1. MongoDB分片+副本集
多个配置服务器 多个mongos服务器 每个片都是副本集 正确设置w
说明: 1. 此实验环境在一台机器上通过不同port和dbpath实现启动不同的mongod实例 2. 总的9个mongod实例,分别做成shard1、shard2、shard3三组副本集,每组1主2从 3. Mongos进程的数量不限,建议把mongos配置在每个应用服务器本机上,这样每个应用服务器就与自身的mongos进行通信,如果服务器不工作了,并不会影响其他的应用服务器与其自己的mongos通信 4. 此实验模拟2台应用服务器(2个mongos服务) 5. 生产环境中每个片都应该是副本集,这样单个服务器坏了,才不会导致片失效 |
- [root@Master cluster2]# mkdir -p shard{,,}/node{,,}
- [root@Master cluster2]# mkdir -p shard{,,}/logs
- [root@Master cluster2]# ls shard*
- shard1:
- logs node1 node2 node3
- shard2:
- logs node1 node2 node3
- shard3:
- logs node1 node2 node3
- [root@Master cluster2]# mkdir -p config/logs
- [root@Master cluster2]# mkdir -p config/node{,,}
- [root@Master cluster2]# ls config/
- logs node1 node2 node3
- [root@Master cluster2]# mkdir -p mongos/logs
Config server |
/data/mongodb/config/node1 |
/data/mongodb/config/logs/node1.log |
10000 |
/data/mongodb/config/node2 |
/data/mongodb/config/logs/node2.log |
20000 |
/data/mongodb/config/node3 |
/data/mongodb/config/logs/node3.log |
30000 |
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongod --dbpath config/node1 --logpath config/logs/node1.log --logappend --fork --port
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongod --dbpath config/node2 --logpath config/logs/node2.log --logappend --fork --port
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongod --dbpath config/node3 --logpath config/logs/node3.log --logappend --fork --port
- [root@Master cluster2]# ps -ef|grep mongod|grep -v grep
- mongod : ? :: /usr/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf
- root : ? :: mongod --dbpath config/node1 --logpath config/logs/node1.log --logappend --fork --port
- root : ? :: mongod --dbpath config/node2 --logpath config/logs/node2.log --logappend --fork --port
- root : ? :: mongod --dbpath config/node3 --logpath config/logs/node3.log --logappend --fork --port
Mongos server |
—— |
/data/mongodb/mongos/logs/node1.log |
40000 |
—— |
/data/mongodb/mongos/logs/node2.log |
50000 |
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongos --port --configdb localhost:,localhost:,localhost: --logpath mongos/logs/mongos1.log --logappend --fork
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongos --port --configdb localhost:,localhost:,localhost: --logpath mongos/logs/mongos1.log --logappend --fork
- [root@Master cluster2]# ps -ef|grep mongos|grep -v grep
- root : ? :: mongos --port --configdb localhost:,localhost:,localhost: --logpath mongos/logs/mongos1.log --logappend --fork
- root : ? :: mongos --port --configdb localhost:,localhost:,localhost: --logpath mongos/logs/mongos1.log --logappend --fork
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongod --replSet shard1 --dbpath shard1/node1 --logpath shard1/logs/node1.log --logappend --fork --port
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongod --replSet shard1 --dbpath shard1/node2 --logpath shard1/logs/node2.log --logappend --fork --port
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongod --replSet shard1 --dbpath shard1/node3 --logpath shard1/logs/node3.log --logappend --fork --port
#初始化Replica Set:shard1
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongo --port
- MongoDB shell version: 3.0.
