

在上一篇中,我们介绍了Word2Vec即词向量,对于Word Embeddings即词嵌入有了些基础,同时也阐述了Word2Vec算法的两个常见模型 :Skip-Gram模型和CBOW模型,本篇会对两种算法做出比较分析并给出其扩展模型-GloVe模型。


其次, 讨论一些有助于提高工作效率的Word2Vec的扩展方法。在学习的过程中,Word2Vec扩展方法涉及负例采样、忽略无效信息等等。当然,还会涉及到一种新的词嵌入技术---Global Vectors(GloVe)及GloVe与Skip-gram和CBOW的比较。




原始Skip-gram模型实际是因为没有中间隐含层(Hidden Layers),而是使用两个不同的embedding 层(嵌入层)或projection层(投影层),且定义了由嵌入层本身派生的代价函数。这里可以对原始Skip-gram和改进后的Skip-gram模型图做个对比。图2-1 是原始Skip-gram模型图,图2-2是改进后的Skip-gram模型图(在上一篇系列一中也有出现)。

图2-1 不含隐藏层的原始Skip-gram模型图

图2-2 含有隐含层的改进型Skip-gram模型图


由于原始Skip-gram模型不含有隐藏层,所以我们无法像上一篇实现的版本那样简单,因为这里的损失函数需要利用TensorFlow手工编制,不像改进版的那样可以直接使用内置函数。实际上就是,没有隐藏层的无法通过Softmax weights和Softmax biases去计算自身的loss。这样在代码实现过程中,主要有两处需要注意,一是 定义模型参数和其他变量;二是 模型计算。

相关数据及步骤与上一篇(系列之一)一样  ,这里重点给出二者的不同之处、以及随Iterations变化的对比图。



# Variables

# Embedding layers, contains the word embeddings
# We define two embedding layers
# in_embeddings is used to lookup embeddings corresponding to target words (inputs)
in_embeddings = tf.Variable(
tf.random_uniform([vocabulary_size, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0)
# out_embeddings is used to lookup embeddings corresponding to contect words (labels)
out_embeddings = tf.Variable(
tf.random_uniform([vocabulary_size, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0)
# Variables

# Embedding layer, contains the word embeddings
embeddings = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([vocabulary_size, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0)) # Softmax Weights and Biases
softmax_weights = tf.Variable(
tf.truncated_normal([vocabulary_size, embedding_size],
stddev=0.5 / math.sqrt(embedding_size))
softmax_biases = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([vocabulary_size],0.0,0.01)

2.2   模型计算方面 --Defining the Model Computations


# 1. Compute negative sampels for a given batch of data
# Returns a [num_sampled] size Tensor
negative_samples, _, _ = tf.nn.log_uniform_candidate_sampler(train_labels, num_true=1, num_sampled=num_sampled,
unique=True, range_max=vocabulary_size)
# 2. Look up embeddings for inputs, outputs and negative samples.
in_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(in_embeddings, train_dataset)
out_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(out_embeddings, tf.reshape(train_labels,[-1]))
negative_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(out_embeddings, negative_samples) # 3. Manually defining negative sample loss
# As Tensorflow have a limited amount of flexibility in the built-in sampled_softmax_loss function,
# we have to manually define the loss fuction. # 3.1. Computing the loss for the positive sample
# Exactly we compute log(sigma(v_o * v_i^T)) with this equation
loss = tf.reduce_mean(
tf.diag([1.0 for _ in range(batch_size)])*
) # 3.2. Computing loss for the negative samples
# We compute sum(log(sigma(-v_no * v_i^T))) with the following
# Note: The exact way this part is computed in TensorFlow library appears to be
# by taking only the weights corresponding to true samples and negative samples
# and then computing the softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits for that subset of weights.
# More infor at: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/r1.8/tensorflow/python/ops/nn_impl.py
# Though the approach is different, the idea remains the same
loss += tf.reduce_mean(
) # The above is the log likelihood.
# We would like to transform this to the negative log likelihood
# to convert this to a loss. This provides us with
# L = - (log(sigma(v_o * v_i^T))+sum(log(sigma(-v_no * v_i^T))))
loss *= -1.0


# Model.
# Look up embeddings for a batch of inputs.
embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, train_dataset) # Compute the softmax loss, using a sample of the negative labels each time.
loss = tf.reduce_mean(
weights=softmax_weights, biases=softmax_biases, inputs=embed,
labels=train_labels, num_sampled=num_sampled, num_classes=vocabulary_size)

