

Database Sharding Challenges

Due to the distributed nature of individual databases, a number of key elements must be taken into account:

  • Reliability. First and foremost, any production business application must be reliable and fault-tolerant, and cannot be subject to frequent outages. The database tier is often the single most critical element in any reliability design, and therefore an implementation of Database Sharding is no exception. In fact, due to the distributed nature of multiple shard databases, the criticality of a well-designed approach is even greater. To ensure a fault-tolerant and reliable approach, the following items are required:

    • Automated backups of individual Database Shards.
    • Database Shard redundancy, ensuring at least 2 “live” copies of each shard are available in the event of an outage or server failure. This requires a high-performance, efficient, and reliable replication mechanism.
    • Cost-effective hardware redundancy, both within and across servers.
    • Automated failover when an outage or server failure occurs.
    • Disaster Recovery site management.
  • Distributed queries. Many types of queries can be processed far faster using distributed queries, performing parallel processing of interim results on each shard server. This technique can achieve order-of-magnitude improvements in performance, in many cases 10X or more. To enable distributed queries in a seamless manner for the application, it is important to have a facility that can process a segment of the query on each individual shard, and then consolidate the results into a single result set for the application tier. Common queries that can benefit from distributed processing are:
    • Aggregation of statistics, requiring a broad sweep of data across the entire system. Such an example is the computation of sales by product, which ordinarily requires evaluation of the entire database.
    • Queries that support comprehensive reports, such as listings of all individual customers that purchased a given product in the last day, week or month.
  • Avoidance of cross-shard joins. In a sharded system, queries or other statements that use inner-joins that span shards are highly inefficient and difficult to perform. In the majority of cases, it has been found that such inner-joins are not actually required by an application, so long as the correct techniques are applied. The primary technique is the replication of Global Tables, the relatively static lookup tables that are common utilized when joining to much larger primary tables. Tables containing values as Status Codes, Countries, Types, and even Products fall into this category. What is required is an automated replication mechanism that ensures values for Global Tables are in synch across all shards, minimizing or eliminating the need for cross-shard joins.
  • Auto-increment key management. Typical auto-increment functionality provided by database management systems generate a sequential key for each new row inserted into the database. This is fine for a single database application, but when using Database Sharding, keys must be managed across all shards in a coordinated fashion. The requirement here is to provide a seamless, automated method of key generation to the application, one that operates across all shards, ensuring that keys are unique across the entire system.
  • Support for multiple Shard Schemes. It is important to note that Database Sharding is effective because it offers an application specific technique for massive scalability and performance improvements. In fact it can be said that the degree of effectiveness is directly related to how well the sharding algorithms themselves are tailored to the application problem at hand. What is required is a set of multiple, flexible shard schemes, each designed to address a specific type of application problem. Each scheme has inherent performance and/or application characteristics and advantages when applied to a specific problem domain. In fact, using the wrong shard scheme can actually inhibit performance and the very results you are trying to obtain. It is also not uncommon for a single application to use more than one shard scheme, each applied to a specific portion of the application to achieve optimum results. Here is a list of some common shard schemes:
    • Session-based sharding, where each individual user or process interacts with a specific shard for the duration of the user or process session. This is the simplest technique to implement, and adds virtually zero overhead to overall performance, since the sharding decision is made only once per session. Applications which can benefit from this approach are often customer-centric, where all data for a given customer is contained in a single shard, and that is all the data that the customer requires.
    • Transaction-based sharding determines the shard by examining the first SQL Statement in a given database transaction. This is normally done by evaluating the “shard key” value used in the statement (such as an Order Number), and then directing all other statements in the transaction to the same shard.
    • Statement-based sharding is the most process intensive of all types, evaluating each individual SQL Statement to determine the appropriate shard to direct it to. Again, evaluation of the shard key value is required. This option is often desirable on high-volume, granular transactions, such as recording phone call records.
  • Determine the optimum method for sharding the data. This is another area that is highly variable, change from application to application. It is closely tied with the selection of the Database Shard Scheme described above. There are numerous methods for deciding how to shard your data, and its important to understand your transaction rates, table volumes, key distribution, and other characteristics of your application. This data is required to determine the optimum sharding strategy:
    • Shard by a primary key on a table. This is the most straightforward option, and easiest to map to a given application. However, this is only effective if your data is reasonably well distributed. For example, if you elected to shard by Customer ID (and this is a sequential numeric value), and most of your transactions are for new customers, very little if anything will be gained by sharding your database. On the other hand, if you can select a key that does adequately and naturally distribute your transactions, great benefits can be realized.
    • Shard by the modulus of a key value. This option works in a vast number of cases, by applying the modulus function to the key value, and distributing transactions based on the calculated value. In essence you can predetermine any number of shards, and the modulus function effectively distributes across your shards on a “round-robin” basis, creating a very even distribution of new key values.
    • Maintain a master shard index table. This technique involves using a single master table that maps various values to specific shards. It is very flexible, and meets a wide variety of application situations. However, this option often delivers lower performance as it requires an extra lookup for each sharded SQL Statement.

As you can see, there are many things to consider and many capabilities required in order to ensure that a Database Sharding implementation is successful and effective, delivering on its objectives of providing new levels of scalability and performance in a cost-effective manner.

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