- connecting to:
- > use admin
- switched to db admin
- > rsconf={"_id" : "shard1","members" : [{"_id" : , "host" : "localhost:10001"}]}
- {
- "_id" : "shard1",
- "members" : [
- {
- "_id" : ,
- "host" : "localhost:10001"
- }
- ]
- }
- > rs.initiate(rsconf)
- { "ok" : }
- shard1:OTHER> rs.add("localhost:10002")
- { "ok" : }
- shard1:PRIMARY> rs.add("localhost:10003")
- { "ok" : }
- shard1:PRIMARY> rs.conf()
- {
- "_id" : "shard1",
- "version" : ,
- "members" : [
- {
- "_id" : ,
- "host" : "localhost:10001",
- "arbiterOnly" : false,
- "buildIndexes" : true,
- "hidden" : false,
- "priority" : ,
- "tags" : {
- },
- "slaveDelay" : ,
- "votes" :
- },
- {
- "_id" : ,
- "host" : "localhost:10002",
- "arbiterOnly" : false,
- "buildIndexes" : true,
- "hidden" : false,
- "priority" : ,
- "tags" : {
- },
- "slaveDelay" : ,
- "votes" :
- },
- {
- "_id" : ,
- "host" : "localhost:10003",
- "arbiterOnly" : false,
- "buildIndexes" : true,
- "hidden" : false,
- "priority" : ,
- "tags" : {
- },
- "slaveDelay" : ,
- "votes" :
- }
- ],
- "settings" : {
- "chainingAllowed" : true,
- "heartbeatTimeoutSecs" : ,
- "getLastErrorModes" : {
- },
- "getLastErrorDefaults" : {
- "w" : ,
- "wtimeout" :
- }
- }
- }
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongod --replSet shard2 --dbpath shard2/node1 --logpath shard2/logs/node1.log --logappend --fork --port
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongod --replSet shard2 --dbpath shard2/node2 --logpath shard2/logs/node2.log --logappend --fork --port
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongod --replSet shard2 --dbpath shard2/node3 --logpath shard2/logs/node3.log --logappend --fork --port
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongo --port
- > use admin
- > rsconf={"_id" : "shard2","members" : [{"_id" : , "host" : "localhost:20001"}]}
- > rs.initiate(rsconf)
- shard2:OTHER> rs.add("localhost:20002")
- shard2:PRIMARY> rs.add("localhost:20003")
- shard2:PRIMARY> rs.conf()
- {
- "_id" : "shard2",
- "version" : ,
- "members" : [
- {
- "_id" : ,
- "host" : "localhost:20001",
- "arbiterOnly" : false,
- "buildIndexes" : true,
- "hidden" : false,
- "priority" : ,
- "tags" : {
- },
- "slaveDelay" : ,
- "votes" :
- },
- {
- "_id" : ,
- "host" : "localhost:20002",
- "arbiterOnly" : false,
- "buildIndexes" : true,
- "hidden" : false,
- "priority" : ,
- "tags" : {
- },
- "slaveDelay" : ,
- "votes" :
- },
- {
- "_id" : ,
- "host" : "localhost:20003",
- "arbiterOnly" : false,
- "buildIndexes" : true,
- "hidden" : false,
- "priority" : ,
- "tags" : {
- },
- "slaveDelay" : ,
- "votes" :
- }
- ],
- "settings" : {
- "chainingAllowed" : true,
- "heartbeatTimeoutSecs" : ,
- "getLastErrorModes" : {
- },
- "getLastErrorDefaults" : {
- "w" : ,
- "wtimeout" :
- }
- }
- }
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongod --replSet shard3 --dbpath shard3/node1 --logpath shard3/logs/node1.log --logappend --fork --port
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongod --replSet shard3 --dbpath shard3/node2 --logpath shard3/logs/node2.log --logappend --fork --port
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongod --replSet shard3 --dbpath shard3/node3 --logpath shard3/logs/node3.log --logappend --fork --port
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongo --port
- connecting to:> use admin
- > rsconf={"_id" : "shard3","members" : [{"_id" : , "host" : "localhost:30001"}]}
> rs.initiate(rsconf)- shard3:OTHER> rs.add("localhost:30002")
- shard3:PRIMARY> rs.add("localhost:30003")
- shard3:PRIMARY> rs.conf()
- {
- "_id" : "shard3",
- "version" : ,
- "members" : [
- {
- "_id" : ,
- "host" : "localhost:30001",
- "arbiterOnly" : false,
- "buildIndexes" : true,
- "hidden" : false,
- "priority" : ,
- "tags" : {
- },
- "slaveDelay" : ,
- "votes" :
- },
- {
- "_id" : ,
- "host" : "localhost:30002",
- "arbiterOnly" : false,
- "buildIndexes" : true,
- "hidden" : false,
- "priority" : ,
- "tags" : {
- },
- "slaveDelay" : ,
- "votes" :
- },
- {
- "_id" : ,
- "host" : "localhost:30003",
- "arbiterOnly" : false,
- "buildIndexes" : true,
- "hidden" : false,
- "priority" : ,
- "tags" : {
- },
- "slaveDelay" : ,
- "votes" :
- }
- ],
- "settings" : {
- "chainingAllowed" : true,
- "heartbeatTimeoutSecs" : ,
- "getLastErrorModes" : {
- },
- "getLastErrorDefaults" : {
- "w" : ,
- "wtimeout" :
- }
- }
- }
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongo --port
- MongoDB shell version: 3.0.