2.3、 原始Skip-gram和改进Skip-gram的对比


# Load the skip-gram losses from the calculations we did in Chapter 3
# So you need to make sure you have this csv file before running the code below
skip_loss_path = os.path.join('..','ch3','skip_losses.csv')
with open(skip_loss_path, 'rt') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f,delimiter=',')
for r_i,row in enumerate(reader):
if r_i == 0:
skip_gram_loss = [float(s) for s in row] pylab.figure(figsize=(15,5)) # figure in inches # Define the x axis
x = np.arange(len(skip_gram_loss))*2000 # Plot the skip_gram_loss (loaded from chapter 3)
pylab.plot(x, skip_gram_loss, label="Skip-Gram (Improved)",linestyle='--',linewidth=2)
# Plot the original skip gram loss from what we just ran
pylab.plot(x, skip_gram_loss_original, label="Skip-Gram (Original)",linewidth=2) # Set some text around the plot
pylab.title('Original vs Improved Skip-Gram Loss Decrease Over Time',fontsize=24)
pylab.legend(loc=1,fontsize=22) # use for saving the figure if needed


图2-3 The original skip-gram algorithm versus the improved skip-gram algorithm





像图中显示的那样,给定上下文和目标单词,Skip-gram模型只关注单个输入/输出元组中的目标词和上下文的单个单词,而CBOW则关注目标单词和单个样本中上下文的所有单词。例如 ,短语“狗正对邮递员狂叫”,Skip-gram给出的输入/输出元组是以["dog", "at"]的形式出现,而CBOW则是[["dog","barked","the","mailman"],"at"]。因此,在给定数据集中,对于指定单词的上下文而言,CBOW比Skip-gram会获取更多的信息。下面看下这种差异如何影响两种算法的性能。

图2-4 Skip-gram模型实施图

图2-5 CBOW模型实施图




# Load the skip-gram losses from the calculations we did in Chapter 3
# So you need to make sure you have this csv file before running the code below
cbow_loss_path = os.path.join('..','ch3','cbow_losses.csv')
with open(cbow_loss_path, 'rt') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f,delimiter=',')
for r_i,row in enumerate(reader):
if r_i == 0:
cbow_loss = [float(s) for s in row] pylab.figure(figsize=(15,5)) # in inches # Define the x axis
x = np.arange(len(skip_gram_loss))*2000 # Plot the skip_gram_loss (loaded from chapter 3)
pylab.plot(x, skip_gram_loss, label="Skip-Gram",linestyle='--',linewidth=2)
# Plot the cbow_loss (loaded from chapter 3)
pylab.plot(x, cbow_loss, label="CBOW",linewidth=2) # Set some text around the plot
pylab.title('Skip-Gram vs CBOW Loss Decrease Over Time',fontsize=24)
pylab.legend(loc=1,fontsize=22) # use for saving the figure if needed


图2-6  Loss decrease: skip-gram versus CBOW


如图2-6所示,与Skip-gram模型相比,CBOW模型的损失下降更快,进一步能够获得更多给定输入-输出元组下目标词的上下文信息。然而,模型损失自身还是足以充分度量模型的性能,因为训练数据过度拟合时损失可能迅速减少。所以,这里再通过一个可视化的角度去检查学习嵌入,以使得Skip-gram模型和CBOW模型在语义上有更显著的区别。这里还是使用比较流行的可视化技术:t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE)。


