Cowboy aims to provide a complete HTTP stack in a small code base. It is optimized for low latency and low memory usage, in part because it uses binary strings.
- ErlangVM 是怎么实现Binary数据类型的,实现原理从宏观到细节,值得反复细读:http://www.cnblogs.com/zhengsyao/p/erlang_eterm_implementation_5_binary.html
- 这个是从应用层上去具体使用上去解释为什么Binary会非常高效且内存占用比List少:http://cryolite.iteye.com/blog/1547252
- 1 中提到的官方效率指南:http://www.erlang.org/doc/efficiency_guide/binaryhandling.html
- 如果要处理Binary最好自己写模式匹配或使用binary.erl里面的函数:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21779394/erlang-high-memory-usage-for-processing-list-of-binary-parts
- 一个讲故事介绍Binary原理的文章:http://dieswaytoofast.blogspot.com/2012/12/erlang-binaries-and-garbage-collection.html
keep_0XX([{0,B2,B3}|Rest]) ->
keep_0XX([{1,_,_}|Rest]) ->
keep_0XX([]) ->
keep_0XX(List) ->
[{0,B2,B3} || {0,B2,B3} <- List].
keep_0XX(Bin) ->
[ <<0:1,B:2>> || <<0:1,B:2>> <= Bin].
Segment | Default expansion |
X | X:8/integer-unit:1 |
X/float | X:64/float-unit:1 |
X/binary | X:all/binary |
X:size/binary | X:Size/binary-unit:8 |
Binary = <<10, 11, 12>>,
<<A:8, B/binary>> = Binary.
Msg/binary>> = <<16,2,154,42>>.
Sz = 16,Vsn=666,Msg=<<42>>.
case Binary of
<<42:8/integer, X/binary>> ->
<<Sz:8, V:Sz/integer, X/binary>> when Sz > 16 ->
handle_int_bin(V, X);
<< :8, X:16/integer, Y:8/integer>> ->
handle int_int(X, Y)
Binary | Matching of X |
<<42,14,15>> | <<14,15>> |
<<24,1,2,3,10,20>> | <<10,20>> |
<<12,1,2,20>> | 258 |
<<0,255>> | failure |
1> [ X || <<X>> <= <<1,2,3,4,5>>, X rem 2 == 0].
5.2 如果你只是想把不是binary处理后变成一个binary就不用使用 <=
2> << <<R:8, G:8, B:8>> || {R,G,B} <- [{213,45,132},{64,76,32},{76,0,0},{234,32,15}] >>.
113 | Module | Function | Arity
113代表的是fun类型, Module 和 Function 都是 atoms , Arity 是一个整数. 这些atoms可以使用 ATOM_EXT来解码 ,那Arity可以使用 SMALL_INTEGER_EXT解码 .
100 | Len | AtomName
97 | Int
Eshell V5.8.1 (abort with ^G) > term_to_binary(erlang). <<,,,,,,,,,>> > term_to_binary(halt). <<,,,,,,,>>
然后再把131(所有的term_to_binary/1都会加的), 113
这样,我们就把外部fun erlang:halt/0用binary的形式表现出来了!
> binary_to_term(<<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>>).
>B = <<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>>.
然后我们再把B从binary转成Erlang term. 最开始时, tryerlang.org 可以使用 the binary_to_term function in safe mode. 这个函数从那次攻击之后也被加入黑名单,所以你只能在你自己的shell里面试试:)
>F = binary_to_term(B, [safe]).
很好,现在还是不行 tryerlang.org 会察觉到 erlang:halt/0
会被调用,然后把他阻塞住. 我们需要再小小改变一下:
exists, taking exactly one argument. 来做. 我们只需要把最后一个0改成1,记得先使用BIF f/1把变量B.> f(B).
> B = <<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>>.
> f(F).
>F = binary_to_term(B, [safe]).
>lists:map(F, []).
Please note that the hacker had the advantage to look at the source code for tryerlang.org while performing the attack.
I wanted to share this experience with all of you. I consider it highly constructive, since it leads to reflect on several aspects of Erlang
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