December 30th 2016 Week 53rd Friday
Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.
Love is not only the affections between man and woman, it can exist in many relationships, it can transcend race, religion, culture, nationality, gender, and so on.
So, if you can't find a parter, you still can live a fruitful life by pouring your love and energy into things that can make your life meaningful.
If you can't find a girl and get married with her, don't lose your confidence in life, because life is not merely about women, or sex.
As time goes on, you will be accustomed to the single life, and you will find there might be far less restrictions and far less nusiances that would distract your energy and attention.
So, if you decide your time as a single is a great opportunity to be yourself and make yourself happy, you will find single life much more fullfilling.
Nevertheless, I still feel lonely, I hope I can spend the rest of my life with a girl I love.
Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.
Remember that consequentialism is the best and most powerful.
And the harvest you reap today is just the fruits of the seeds you planted yesterday.
So it is reasonable to judge the day by the harvest you reap.
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