       Plotting the Embeddings    

def plot_embeddings_side_by_side(sg_embeddings, cbow_embeddings, sg_labels, cbow_labels):
''' Plots word embeddings of skip-gram and CBOW side by side as subplots
# number of clusters for each word embedding
# clustering is used to assign different colors as a visual aid
n_clusters = 20 # automatically build a discrete set of colors, each for cluster
print('Define Label colors for %d',n_clusters)
label_colors = [pylab.cm.spectral(float(i) /n_clusters) for i in range(n_clusters)] # Make sure number of embeddings and their labels are the same
assert sg_embeddings.shape[0] >= len(sg_labels), 'More labels than embeddings'
assert cbow_embeddings.shape[0] >= len(cbow_labels), 'More labels than embeddings' print('Running K-Means for skip-gram')
# Define K-Means
sg_kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, init='k-means++', random_state=0).fit(sg_embeddings)
sg_kmeans_labels = sg_kmeans.labels_
sg_cluster_centroids = sg_kmeans.cluster_centers_ print('Running K-Means for CBOW')
cbow_kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, init='k-means++', random_state=0).fit(cbow_embeddings)
cbow_kmeans_labels = cbow_kmeans.labels_
cbow_cluster_centroids = cbow_kmeans.cluster_centers_ print('K-Means ran successfully') print('Plotting results')
pylab.figure(figsize=(25,20)) # in inches # Get the first subplot
pylab.subplot(1, 2, 1) # Plot all the embeddings and their corresponding words for skip-gram
for i, (label,klabel) in enumerate(zip(sg_labels,sg_kmeans_labels)):
center = sg_cluster_centroids[klabel,:]
x, y = cbow_embeddings[i,:] # This is just to spread the data points around a bit
# So that the labels are clearer
# We repel datapoints from the cluster centroid
if x < center[0]:
x += -abs(np.random.normal(scale=2.0))
x += abs(np.random.normal(scale=2.0)) if y < center[1]:
y += -abs(np.random.normal(scale=2.0))
y += abs(np.random.normal(scale=2.0)) pylab.scatter(x, y, c=label_colors[klabel])
x = x if np.random.random()<0.5 else x + 10
y = y if np.random.random()<0.5 else y - 10
pylab.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points',
ha='right', va='bottom',fontsize=16)
pylab.title('t-SNE for Skip-Gram',fontsize=24) # Get the second subplot
pylab.subplot(1, 2, 2) # Plot all the embeddings and their corresponding words for CBOW
for i, (label,klabel) in enumerate(zip(cbow_labels,cbow_kmeans_labels)):
center = cbow_cluster_centroids[klabel,:]
x, y = cbow_embeddings[i,:] # This is just to spread the data points around a bit
# So that the labels are clearer
# We repel datapoints from the cluster centroid
if x < center[0]:
x += -abs(np.random.normal(scale=2.0))
x += abs(np.random.normal(scale=2.0)) if y < center[1]:
y += -abs(np.random.normal(scale=2.0))
y += abs(np.random.normal(scale=2.0)) pylab.scatter(x, y, c=label_colors[klabel])
x = x if np.random.random()<0.5 else x + np.random.randint(0,10)
y = y + np.random.randint(0,5) if np.random.random()<0.5 else y - np.random.randint(0,5)
pylab.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points',
ha='right', va='bottom',fontsize=16) pylab.title('t-SNE for CBOW',fontsize=24)
# use for saving the figure if needed
pylab.show() # Run the function
sg_words = [reverse_dictionary[i] for i in sg_selected_ids]
cbow_words = [reverse_dictionary[i] for i in cbow_selected_ids]
plot_embeddings_side_by_side(sg_two_d_embeddings, cbow_two_d_embeddings, sg_words,cbow_words)

最终输出结果(含对比图片) 。


Define Label colors for %d 20
Running K-Means for skip-gram
Running K-Means for CBOW
K-Means ran successfully

由图中所示,我们可以发现,CBOW模型对单词的聚类分析效果更佳,所以,可以说,在这部分例子中,CBOW 模型比Skip-gram模型更优。


这里本来想展开分析,但考虑的本文篇幅问题,就不做过多解读,简要给出CBOW、CBOW(Unigram)、CBOW (Unigram+Subsampling)之间的对比,网上还没找到关于三者之间对比的深入解读,感兴趣的读者可以细看Thushan Ganegedara写的《Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow》。


pylab.figure(figsize=(15,5))  # in inches

# Define the x axis
x = np.arange(len(skip_gram_loss))*2000 # Plotting standard CBOW loss, CBOW loss with unigram sampling and
# CBOW loss with unigram sampling + subsampling here in one plot
pylab.plot(x, cbow_loss, label="CBOW",linestyle='--',linewidth=2)
pylab.plot(x, cbow_loss_unigram, label="CBOW (Unigram)",linestyle='-.',linewidth=2,marker='^',markersize=5)
pylab.plot(x, cbow_loss_unigram_subsampled, label="CBOW (Unigram+Subsampling)",linewidth=2) # Some text around the plots
pylab.title('Original CBOW vs Various Improvements Loss Decrease Over-Time',fontsize=24)
pylab.legend(loc=1,fontsize=22) # Use for saving the figure if needed


