
An iOS drop down menu with pretty animation.


Screenshot - 截图

How To Use - 如何使用

!Try the demo. It's really helpful! 试试demo,看看效果哦!

Sample Code - 示例源码

  1. Create your IGLDropDownItem array and set up 创建IGLDropDownItem数组然后进行设置

    NSMutableArray *dropdownItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    IGLDropDownItem *item = [[IGLDropDownItem alloc] init];
    [item setIconImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon.png"]];
    [item setText:@"title"];
    [dropdownItems addObject:item];
  2. Create your IGLDropDownMenu and set the up the parameter name dropDownItems 创建你的IGLDropDownMenu,设置dropDownItems的名字

    IGLDropDownMenu *dropDownMenu = [[IGLDropDownMenu alloc] init];
    [dropDownMenu setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 45)];
    dropDownMenu.menuText = @"Choose Weather";
    dropDownMenu.menuIconImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"chooserIcon.png"]];
    dropDownMenu.paddingLeft = 15; // padding left for the content of the button
  3. modify the params of IGLDropDownMenu 修改IGLDropDownMenu的参数

    dropDownMenu.type = IGLDropDownMenuTypeStack;
    dropDownMenu.gutterY = 5;
    dropDownMenu.itemAnimationDelay = 0.1;
    dropDownMenu.rotate = IGLDropDownMenuRotateRandom;
  4. Call the reloadView method (Very Important!) 执行reloadView(非常重要!)

    // every time you change the params you should call reloadView method
    [dropDownMenu reloadView];

Parameters - 参数

These are just some of the parameters you can use, you can find more(or make more) in the code.


For IGLDropDownMenu

  • animationDuration set the duration(s) of the animation in second 设置动画时间
  • animationOption set the UIViewAnimationOptions for the animation 设置动画样式
  • itemAnimationDelay set the delay(s) before each of item start to animate 设置每个item的延时动画时间

  • direction set the direction when the menu expand 设置菜单展开的方向

    • IGLDropDownMenuDirectionDown default value, expand downward
    • IGLDropDownMenuDirectionUp expand upward
  • rotate set the rotate style when the menu on expand 设置菜单展开时候的旋转风格

    • IGLDropDownMenuRotateNone default value, for no rotate
    • IGLDropDownMenuRotateLeft rotate to left on expand
    • IGLDropDownMenuRotateRight rotate to right on expand
    • IGLDropDownMenuRotateRandom rotate random on expand every single time
  • type set the menu type (remember when you set the type to SlidingIn* you can't have the rotate type at the same time.) 设置菜单样式

    • IGLDropDownMenuTypeNormal default value, item will hide behind the menu button on fold
    • IGLDropDownMenuTypeStack item will hide behind the menu button and make a stack like look
    • IGLDropDownMenuTypeSlidingInBoth item will slide in and out from both sides
    • IGLDropDownMenuTypeSlidingInFromLeft item will slide in from left
    • IGLDropDownMenuTypeSlidingInFromRight item will slide in from right
  • slidingInOffset set the offset value for the items slide in and out 设置item滑进来时候的偏移量

  • gutterY set the Y gutter between items 设置item之间的间隔
  • alphaOnFold set the item alpha value when menu on fold, only use this when the style won't fit your mind 菜单层叠时候的透明度
  • flipWhenToggleView when you set this to true, the menu button will flip up when you click 当你设置这个值为true,这个按钮会向上翻
  • useSpringAnimation use the spring animation for iOS7 or higher version, default is true 使用spring动画效果,默认开启

For IGLDropDownItem

  • iconImage set the icon image for the item 设置item的图片
  • text set the text string for the item 设置text
  • textLabel for you to adjust the text label style 方便你设置调整Label样式
  • object you can store your custom item in this preporty 你可以用它来存储你的自定义item

Remember the menuButton in IGLDropDownMenu is also an IGLDropDownItem.


Requirements - 需要

  • target platform: >=iOS 6.0 (I never test the version below 6.0, maybe you can make some try and tell me.)  >iOS6.0

TODO - 以后要做的事情

  1. make IGLDropDownItem more customizable 让IGLDropDownItem可定制程度更高
  2. add the spring animation for iOS 7 or higher version
  3. add more animation effect for the menu 更多的动画效果
  4. just contact me and tell me more 联系我,给我建议帮我改进

Thanks - 感谢

This drop-down menu idea is come from here, I found this demo one day and just implement it on iOS.

这个菜单的主意来自于 here,我发现了这个demo后,然后在iOS上实现了。

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