect] [--show-exif=STRING]

[--show-info=STRING] [--summary] [--manual] [--about]

[--storage-info] [--shell] [-v|--version] [--list-cameras]

[--list-ports] [-a|--abilities] [--port=FILENAME] [--speed=SPEED]

[--camera=MODEL] [--usbid=USBIDs] [--config] [--list-config]

[--list-all-config] [--get-config=STRING] [--set-config=STRING]

[--set-config-index=STRING] [--set-config-value=STRING] [--reset]

[--keep] [--no-keep] [--wait-event=COUNT]

[--wait-event-and-download=COUNT] [--capture-preview]

[-B|--bulb=SECONDS] [-F|--frames=COUNT] [-I|--interval=SECONDS]

[--reset-interval] [--capture-image] [--trigger-capture]

[--capture-image-and-download] [--capture-movie=COUNT or SECONDS]

[--capture-sound] [--capture-tethered=COUNT] [--trigger-capture]

[-l|--list-folders] [-L|--list-files] [-m|--mkdir=DIRNAME]

[-r|--rmdir=DIRNAME] [-n|--num-files] [-p|--get-file=RANGE]

[-P|--get-all-files] [-t|--get-thumbnail=RANGE]

[-T|--get-all-thumbnails] [--get-metadata=RANGE] [--get-all-metadata]

[--upload-metadata=STRING] [--get-raw-data=RANGE]

[--get-all-raw-data] [--get-audio-data=RANGE] [--get-all-audio-data]

[-d|--delete-file=RANGE] [-D|--delete-all-files]

[-u|--upload-file=FILENAME] [--filename=FILENAME_PATTERN]

[-f|--folder=FOLDER] [-R|--recurse] [--no-recurse] [--new]


hjs@ubuntu:~$ gphoto2 --list-all-config >1.txt


Label: Focus Lock


Current: 2


Label: Synchronize camera date and time with PC


Current: 0


Label: Camera Output


Current: Video OUT

Choice: 0 LCD

Choice: 1 Video OUT

Choice: 2 Off


Label: Owner Name

Type: TEXT



Label: Capture Target


Current: Internal RAM

Choice: 0 Internal RAM

Choice: 1 Memory card


Label: Capture


Current: 1


Label: Serial Number

Type: TEXT

Current: 4DC57827F79840BF8F1A8AD63DB3ABC3


Label: Camera Manufacturer

Type: TEXT

Current: Canon Inc.


Label: Camera Model

Type: TEXT

Current: Canon PowerShot SX110 IS


Label: Device Version

Type: TEXT

Current: 1-


Label: Vendor Extension

Type: TEXT

Current: None


Label: Camera Model

Type: TEXT

Current: Canon PowerShot SX110 IS


Label: Firmware Version

Type: TEXT



Label: Camera Orientation

Type: TEXT

Current: 0'