这里发现一个有意思的现象,CBOW(Unigram)和CBOW (Unigram+Subsampling)给出了几乎一样的损失值。然而,这不应该被错误地理解为Subsampling在学习问题上优势有缺失。这种特殊现象产生的原因如下:和二次采样(Subsampling)一样,我们去掉了一些无效的单词(这些单词具有信息意义),引起文本质量上升(就信息质量而言)。这样就反过来使得学习的问题变得更加困难。在之前的问题设置中,词向量本来有机会在优化处理中对无效单词(就信息意义而言)加以利用处理,而现在新的问题设置中,这些机会已经非常小了,这就带来更大的损失,但语义上的声音词向量还在。


学习单词向量的方法分为两类:  基于全局矩阵分解的方法或基于局部上下文窗口的方法。潜在语义分析(LSA)是一种基于全局矩阵分解的方法,Skip-gram和CBOW是基于局部上下文窗口的方法。作为一种文档 析技术,LSA将文档中的单词映射成一种“概念”,这“概念”在文档中以一种常见的单词模式呈现出来。而基于全局矩阵分解的方法则有效地利用了语料库的全局统计(例如,全局范围内单词的共现情形),但这种在词类类比任务中效果一般。另一方面,基于上下文窗口的方法已在词语类比任务中表现良好,但却没有充分使用语料库的全局统计,这就为后续的改进工作留出了空间。



1)、这里有两个单词 : i="dog" 和 j ="cat".

2)、   定义任一探测词k;

3)、    用Pik 单词i和单词k 表示单词i和单词k同时出现的概率 ,Pjk分别表示单词j和单词k同时出现的概率。


对于k=“bark”而言,这里k与i一起出现的概率很高,与j同时出现的可能性极小,因此Pik/Pjk >>1。

当k="purr"时,k不太可能出现在i附近,则Pik较小;而k却与j高度相关,则Pjk值较高。所以 Pik/Pjk的近似值为0。

对于K=“PET”这样的词,它与I和J都有很强的关系,或者K=“politics”,与两者都具有最小的相关性,所以这时我们得到:  Pik/Pjk的值为1。




2.1 数据集


2.2 相关步骤


  • 用NLTK对数据进行预处理;

  • 建立相关Dictionaries;

  • 给出数据的Batches;

  • 明确超参数、输出样本、输入样本、模型参数及其他变量;

  • 确定模型计算、计算单词相似性;

  • 模型优化、执行;

2.3 给出部分代码及最终输出结果


num_steps = 100001
glove_loss = [] average_loss = 0
with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) as session: tf.global_variables_initializer().run()
print('Initialized') for step in range(num_steps): # generate a single batch (data,labels,co-occurance weights)
batch_data, batch_labels, batch_weights = generate_batch(
batch_size, skip_window) # Computing the weights required by the loss function
batch_weights = [] # weighting used in the loss function
batch_xij = [] # weighted frequency of finding i near j # Compute the weights for each datapoint in the batch
for inp,lbl in zip(batch_data,batch_labels.reshape(-1)):
point_weight = (cooc_mat[inp,lbl]/100.0)**0.75 if cooc_mat[inp,lbl]<100.0 else 1.0
batch_weights = np.clip(batch_weights,-100,1)
batch_xij = np.asarray(batch_xij) # Populate the feed_dict and run the optimizer (minimize loss)
# and compute the loss. Specifically we provide
# train_dataset/train_labels: training inputs and training labels
# weights_x: measures the importance of a data point with respect to how much those two words co-occur
# x_ij: co-occurence matrix value for the row and column denoted by the words in a datapoint
feed_dict = {train_dataset : batch_data.reshape(-1), train_labels : batch_labels.reshape(-1),
_, l = session.run([optimizer, loss], feed_dict=feed_dict) # Update the average loss variable
average_loss += l
if step % 2000 == 0:
if step > 0:
average_loss = average_loss / 2000
# The average loss is an estimate of the loss over the last 2000 batches.
print('Average loss at step %d: %f' % (step, average_loss))
average_loss = 0 # Here we compute the top_k closest words for a given validation word
# in terms of the cosine distance
# We do this for all the words in the validation set
# Note: This is an expensive step
if step % 10000 == 0:
sim = similarity.eval()
for i in range(valid_size):
valid_word = reverse_dictionary[valid_examples[i]]
top_k = 8 # number of nearest neighbors
nearest = (-sim[i, :]).argsort()[1:top_k+1]
log = 'Nearest to %s:' % valid_word
for k in range(top_k):
close_word = reverse_dictionary[nearest[k]]
log = '%s %s,' % (log, close_word)
print(log) final_embeddings = normalized_embeddings.eval()


