Capture Conversion解读
(1)If Ti is a wildcard type argument of the form ?, then Si is a fresh type variable whose upper bound is Ui[A1:=S1,...,An:=Sn] and whose lower bound is the null type.
- import;
- import;
- import;
- public class CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard<E extends InputStream> {
- public void readFromIt(E readFrom) throws IOException{
- }
- public E getSomething(){
- return null;
- }
- public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception{
- CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard<?> ce=new CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard<BufferedInputStream>();
- BufferedInputStream obj=new BufferedInputStream(null);
- InputStream i = ce.getSomething(); // ok
- ce.readFromIt(obj); // compiler-time error
- }
- }
这里的CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard就是G,A1,...An就是<E extends InputStream>,相对应的上/下界声明(U1,..,Un)就是InputStream。
G<T1,...,Tn>是这里的CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard<?>(在英文中叫a parameterized type,中文译为一个参数化的类型),在调用readFromIt()方法时就需要capture conversion了,也就是为方法中的E推断出G<S1,...,Sn>。
- The method readFromIt(capture#1-of ?) in the type CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard<capture#1-of ?> is not applicable for the arguments (BufferedInputStream)
也就是将声明的A1,...An用S1,...Sn来代替,并且新的这个S1,..,Sn的上界为Ui[A1:=S1,...,An:=Sn]。那么如上的例子中ce.readFromIt()方法调用中,实际的类型在new CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard 时就已经确定为BufferedInputStream,可惜编译器并不保持这个类型变量,而是通过参数化类型声明CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard<?>和类定义时的类型参数声明CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard<E extends InputStream>来推断。推断后编译器只能知道新变量的上界为InputStream,具体是InputStream中什么具体的子类型,编译器并不知道,也就不允许放入BufferedInputStream了。
- public <X extends InputStream> void readFromIt2(X x) throws IOException{
- }
(2)If Ti is a wildcard type argument of the form ? extends Bi, then Si is a fresh type variable whose upper bound is glb(Bi, Ui[A1:=S1,...,An:=Sn]) and whose lower bound is the null type.
- public class CaptureExampleUpperBoundedWildcard<E extends InputStream> {
- public void readFromIt(E readFrom) throws IOException{
- }
- public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception{
- //The ce is passed only ? extends Serializable as a type argument. Hence the capture converted type has an upper
- //bound same as the original bound during the declaration, which is InputStream
- //Note that it is not possible to create an Object of wildcard type. That is a compile
- //time error
- CaptureExampleUpperBoundedWildcard<? extends BufferedInputStream> ce=new CaptureExampleUpperBoundedWildcard<BufferedInputStream>();
- }
- }
It is a compile-time error if, for any two classes (not interfaces) Vi and Vj, Vi is not a subclass of Vj or vice versa.
(3)If Ti is a wildcard type argument of the form ? super Bi, then Si is a fresh type variable whose upper bound is Ui[A1:=S1,...,An:=Sn] and whose lower bound is Bi.
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- public class CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard<E extends InputStream> {
- public void readFromIt(E readFrom) throws IOException {
- }
- public E getSomething(){
- return null;
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
- CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard<? super FilterInputStream> ce = new CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard<InputStream>();
- BufferedInputStream obj = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("somefile"));
- // Note that subclasses of the lower bound are allowed in method
- // invocation due normal method invocation conversion
- ce.readFromIt(obj); // ok
- InputStream b = ce.getSomething(); // ok
- }
- }
通过a parameterized type,也就是CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard<? super FilterInputStream>与类定义时的类型参数声明CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard<E extends InputStream>可知,新的类型变量下界为FilterInputStream,而上界为InputStream。那么满足这个条件的都可以,在new CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard时传递了InputStream和FilterInputStream,而不能使用BufferedInputStream。
值得注意的是,ce.readFromIt(obj)中,这个obj是bufferedInputStream,也就是FilterInputStream的直接子类,按理说不满足如上的上下界,这是由于发生了method invocation conversion,具体就是a widening reference conversion转换,导致obj也满足了限定条件。
- interface IA {}
- class B implements IA {}
- class Test6<T extends IA> {
- public void test() {
- Test6<? super B> x = new Test6<B>(); // B不实现IA会报错
- }
- }
(4)Otherwise, Si = Ti
- public class CaptureExample<E, F extends E> {