Label: Image Quality


Current: superfine

Choice: 0 superfine

Choice: 1 fine

Choice: 2 normal


Label: Image Format


Current: Unknown value 0001

Choice: 0 Unknown value 0001


Label: Image Size


Current: Large

Choice: 0 Large

Choice: 1 Medium 1

Choice: 2 Medium 2

Choice: 3 Medium 3

Choice: 4 Small


Label: ISO Speed


Current: 800

Choice: 0 Auto

Choice: 1 80

Choice: 2 100

Choice: 3 200

Choice: 4 400

Choice: 5 800

Choice: 6 1600


Label: WhiteBalance


Current: Cloudy

Choice: 0 Auto

Choice: 1 Daylight

Choice: 2 Cloudy

Choice: 3 Tungsten

Choice: 4 Fluorescent

Choice: 5 Fluorescent H

Choice: 6 Custom


Label: Zoom


Current: 0

Bottom: 0

Top: 28

Step: 1


Label: Assist Light


Current: On

Choice: 0 Off

Choice: 1 On


Label: Rotation Flag


Current: Off

Choice: 0 On

Choice: 1 Off


Label: Exposure Compensation


Current: 0

Choice: 0 +2

Choice: 1 +1 2/3

Choice: 2 +1 1/3

Choice: 3 +1

Choice: 4 +2/3

Choice: 5 +1/3

Choice: 6 0

Choice: 7 -1/3

Choice: 8 -2/3

Choice: 9 -1

Choice: 10 -1 1/3

Choice: 11 -1 2/3

Choice: 12 -2


Label: Flash Compensation


Current: 0

Choice: 0 +2

Choice: 1 +1 2/3

Choice: 2 +1 1/3

Choice: 3 +1

Choice: 4 +2/3

Choice: 5 +1/3

Choice: 6 0

Choice: 7 -1/3

Choice: 8 -2/3

Choice: 9 -1

Choice: 10 -1 1/3

Choice: 11 -1 2/3

Choice: 12 -2


Label: Flash Mode


Current: Unknown value 0000

Choice: 0 Unknown value 0000


Label: Canon Shooting Mode


Current: Auto

Choice: 0 Auto

Choice: 1 TV

Choice: 2 AV

Choice: 3 Manual


Label: Aperture


Current: 2.8

Choice: 0 auto

Choice: 1 1

Choice: 2 1.1

Choice: 3 1.2

Choice: 4 1.2

Choice: 5 1.4

Choice: 6 1.6

Choice: 7 1.8

Choice: 8 1.8

Choice: 9 2

Choice: 10 2.2

Choice: 11 2.5

Choice: 12 2.5

Choice: 13 2.8

Choice: 14 3.2

Choice: 15 3.5

Choice: 16 3.5

Choice: 17 4

Choice: 18 4.5

Choice: 19 4.5

Choice: 20 5

Choice: 21 5.6

Choice: 22 6.3

Choice: 23 6.7

Choice: 24 7.1

Choice: 25 8

Choice: 26 9

Choice: 27 9.5

Choice: 28 10

Choice: 29 11

Choice: 30 13

Choice: 31 13

Choice: 32 14

Choice: 33 16

Choice: 34 18

Choice: 35 19

Choice: 36 20

Choice: 37 22

Choice: 38 25

Choice: 39 27

Choice: 40 29

Choice: 41 32

Choice: 42 36

Choice: 43 38

Choice: 44 40

Choice: 45 45

Choice: 46 51

Choice: 47 54

Choice: 48 57

Choice: 49 64

Choice: 50 72

Choice: 51 76

Choice: 52 81

Choice: 53 91


Label: Focusing Point


Current: Multiple Focusing Points (Center)

Choice: 0 Focusing Point on Center Only, Manual

Choice: 1 Focusing Point on Center Only, Auto

Choice: 2 Multiple Focusing Points (No Specification), Manual

Choice: 3 Multiple Focusing Points, Auto

Choice: 4 Multiple Focusing Points (Right)

Choice: 5 Multiple Focusing Points (Center)

Choice: 6 Multiple Focusing Points (Left)


