Have you ever sold products on Amazon? How about sold so much within the first week that amazon decided to put your account under review? I have. Plenty of times! It's completely normal for this type of thing to occur, and quite frankly, it's a good thing! Let's move on...

The first question you probably have is: "Why did Amazon put my account under review?"

This is an extremely good question. (Actually, it's the only response
you should have.) The answer to this question is that Amazon wants to
protect it's buyer's against potential fraud. They don't want some new
scam artist visiting their marketplace with stealth information, selling
a crap load of products, then skipping out on shipment after
withdrawing money. For this skepticism, Amazon deploys certain measures
to negate this from happening. Thus, triggering the account review.

Ok, I understand why amazon put my account under review.. so.. now what do I do?

The first step in combating the review process is to submit an appeal.
An appeal is what amazon offers to sellers in order to fully understand
where their mindset is. In other words, it's a test. When submitting a
review, make sure you give a complete, detailed response of where your
stock comes from and how you plan on maintaining such a large load of
consumers. Amazon wants to see if you're prepared and ready to take on
it's extremely large clientele base.

After you have submitted a review to Amazon, you must sit and wait.
While you're waiting, you want to make sure all orders are processed
effectively and that you don't remove any current listings. Removing all
your listings will send Amazon a RED FLAG and they will certainly know
something's up with your account.

I've submitted my review, waiting several days and Amazon support has yet to reply to my appeal. What should I do?

The best thing to do in this scenario is to contact Amazon support once
more. In this email, you must reiterate how you are extremely excited
about the opportunity to sell on Amazon's marketplace and how you find
it a great inconvenience you aren't able to sell on an unrestricted
account. Amazon will see this email, notice you have waited a few days
before sending it and most likely respond with great news. The usual
response goes a little something like this:

Dear Amazon Seller,

We have decided to reinstate your selling privileges and allow you to
continue utilizing Amazon's marketplace. However, we have placed the
monies from all future sales on a 7-day hold. This merely means you will
only be able to cash out funds from sales 7 days after confirmed

We appreciate your business and thank you for choosing Amazon.

Amazon support

If you receive an email such as this one, you're in business. Now, you
can gauge the approximate time you'll be able to receive your funds
after shipment. And that my friends, is much better than receiving a
suspension notice. On the other hand, if you receive an email stating
they have reinstated your selling privileges without any restrictions,

I have submitted my additional email notice, waited a week, and Amazon support still hasn't responded... What do I do now?

If you haven't received a response in several weeks, Amazon is most
likely awaiting feedback from your buyers. The best thing to do in this
situation is to contact all your buyers by sending a small notification
email requesting feedback. It may look a little like this:

Dear recent customer,

We noticed your shipment recently arrived and are contacting you in
regards to the satisfaction level of the product you purchased from us.
If you would, please visit the feedback section of the product in
question, and leave a small rating and comment. If you have any
disputes, or just have a question, do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,

Blah Blah Blah Seller

After you send a crap load of these out to your buyers and wait a few
days. Contact Amazon again with the updated information. The key aspect
of this whole process is to remain cool, calm and collected. Amazon will
appreciate this, which in turn, gives you a better chance at receiving
an unrestricted account.

And that's about it folks! I hope you have enjoyed this fairly large
tutorial on how to combat Amazon's efforts to distract your selling and I
certainly hope you're able to use this.

Happy selling and good luck!

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