Average loss at step 0: 9.578778
Nearest to it: karol, burgh, destabilise, armchair, crook, roguery, one-sixth, swains,
Nearest to that: wmap, partake, ahmadi, armstrong, memberships, forza, director-general, condo,
Nearest to has: mentality, vastly, approaches, bulwark, enzymes, originally, privatize, reunify,
Nearest to but: inhabited, potrero, trust, memory, curran, philips, p.m.s, pagoda,
Nearest to city: seals, counter-revolution, tubular, kayaking, central, 1568, override, buckland,
Nearest to this: dispersion, intermarriage, dialysis, moguls, aldermen, alcoholic, codes, farallon,
Nearest to UNK: 40.3, tatsam, jupiter, verify, unequal, berliners, march, 1559,
Nearest to by: functionalists, synthesised, palladius, chiapas, synaptic, sumner, raining, valued,
Nearest to or: amherst, 'mother, epiglottis, wen, stanislaus, trafford, cuticle, reminded,
Nearest to been: 640,961., depression-era, uniquely, mami, 375,000, stickiness, medium-sized, amor,
Nearest to with: anti-statist, pitigliano, branches, reparations, acquittal, frowned, pishpek, left-leaning,
Nearest to be: i-20, kevin, greased, rightly, conductors, hypercholesterolemia, pedro, douaumont,
Nearest to as: gabon, horda, mead, protruding, soundtrack, algeria, 48, macon,
Nearest to at: kambula, tisa, spelled, 130,000, 2008, organisers, |jul_rec_lo_°f, arrows,
Nearest to ,: is, of, its, malton, martinů, retiree, reliant, uri,
Nearest to its: of, ,, galleon, gitlow, rugby-playing, varanasi, fono, clusters,
Average loss at step 2000: 0.739107
Average loss at step 4000: 0.091107
Average loss at step 6000: 0.068614
Average loss at step 8000: 0.076040
Average loss at step 10000: 0.058149
Nearest to it: was, is, that, not, a, in, to, .,
Nearest to that: is, was, the, a, ., ,, to, in,
Nearest to has: is, it, that, a, been, was, to, mentality,
Nearest to but: with, said, trust, mating, not, squamous, war—the, r101,
Nearest to city: of, 's, counter-revolution, the, professed, ., equilibrium, seals,
Nearest to this: is, ., for, in, was, the, a, that,
Nearest to UNK: and, ,, (, in, the, ., ), a,
Nearest to by: the, and, ,, ., in, was, of, a,
Nearest to or: UNK, ,, and, a, cuticle, donnchad, ``, 'mother,
Nearest to been: have, had, to, has, be, was, that, it,
Nearest to with: ,, and, a, the, in, of, for, ., Nearest to by: the, was, ,, in, ., and, a, of,
Nearest to or: (, UNK, ), ``, a, ,, and, with,
Nearest to been: have, has, had, also, be, that, was, to,
Nearest to with: and, ,, a, the, of, in, for, .,
Nearest to be: to, have, can, not, that, from, is, would,
Nearest to as: a, an, ,, such, for, and, is, the,
Nearest to at: of, the, ., in, 's, ,, and, by,
Nearest to ,: and, in, the, ., a, with, of, UNK,
Nearest to its: for, and, their, with, his, ,, the, of,
Average loss at step 92000: 0.019305
Average loss at step 94000: 0.019555
Average loss at step 96000: 0.019266
Average loss at step 98000: 0.018803
Average loss at step 100000: 0.018488
Nearest to it: is, was, also, that, not, has, this, a,
Nearest to that: was, is, to, it, the, a, ., ,,
Nearest to has: it, been, was, had, also, is, that, a,
Nearest to but: which, not, ,, it, with, was, and, a,
Nearest to city: of, 's, the, ., in, is, new, world,
Nearest to this: is, ., was, it, in, for, the, at,
Nearest to UNK: (, and, ), ,, or, a, the, .,
Nearest to by: the, ., was, ,, and, in, of, a,
Nearest to or: UNK, (, ``, a, ), ,, and, with,
Nearest to been: have, has, had, also, be, was, that, to,
Nearest to with: and, ,, a, the, of, in, for, .,
Nearest to be: to, have, can, not, would, from, that, a,
Nearest to as: a, such, an, ,, for, is, and, to,
Nearest to at: of, ., the, in, 's, by, ,, and,
Nearest to ,: and, in, the, ., a, with, UNK, of,
Nearest to its: for, their, and, with, his, ,, to, the,