Label: Shutter Speed


Current: 1/30

Choice: 0 auto

Choice: 1 bulb

Choice: 2 bulb

Choice: 3 30

Choice: 4 25

Choice: 5 20

Choice: 6 20

Choice: 7 15

Choice: 8 13

Choice: 9 10

Choice: 10 10

Choice: 11 8

Choice: 12 6

Choice: 13 6

Choice: 14 5

Choice: 15 4

Choice: 16 3.2

Choice: 17 3

Choice: 18 2.5

Choice: 19 2

Choice: 20 1.6

Choice: 21 1.5

Choice: 22 1.3

Choice: 23 1

Choice: 24 0.8

Choice: 25 0.7

Choice: 26 0.6

Choice: 27 0.5

Choice: 28 0.4

Choice: 29 0.3

Choice: 30 0.3

Choice: 31 1/4

Choice: 32 1/5

Choice: 33 1/6

Choice: 34 1/6

Choice: 35 1/8

Choice: 36 1/10

Choice: 37 1/10

Choice: 38 1/13

Choice: 39 1/15

Choice: 40 1/20

Choice: 41 1/20

Choice: 42 1/25

Choice: 43 1/30

Choice: 44 1/40

Choice: 45 1/45

Choice: 46 1/50

Choice: 47 1/60

Choice: 48 1/80

Choice: 49 1/90

Choice: 50 1/100

Choice: 51 1/125

Choice: 52 1/160

Choice: 53 1/180

Choice: 54 1/200

Choice: 55 1/250

Choice: 56 1/320

Choice: 57 1/350

Choice: 58 1/400

Choice: 59 1/500

Choice: 60 1/640

Choice: 61 1/750

Choice: 62 1/800

Choice: 63 1/1000

Choice: 64 1/1250

Choice: 65 1/1500

Choice: 66 1/1600

Choice: 67 1/2000

Choice: 68 1/2500

Choice: 69 1/3000

Choice: 70 1/3200

Choice: 71 1/4000

Choice: 72 1/5000

Choice: 73 1/6000

Choice: 74 1/6400

Choice: 75 1/8000


Label: Metering Mode


Current: Evaluative

Choice: 0 Evaluative

Choice: 1 Center-weighted

Choice: 2 Spot


Label: AF Distance


Current: Auto

Choice: 0 Auto

Choice: 1 Zone Focus (Close-up)


Label: Event Emulate Mode

Type: MENU

Current: 7

Choice: 0 1

Choice: 1 2

Choice: 2 3

Choice: 3 4

Choice: 4 5

Choice: 5 6

Choice: 6 7


Label: PTP Property 0xd04a

Type: MENU

Current: 0

Choice: 0 0

Choice: 1 1

Choice: 2 2

Choice: 3 3


Label: Size of Output Data from Camera

Type: TEXT

Current: 524288


Label: Size of Input Data to Camera

Type: TEXT

Current: 524288


Label: Battery Type

Type: MENU

Current: 0

Choice: 0 0

Choice: 1 1

Choice: 2 2

Choice: 3 3

Choice: 4 4

Choice: 5 5


Label: Battery Mode

Type: MENU

Current: 1

Choice: 0 0

Choice: 1 1

Choice: 2 2

Choice: 3 3


Label: UNIX Time

Type: TEXT

Current: 1428148948


Label: Type of Slideshow

Type: TEXT

Current: 0


Label: DPOF Version

Type: TEXT

Current: 257


Label: Supported Thumb Size

Type: TEXT

Current: (null)


Label: Average Filesizes

Type: TEXT

Current: (null)


Label: Size Quality Mode

Type: MENU

Current: (null)


Label: Remote API Version

Type: TEXT

Current: 256


Label: Model ID

Type: TEXT

Current: 38928384


Label: Camera Model

Type: TEXT

Current: Canon PowerShot SX110 IS


Label: Camera Owner

Type: TEXT

Current: (null)