- connecting to:
- mongos> use admin
- switched to db admin
- mongos> db.runCommand({"addShard":"shard1/localhost:10001"})
- { "shardAdded" : "shard1", "ok" : }
- mongos> db.runCommand({"addShard":"shard2/localhost:20001"})
- { "shardAdded" : "shard2", "ok" : }
- mongos> db.runCommand({"addShard":"shard3/localhost:30001"})
- { "shardAdded" : "shard3", "ok" : }
- mongos> db.runCommand({listshards:})
- {
- "shards" : [
- {
- "_id" : "shard1",
- "host" : "shard1/localhost:10001,localhost:10002,localhost:10003"
- },
- {
- "_id" : "shard2",
- "host" : "shard2/localhost:20001,localhost:20002,localhost:20003"
- },
- {
- "_id" : "shard3",
- "host" : "shard3/localhost:30001,localhost:30002,localhost:30003"
- }
- ],
- "ok" :
- }
> db.runCommand( { enablesharding : "数据库名称"} );
- [root@Master cluster2]# mongo --port
- MongoDB shell version: 3.0.
- connecting to:
- mongos> use admin
- switched to db admin
- mongos> db.runCommand({"enablesharding":"test"})
- { "ok" : }
> db.runCommand( { shardcollection : "集合名称",key : "字段名称"});
注: a. 分片的collection系统会自动创建一个索引(也可用户提前创建好)
b. 分片的collection只能有一个在分片key上的唯一索引,其它唯一索引不被允许
- mongos> db.runCommand({"shardcollection":"test.yujx","key":{"_id":}})
- { "collectionsharded" : "test.yujx", "ok" : }
- mongos> use test
- switched to db test
- mongos> for(var i=;i<=;i++){"id":i,"a":,"b":,"c":})
- WriteResult({ "nInserted" : })
- mongos> db.yujx.count()
- mongos> db.yujx.stats()
- {
- "sharded" : true,
- "paddingFactorNote" : "paddingFactor is unused and unmaintained in 3.0. It remains hard coded to 1.0 for compatibility only.",
- "userFlags" : ,
- "capped" : false,
- "ns" : "test.yujx",
- "count" : ,
- "numExtents" : ,
- "size" : ,
- "storageSize" : ,
- "totalIndexSize" : ,
- "indexSizes" : {
- "_id_" :
- },
- "avgObjSize" : ,
- "nindexes" : ,
- "nchunks" : ,
- "shards" : {
- "shard1" : {
- "ns" : "test.yujx",
- "count" : ,
- "size" : ,
- "avgObjSize" : ,
- "numExtents" : ,
- "storageSize" : ,
- "lastExtentSize" : ,
- "paddingFactor" : ,
- "paddingFactorNote" : "paddingFactor is unused and unmaintained in 3.0. It remains hard coded to 1.0 for compatibility only.",
- "userFlags" : ,
- "capped" : false,
- "nindexes" : ,
- "totalIndexSize" : ,
- "indexSizes" : {
- "_id_" :
- },
- "ok" : ,
- "$gleStats" : {
- "lastOpTime" : Timestamp(, ),
- "electionId" : ObjectId("55d15366716d7504d5d74c4c")
- }
- },
- "shard2" : {
- "ns" : "test.yujx",
- "count" : ,
- "size" : ,
- "avgObjSize" : ,
- "numExtents" : ,
- "storageSize" : ,
- "lastExtentSize" : ,
- "paddingFactor" : ,
- "paddingFactorNote" : "paddingFactor is unused and unmaintained in 3.0. It remains hard coded to 1.0 for compatibility only.",
- "userFlags" : ,
- "capped" : false,
- "nindexes" : ,
- "totalIndexSize" : ,
- "indexSizes" : {
- "_id_" :
- },
- "ok" : ,
- "$gleStats" : {
- "lastOpTime" : Timestamp(, ),
- "electionId" : ObjectId("55d1543eabed7d6d4a71d25e")
- }
- },
- "shard3" : {
- "ns" : "test.yujx",
- "count" : ,
- "size" : ,
- "avgObjSize" : ,