文档分类是NLP中最流行的任务之一,它对于处理海量数据(比如新闻网站、出版商、大学)的人员来说是非常有用的。所以,下面我们使用的来自BBC的新闻文章,每一文件属于以下类别:商业、娱乐、政治、体育或技术。每个类别使用其中的250个文档,词汇量规模为25,000。另外,每个文档都将用一种“<文档> -<ID>”标签来表示。例如,娱乐部的第五十份文件将被表示为“娱乐版-50”。与现实世界中被分析应用的大型文本语料库相比,这是一个非常小的数据集,但这个小的例子可以让我们看到词嵌入的威力。




  • 用NLTK对数据进行预处理;

  • 建立相关Dictionaries,包括word到ID、ID到word及单词list(word,frequency)等;

  • 用Skip-gram 给出数据的Batches;

  • 明确超参数、输出、输入、模型参数及其他变量;

  • 计算损失、单词相似性;

  • 模型优化、执行CBOW算法模型;

  • 利用 t-SNE Results给出可视化结果;

  • 执行文档分类。


3.1  Running the CBOW Algorithm on Document Data

num_steps = 100001
cbow_loss = [] config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
# This is an important setting and with limited GPU memory,
# not using this option might lead to the following error.
# InternalError (see above for traceback): Blas GEMM launch failed : ...
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=config) as session: # Initialize the variables in the graph
print('Initialized') average_loss = 0 # Train the Word2vec model for num_step iterations
for step in range(num_steps): # Generate a single batch of data
batch_data, batch_labels = generate_batch(data, batch_size, window_size) # Populate the feed_dict and run the optimizer (minimize loss)
# and compute the loss
feed_dict = {train_dataset : batch_data, train_labels : batch_labels}
_, l = session.run([optimizer, loss], feed_dict=feed_dict) # Update the average loss variable
average_loss += l if (step+1) % 2000 == 0:
if step > 0:
average_loss = average_loss / 2000
# The average loss is an estimate of the loss over the last 2000 batches.
print('Average loss at step %d: %f' % (step+1, average_loss))
average_loss = 0 # Evaluating validation set word similarities
if (step+1) % 10000 == 0:
sim = similarity.eval()
# Here we compute the top_k closest words for a given validation word
# in terms of the cosine distance
# We do this for all the words in the validation set
# Note: This is an expensive step
for i in range(valid_size):
valid_word = reverse_dictionary[valid_examples[i]]
top_k = 8 # number of nearest neighbors
nearest = (-sim[i, :]).argsort()[1:top_k+1]
log = 'Nearest to %s:' % valid_word
for k in range(top_k):
close_word = reverse_dictionary[nearest[k]]
log = '%s %s,' % (log, close_word)
print(log) # Computing test documents embeddings by averaging word embeddings # We take batch_size*num_test_steps words from each document
# to compute document embeddings
num_test_steps = 100 # Store document embeddings
# {document_id:embedding} format
document_embeddings = {}
print('Testing Phase (Compute document embeddings)') # For each test document compute document embeddings
for k,v in test_data.items():
print('\tCalculating mean embedding for document ',k,' with ', num_test_steps, ' steps.')
test_data_index = 0
topic_mean_batch_embeddings = np.empty((num_test_steps,embedding_size),dtype=np.float32) # keep averaging mean word embeddings obtained for each step
for test_step in range(num_test_steps):
test_batch_labels = generate_test_batch(test_data[k],batch_size)
batch_mean = session.run(mean_batch_embedding,feed_dict={test_labels:test_batch_labels})
topic_mean_batch_embeddings[test_step,:] = batch_mean
document_embeddings[k] = np.mean(topic_mean_batch_embeddings,axis=0)
Average loss at step 2000: 3.914388
Average loss at step 4000: 3.562556
Average loss at step 6000: 3.545086
Average loss at step 8000: 3.549088
Average loss at step 10000: 3.481902
Nearest to .: ,, and, mp3s, friendlies, -, that, documentary, low,
Nearest to i: we, is, appreciate, outsiders, icann, modelling, onslaught, chennai,
Nearest to which: impromptu, israeli, skills, portuguese, ghanaian, lifetime, innocence, paisley,
Nearest to were: are, cryptography, heaped, 836m, 50mg, pervasively, 28,000, past,
Nearest to we: people, they, enormity, i, ranked, is, jacob, are,
Nearest to they: we, softer, to, not, revisions, 27.24, 'template, be,
Nearest to would: will, to, should, alleges, sleepless, jolie, also, could,
Nearest to that: not, about, it, ., change, get, politicians, gartner,
Nearest to had: has, have, was, streets, bulgaria, directory, nestle, binding,
Nearest to said: added, restriction-free, forgiven, breathing, allardyce, intends, vans, he,
Nearest to this: 2005/06, build, connectotel, it, short, greenback, last, diet,
Nearest to he: it, inaccurate, mr, she, '', 102, was, has,
Nearest to not: that, complained, phenomenon, sourced, they, 10.4, cliques, 'template,
Nearest to it: he, there, everyday, that, ``, 6gb, this, did,
Nearest to ,: ., 's, the, sleeves, and, singer/guitarist, legislative, observed,
Nearest to from: for, hermann, in, and, by, jeep, flights, asher,
Testing Phase (Compute document embeddings)
Calculating mean embedding for document tech-34 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document sport-166 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document sport-87 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document entertainment-119 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document business-161 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document sport-129 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document tech-145 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document business-135 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document sport-206 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document tech-216 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document entertainment-216 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document politics-184 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document sport-184 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document sport-45 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document sport-32 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document politics-247 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document business-240 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document entertainment-98 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document politics-171 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document politics-8 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document business-165 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document politics-16 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document business-44 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document business-215 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document tech-79 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document tech-178 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document entertainment-163 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document entertainment-196 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document politics-236 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document entertainment-1 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document sport-20 with 100 steps.
Calculating mean embedding for document tech-157 with 100 steps.