Label: Firmware Version

Type: TEXT

Current: 16777216


Label: PTP Property 0xd050

Type: TEXT

Current: 0


Label: PTP Property 0xd402

Type: TEXT

Current: Canon PowerShot SX110 IS


Label: PTP Property 0xd406

Type: TEXT

Current: Windows


Label: PTP Property 0xd407

Type: TEXT

Current: 1


Label: Capture Transfer Mode

Type: MENU

Current: 13

Choice: 0 1

Choice: 1 2

Choice: 2 3

Choice: 3 8

Choice: 4 9

Choice: 5 10

Choice: 6 11

Choice: 7 12

Choice: 8 13

Choice: 9 14

Choice: 10 15


Label: Flash Mode

Type: MENU

Current: 0


Label: Flash Quantity Count

Type: MENU

Current: 65535


Label: Flash Compensation

Type: MENU

Current: 24

Choice: 0 8

Choice: 1 11

Choice: 2 13

Choice: 3 16

Choice: 4 19

Choice: 5 21

Choice: 6 24

Choice: 7 27

Choice: 8 29

Choice: 9 32

Choice: 10 35

Choice: 11 37

Choice: 12 40


Label: Image Quality

Type: MENU

Current: 5

Choice: 0 5

Choice: 1 3

Choice: 2 2


Label: Full View File Format

Type: MENU

Current: 1


Label: Image Size

Type: MENU

Current: 0

Choice: 0 0

Choice: 1 1

Choice: 2 3

Choice: 3 7

Choice: 4 2


Label: Drive Mode

Type: MENU

Current: 0


Label: Metering Mode

Type: MENU

Current: 3

Choice: 0 3

Choice: 1 0

Choice: 2 1


Label: AF Distance

Type: MENU

Current: 1

Choice: 0 1

Choice: 1 3


Label: Focusing Point

Type: MENU

Current: 12291


Label: White Balance

Type: MENU

Current: 2

Choice: 0 0

Choice: 1 1

Choice: 2 2

Choice: 3 3

Choice: 4 4

Choice: 5 7

Choice: 6 6


Label: ISO Speed

Type: MENU

Current: 96

Choice: 0 0

Choice: 1 69

Choice: 2 72

Choice: 3 80

Choice: 4 88

Choice: 5 96

Choice: 6 104


Label: Exposure Compensation

Type: MENU

Current: 24

Choice: 0 8

Choice: 1 11

Choice: 2 13

Choice: 3 16

Choice: 4 19

Choice: 5 21

Choice: 6 24

Choice: 7 27

Choice: 8 29

Choice: 9 32

Choice: 10 35

Choice: 11 37

Choice: 12 40


Label: Assist Light

Type: MENU

Current: 0

Choice: 0 1

Choice: 1 0


Label: Rotation Scene

Type: MENU

Current: 1

Choice: 0 0

Choice: 1 1


Label: Shooting Mode

Type: MENU

Current: 1

Choice: 0 1

Choice: 1 2

Choice: 2 3

Choice: 3 4


Label: Aperture

Type: MENU

Current: 32


Label: Shutter Speed

Type: MENU

Current: 96


Label: Zoom

Type: MENU

Current: 0

Choice: 0 0

Choice: 1 1

Choice: 2 2

Choice: 3 3

Choice: 4 4

Choice: 5 5

Choice: 6 6

Choice: 7 7

Choice: 8 8

Choice: 9 9

Choice: 10 10

Choice: 11 11

Choice: 12 12

Choice: 13 13

Choice: 14 14

Choice: 15 15

Choice: 16 16

Choice: 17 17

Choice: 18 18

Choice: 19 19

Choice: 20 20

Choice: 21 21

Choice: 22 22

Choice: 23 23

Choice: 24 24

Choice: 25 25

Choice: 26 26

Choice: 27 27

Choice: 28 28


Label: Camera Output

Type: MENU

Current: 2

Choice: 0 1

Choice: 1 2

Choice: 2 3


Label: Disp Av

Type: TEXT

Current: 0


Label: Av Open Apex

Type: TEXT

Current: 32


Label: Digital Zoom Magnification

Type: TEXT

Current: 3456


Label: Disp Av Max

Type: TEXT

Current: 0


Label: Av Max Apex

Type: TEXT

Current: 56


Label: EZoom Start Position

Type: TEXT

Current: 23


Label: Rotation Angle

Type: TEXT

Current: 0

hjs@ubuntu:~$ gphoto2 --version

gphoto2 2.5.3

Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Lutz Mueller and others

gphoto2 comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may

redistribute copies of gphoto2 under the terms of the GNU General Public

License. For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.

This version of gphoto2 is using the following software versions and options:

gphoto2         2.5.3          gcc, popt(m), exif, cdk, aa, jpeg, readline

libgphoto2        all camlibs, gcc, ltdl, EXIF

libgphoto2_port 0.10.0         gcc, ltdl, no USB, serial without locking

hjs@ubuntu:~$ gphoto2 --capture-image

New file is in location /store_00010001/DCIM/100CANON/IMG_6554.JPG on the camera


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