- "numExtents" : ,
- "storageSize" : ,
- "lastExtentSize" : ,
- "paddingFactor" : ,
- "paddingFactorNote" : "paddingFactor is unused and unmaintained in 3.0. It remains hard coded to 1.0 for compatibility only.",
- "userFlags" : ,
- "capped" : false,
- "nindexes" : ,
- "totalIndexSize" : ,
- "indexSizes" : {
- "_id_" :
- },
- "ok" : ,
- "$gleStats" : {
- "lastOpTime" : Timestamp(, ),
- "electionId" : ObjectId("55d155346f36550e3c5f062c")
- }
- }
- },
- "ok" :
- }
- mongos> db.printShardingStatus()
- --- Sharding Status ---
- sharding version: {
- "_id" : ,
- "minCompatibleVersion" : ,
- "currentVersion" : ,
- "clusterId" : ObjectId("55d152a35348652fbc726a10")
- }
- shards:
- { "_id" : "shard1", "host" : "shard1/localhost:10001,localhost:10002,localhost:10003" }
- { "_id" : "shard2", "host" : "shard2/localhost:20001,localhost:20002,localhost:20003" }
- { "_id" : "shard3", "host" : "shard3/localhost:30001,localhost:30002,localhost:30003" }
- balancer:
- Currently enabled: yes
- Currently running: yes
- Balancer lock taken at Sun Aug :: GMT- (PDT) by Master.Hadoop::::Balancer:
- Failed balancer rounds in last attempts:
- Migration Results for the last hours:
- : Success
- : Failed with error 'could not acquire collection lock for test.yujx to migrate chunk [{ : MinKey },{ : MaxKey }) :: caused by :: Lock for migrating chunk [{ : MinKey }, { : MaxKey }) in test.yujx is taken.', from shard1 to shard2
- databases:
- { "_id" : "admin", "partitioned" : false, "primary" : "config" }
- { "_id" : "test", "partitioned" : true, "primary" : "shard1" }
- test.yujx
- shard key: { "_id" : }
- chunks:
- shard1
- shard2
- shard3
- { "_id" : { "$minKey" : } } -->> { "_id" : ObjectId("55d157cca0c90140e33a9342") } on : shard3 Timestamp(, )
- { "_id" : ObjectId("55d157cca0c90140e33a9342") } -->> { "_id" : ObjectId("55d157cca0c90140e33a934a") } on : shard1 Timestamp(, )
- { "_id" : ObjectId("55d157cca0c90140e33a934a") } -->> { "_id" : { "$maxKey" : } } on : shard2 Timestamp(, )
- mongos> use config
- switched to db config
- mongos> db.shards.find()
- { "_id" : "shard1", "host" : "shard1/localhost:10001,localhost:10002,localhost:10003" }
- { "_id" : "shard2", "host" : "shard2/localhost:20001,localhost:20002,localhost:20003" }
- { "_id" : "shard3", "host" : "shard3/localhost:30001,localhost:30002,localhost:30003" }
- mongos> db.databases.find()
- { "_id" : "admin", "partitioned" : false, "primary" : "config" }
- { "_id" : "test", "partitioned" : true, "primary" : "shard1" }
- mongos> db.chunks.find()
- { "_id" : "test.yujx-_id_MinKey", "lastmod" : Timestamp(, ), "lastmodEpoch" : ObjectId("55d15738679c4d5f9108eba0"), "ns" : "test.yujx", "min" : { "_id" : { "$minKey" : } }, "max" : { "_id" : ObjectId("55d157cca0c90140e33a9342") }, "shard" : "shard3" }
- { "_id" : "test.yujx-_id_ObjectId('55d157cca0c90140e33a9342')", "lastmod" : Timestamp(, ), "lastmodEpoch" : ObjectId("55d15738679c4d5f9108eba0"), "ns" : "test.yujx", "min" : { "_id" : ObjectId("55d157cca0c90140e33a9342") }, "max" : { "_id" : ObjectId("55d157cca0c90140e33a934a") }, "shard" : "shard1" }
