
介绍逃逸分析的概念,go怎么开启逃逸分析的log。 以下资料来自互联网,有错误之处,请一定告之。 sheepbao 2017.06.10



In compiler optimization, escape analysis is a method for determining the dynamic scope of pointers - where in the program a pointer can be accessed. It is related to pointer analysis and shape analysis.

When a variable (or an object) is allocated in a subroutine, a pointer to the variable can escape to other threads of execution, or to calling subroutines. If an implementation uses tail call optimization (usually required for functional languages), objects may also be seen as escaping to called subroutines. If a language supports first-class continuations (as do Scheme and Standard ML of New Jersey), portions of the call stack may also escape.

If a subroutine allocates an object and returns a pointer to it, the object can be accessed from undetermined places in the program — the pointer has "escaped". Pointers can also escape if they are stored in global variables or other data structures that, in turn, escape the current procedure.

Escape analysis determines all the places where a pointer can be stored and whether the lifetime of the pointer can be proven to be restricted only to the current procedure and/or threa

大概的意思是在编译程序优化理论中,逃逸分析是一种确定指针动态范围的方法,可以分析在程序的哪些地方可以访问到指针。它涉及到指针分析和形状分析。 当一个变量(或对象)在子程序中被分配时,一个指向变量的指针可能逃逸到其它执行线程中,或者去调用子程序。如果使用尾递归优化(通常在函数编程语言中是需要的),对象也可能逃逸到被调用的子程序中。 如果一个子程序分配一个对象并返回一个该对象的指针,该对象可能在程序中的任何一个地方被访问到——这样指针就成功“逃逸”了。如果指针存储在全局变量或者其它数据结构中,它们也可能发生逃逸,这种情况是当前程序中的指针逃逸。 逃逸分析需要确定指针所有可以存储的地方,保证指针的生命周期只在当前进程或线程中。


  • 最大的好处应该是减少gc的压力,不逃逸的对象分配在栈上,当函数返回时就回收了资源,不需要gc标记清除。
  • 因为逃逸分析完后可以确定哪些变量可以分配在栈上,栈的分配比堆快,性能好
  • 同步消除,如果你定义的对象的方法上有同步锁,但在运行时,却只有一个线程在访问,此时逃逸分析后的机器码,会去掉同步锁运行。




开启逃逸分析日志很简单,只要在编译的时候加上-gcflags '-m',但是我们为了不让编译时自动内连函数,一般会加-l参数,最终为-gcflags '-m -l'


  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "fmt"
  4. )
  5. func main() {
  6. s := "hello"
  7. fmt.Println(s)
  8. }

go run -gcflags '-m -l' escape.go Output:

  1. # command-line-arguments
  2. escape_analysis/main.go:9: s escapes to heap
  3. escape_analysis/main.go:9: main ... argument does not escape
  4. hello



  1. package main
  2. type S struct{}
  3. func main() {
  4. var x S
  5. y := &x
  6. _ = *identity(y)
  7. }
  8. func identity(z *S) *S {
  9. return z
  10. }


  1. # command-line-arguments
  2. escape_analysis/main.go:11: leaking param: z to result ~r1 level=0
  3. escape_analysis/main.go:7: main &x does not escape



  1. package main
  2. type S struct{}
  3. func main() {
  4. var x S
  5. _ = *ref(x)
  6. }
  7. func ref(z S) *S {
  8. return &z
  9. }


  1. # command-line-arguments
  2. escape_analysis/main.go:11: &z escapes to heap
  3. escape_analysis/main.go:10: moved to heap: z




  1. package main
  2. type S struct {
  3. M *int
  4. }
  5. func main() {
  6. var i int
  7. refStruct(i)
  8. }
  9. func refStruct(y int) (z S) {
  10. z.M = &y
  11. return z
  12. }


  1. # command-line-arguments
  2. escape_analysis/main.go:13: &y escapes to heap
  3. escape_analysis/main.go:12: moved to heap: y



  1. package main
  2. type S struct {
  3. M *int
  4. }
  5. func main() {
  6. var i int
  7. refStruct(&i)
  8. }
  9. func refStruct(y *int) (z S) {
  10. z.M = y
  11. return z
  12. }


  1. # command-line-arguments
  2. escape_analysis/main.go:12: leaking param: y to result z level=0
  3. escape_analysis/main.go:9: main &i does not escape



  1. package main
  2. type S struct {
  3. M *int
  4. }
  5. func main() {
  6. var x S
  7. var i int
  8. ref(&i, &x)
  9. }
  10. func ref(y *int, z *S) {
  11. z.M = y
  12. }




原文: https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1165660


  1. Golang 内存逃逸分析
  2. 深入解析 Go 中 Slice 底层实现 ***
  3. 以C视角来理解Go内存逃逸
  4. golang string和[]byte的对比
  5. Go Slices: usage and internals
  6. Where is append() implementation?
  7. SliceTricks ***
  8. Variadic func changes []byte(s) cap #24972
  9. spec: clarify that conversions to slices don't guarantee slice capacity? #24163
  10. Golang escape analysis ***
  11. Go Escape Analysis Flaws
  12. Escape Analysis for Java
  13. Language Mechanics On Escape Analysis 中文 中文2
  14. Allocation efficiency in high-performance Go services ***
  15. Profiling Go Programs
  16. https://github.com/mushroomsir/blog/blob/master/Go%E4%B8%ADstring%E8%BD%AC%5B%5Dbyte%E7%9A%84%E9%99%B7%E9%98%B1.md
  17. the-go-programming-language-report
  18. https://golang.org/doc/faq
  19. 年终盘点!2017年超有价值的Golang文章
  20. Golang 垃圾回收剖析
  21. 深入Golang之垃圾回收
  22. https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1165660
  23. https://www.do1618.com/archives/1328/go-%E5%86%85%E5%AD%98%E9%80%83%E9%80%B8%E8%AF%A6%E7%BB%86%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90/


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