- public void copy(List<E> toGet, List<F> copyFrom){
- for(F x:copyFrom){
- toGet.add(x);
- }
- }
- public static void main(String [] args){
- List<Object> aList=new ArrayList<Object>();
- List<String> copyFrom=new ArrayList<String>();
- copyFrom.add("Hi");
- CaptureExample<Object, String> ce=new CaptureExample<Object, String>();//Here is where the capture conversion takes place
- ce.copy(aList, copyFrom);
- System.out.println(aList);
- }
- }
e.g 1
- public class CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard<E extends InputStream> {
- // 方法形式参数表示设置值
- public void set(E readFrom) throws IOException{
- }
- // 返回值为类型参数,表示取值
- public E get(){
- return null;
- }
- public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception{
- CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard<?> ce = new CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard<InputStream>();
- //The method set(capture#1-of ?) in the type CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard<capture#1-of ?>
- //is not applicable for the arguments (BufferedInputStream)
- BufferedInputStream bis = null;
- ce.set(bis);
- //The method set(capture#2-of ?) in the type CaptureExampleUnboundedWildcard<capture#2-of ?>
- //is not applicable for the arguments (InputStream)
- InputStream is = null;
- ce.set(is);
- ce.set(null);
- Object o1 = ce.get();
- InputStream o2 = ce.get();
- // Type mismatch: cannot convert from capture#6-of ? to FilterInputStream
- FilterInputStream o3 = ce.get();
- }
- }
e.g 2
- interface IA{}
- class A{}
- class B{}
- public class CaptureExampleUpperBoundedWildcard<E extends A> {
- // 方法形式参数表示设置值
- public void set(E readFrom) throws IOException{
- }
- // 返回值为类型参数,表示取值
- public E get(){
- return null;
- }
- public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception{
- //Bound mismatch: The type ? extends B is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <E extends A>
- //of the type CaptureExampleUpperBoundedWildcard<E>
- //CaptureExampleUpperBoundedWildcard<? extends IA> ce = new CaptureExampleUpperBoundedWildcard();
- CaptureExampleUpperBoundedWildcard<? extends IA> ce = new CaptureExampleUpperBoundedWildcard();
- // 当为<? extends Serializable>时不能存入任何元素,除了null值
- ce.set(null); // 在方法的参数中就相当于给设置值,而在方法的返回中就相当于获取值
- Object o1 = ce.get();
- A o2 = ce.get();
- IA o3 = ce.get();
- }
- }
从上面的实例可以看出,通配符为? extends X时,只能设置null值,但是可以取值。
声明中的E extends Y 与 通配符声明 ? extends X之间的关系如下:
e.g 3
- class SubBufferedInputStream extends BufferedInputStream{
- public SubBufferedInputStream(InputStream in) {
- super(in);
- }
- }
- public class CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard<E extends FilterInputStream> {
- // 方法形式参数表示设置值
- public void set(E readFrom) throws IOException{
- }
- // 返回值为类型参数,表示取值
- public E get(){
- return null;
- }
- public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception{
- CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard<? super BufferedInputStream> ce=new CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard<FilterInputStream>();
- //Bound mismatch: The type ? super InputStream is not a valid substitute for
- //the bounded parameter <E extends FilterInputStream> of the type CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard<E>
- // CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard<? super InputStream> ce = new CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard<FilterInputStream>();
- //Now we can call this without an error, because the capture converted type does have a lower bound.
- //Note that subclasses of the lower bound are allowed in method invocation due normal method invocation conversion
- BufferedInputStream obj= null;
- ce.set(obj);
- SubBufferedInputStream sis = null;
- ce.set(sis);
- //The method set(capture#3-of ? super BufferedInputStream) in the type
- //CaptureExampleLowerBoundedWildcard<capture#3-of ? super BufferedInputStream> is
- //not applicable for the arguments (FilterInputStream)
- FilterInputStream fis = null;
- ce.set(fis); // error
- FilterInputStream o1 = ce.get();
- // Type mismatch: cannot convert from capture#5-of ? super BufferedInputStream to SubBufferedInputStream
- SubBufferedInputStream o2 = ce.get(); // error
- // Type mismatch: cannot convert from capture#6-of ? super BufferedInputStream to BufferedInputStream
- BufferedInputStream o3 = ce.get(); // error
- }
- }
从上面的实例可以看出,通配符为? super X时,可以设置X及其子类,取值时能接收的最精确的类型为声明时E extends Y的Y类型。
当声明为E,而通配符为?,? extends X或者? super X时,会是什么情况呢?也就是? extends X或者 ? super X时的类型X无限制。取值时只能以Object来接收。
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