- { "_id" : "test.yujx-_id_ObjectId('55d157cca0c90140e33a934a')", "lastmod" : Timestamp(, ), "lastmodEpoch" : ObjectId("55d15738679c4d5f9108eba0"), "ns" : "test.yujx", "min" : { "_id" : ObjectId("55d157cca0c90140e33a934a") }, "max" : { "_id" : { "$maxKey" : } }, "shard" : "shard2" }
- mongos> use admin
- mongos> db.runCommand({"enablesharding":"mydb"})
- mongos> db.runCommand({"shardcollection":"mydb.mycollection","key":{"_id":"hashed"}})
- mongos> use mydb
- switched to db mydb
- mongos> for(i=;i<;i++){ db.mycollection.insert({"Uid":i,"Name":"zhanjindong2","Age":,"Date":new Date()}); }
- WriteResult({ "nInserted" : })
- mongos> db.mycollection.stats()
- {
- "sharded" : true,
- "paddingFactorNote" : "paddingFactor is unused and unmaintained in 3.0. It remains hard coded to 1.0 for compatibility only.",
- "userFlags" : ,
- "capped" : false,
- "ns" : "mydb.mycollection",
- "count" : ,
- "numExtents" : ,
- "size" : ,
- "storageSize" : ,
- "totalIndexSize" : ,
- "indexSizes" : {
- "_id_" : ,
- "_id_hashed" :
- },
- "avgObjSize" : ,
- "nindexes" : ,
- "nchunks" : ,
- "shards" : {
- "shard1" : {
- "ns" : "mydb.mycollection",
- "count" : ,
- "size" : ,
- "avgObjSize" : ,
- "numExtents" : ,
- "storageSize" : ,
- "lastExtentSize" : ,
- "paddingFactor" : ,
- "paddingFactorNote" : "paddingFactor is unused and unmaintained in 3.0. It remains hard coded to 1.0 for compatibility only.",
- "userFlags" : ,
- "capped" : false,
- "nindexes" : ,
- "totalIndexSize" : ,
- "indexSizes" : {
- "_id_" : ,
- "_id_hashed" :
- },
- "ok" : ,
- "$gleStats" : {
- "lastOpTime" : Timestamp(, ),
- "electionId" : ObjectId("55d15366716d7504d5d74c4c")
- }
- },
- "shard2" : {
- "ns" : "mydb.mycollection",
- "count" : ,
- "size" : ,
- "avgObjSize" : ,
- "numExtents" : ,
- "storageSize" : ,
- "lastExtentSize" : ,
- "paddingFactor" : ,
- "paddingFactorNote" : "paddingFactor is unused and unmaintained in 3.0. It remains hard coded to 1.0 for compatibility only.",
- "userFlags" : ,
- "capped" : false,
- "nindexes" : ,
- "totalIndexSize" : ,
- "indexSizes" : {
- "_id_" : ,
- "_id_hashed" :
- },
- "ok" : ,
- "$gleStats" : {
- "lastOpTime" : Timestamp(, ),
- "electionId" : ObjectId("55d1543eabed7d6d4a71d25e")
- }
- },
- "shard3" : {
- "ns" : "mydb.mycollection",
- "count" : ,
- "size" : ,
- "avgObjSize" : ,
- "numExtents" : ,
- "storageSize" : ,
- "lastExtentSize" : ,
- "paddingFactor" : ,
- "paddingFactorNote" : "paddingFactor is unused and unmaintained in 3.0. It remains hard coded to 1.0 for compatibility only.",
- "userFlags" : ,
- "capped" : false,
- "nindexes" : ,
- "totalIndexSize" : ,
- "indexSizes" : {
- "_id_" : ,
- "_id_hashed" :
- },
- "ok" : ,
- "$gleStats" : {
- "lastOpTime" : Timestamp(, ),
- "electionId" : ObjectId("55d155346f36550e3c5f062c")
- }
- }
- },
- "ok" :
- }
- 搭建mongodb集群(副本集+分片)
搭建mongodb集群(副本集+分片) 转载自: 完整的搭建mongodb集群(副本集 ...