3.2   用t-SNE可视化输出结果下图

3.3 文档分类

# Create and fit K-means
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=5, random_state=43643, max_iter=10000, n_init=100, algorithm='elkan')
kmeans.fit(np.array(list(document_embeddings.values()))) # Compute items fallen within each cluster
document_classes = {}
for inp, lbl in zip(list(document_embeddings.keys()), kmeans.labels_):
if lbl not in document_classes:
document_classes[lbl] = [inp]
for k,v in document_classes.items():
print('\nDocuments in Cluster ',k)


Documents in Cluster  0
['entertainment-216', 'business-240', 'business-44', 'tech-178', 'business-165', 'tech-238', 'business-171', 'business-144', 'business-107'] Documents in Cluster 1
['tech-34', 'tech-145', 'business-135', 'sport-206', 'tech-216', 'politics-184', 'politics-247', 'politics-171', 'politics-8', 'politics-78', 'entertainment-163', 'politics-16', 'business-141', 'business-215', 'tech-79', 'tech-157', 'sport-231', 'tech-42', 'politics-197', 'politics-98', 'tech-212'] Documents in Cluster 2
['sport-166', 'entertainment-119', 'business-161', 'sport-129', 'sport-45', 'entertainment-98', 'entertainment-196', 'politics-236', 'sport-26', 'entertainment-1', 'entertainment-74', 'entertainment-244', 'entertainment-154'] Documents in Cluster 3
['sport-184'] Documents in Cluster 4
['sport-87', 'sport-32', 'sport-20']



       备注说明:书给出的t-SNE可视化 图片与代码运行的结果不一致,尤其提到tech-42在图中的位置明显相反,至于提到的与sport-50和ertainment-115的分析情况,由于与代码运行有些差异,所以这里就不针对书中的内容做过多的解释,读者感兴趣的话可以自行查验。




接下来,我们对于著名的GloVe模型进行了相关介绍和分析, 由于GloVe模型纳入了全局优化统计,所以在整体性能上得到了很大提升。





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