- MongoDB集群搭建-副本集
MongoDB集群搭建-副本集 概念性的知识,可以参考本人博客地址: 一.Master-Slave方案: 主从: 二.Replica Set方案: 副本集: 步骤:(只要按步骤操作,100%成功) 1 ...
- mongodb集群配置副本集
测试环境 操作系统:CentOS 7.2 最小化安装 主服务器IP地址: mongo01 从服务器IP地址: mongo02 从服务器IP地址: ...
- centos7下安装部署mongodb集群(副本集模式)
环境需求:Mongodb集群有三种模式: Replica Set, Sharding,Master-Slaver. 这里部署的是Replica Set模式. 测试环境: 这里副本集(Replica ...
- Mongodb集群之副本集
上篇咱们遗留了几个问题 1主节点是否能自己主动切换连接? 眼下须要手动切换 2主节点读写压力过大怎样解决 3从节点每一个上面的数据都是对数据库全量拷贝,从节点压力会不会过大 4数据压力达到机器支撑不了 ...
- MongoDB学习笔记~Mongo集群和副本集
回到目录 一些概念 对于Mongo在数据容灾上,推荐的模式是使用副本集模式,它有一个对外的主服务器Primary,还有N个副本服务器Secondary(N>=1,当N=1时,需要有一台仲裁服务器 ...
- MongoDB集群-主从复制(副本集)、failover
1.概念 主从复制的目的:数据冗余.备份.读写分离 主从方式:一主一从(不推荐,只能实现复制,主节点挂掉且未重新启动的时候,无法提升从节点为master),一主一从一裁判,一主多从 复制方式:主节点记 ...
- MongoDB学习笔记——Replica Set副本集
副本集 可以将MongoDB中的副本集看作一组服务器集群由一个主节点和多个副本节点等组成,相对于之前讲到的主从复制提供了故障自动转移的功能 副本集实现数据同步的方式依赖于local数据库中的oplog ...
- MongoDB高可用集群搭建(主从、分片、路由、安全验证)
目录 一.环境准备 1.部署图 2.模块介绍 3.服务器准备 二.环境变量 1.准备三台集群 2.安装解压 3.配置环境变量 三.集群搭建 1.新建配置目录 2.修改配置文件 3.分发其他节点 4.批 ...
- js练习 closure
window.onload = function() { for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) { var id = doc ...
- FluentValidation 模型验证
FluentValidation 是 .NET 下的模型验证组件,和 ASP.NET MVC 基于Attribute 声明式验证的不同处,其利用表达式语法链式编程,使得验证组件与实体分开.正如 Flu ...
- unix时间戳与时间
[root@pserver ~]# date -d "@1381371010" Thu Oct :: CST [root@pserver ~]# date --date=" ...
- ubuntu server静态IP和DNS服务器设置
Ubuntu的网络参数保存在文件 /etc/network/interfaces中, 默认设置使用dhcp,动态IP获取. 设置静态ip的方法如下: 1) 编辑 /etc/network/inte ...
- JavaScript 对象属性作实参以及实参对象的callee属性
参考自<<JavaScript权威指南 第6版>> /* * 将对象属性用作实参, 从而不必记住参数的顺序. */ function arraycopy(from,from_s ...
- Jenkins 邮箱配置及问题解决
Failed to send out e-mail javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: smtp.rytong ...
- 解决windows搭建jenkins执行selenium无法启动浏览器问题
因为jenkins是用windows installer 安装成windows的服务了,那么jenkins是一个后台服务,所以跑selium cases 的时候不显示浏览器 Step 1. Contr ...
- UVa 10559 Blocks (DP)
题意:一排带有颜色的砖块,每一个可以消除相同颜色的砖块,,每一次可以到块数k的平方分数.求最大分数是多少. 析:dp[i][j][k] 表示消除 i ~ j,并且右边再拼上 k 个 颜色等于a[j] ...
- Thrift线程和状态机分析
目录 目录 1 1. 工作线程和IO线程 1 2. TNonblockingServer::TConnection::transition() 2 3. RPC函数被调用过程 3 4. 管道和任务队列 ...
- linux每天一小步---head命令详解
1 命令功能 head命令用来查看文件的前多少行或多少字节的内容(默认显示10行) 2 命令语法 head [选项参数] [文件名] 3 命令参数 -q 显示多个文件的内容时不显示文件 ...