我之前有一篇博客Convert PLY to VTK Using PCL 1.6.0 or PCL 1.8.0 使用PCL库将PLY格式转为VTK格式展示了如何将PLY格式文件转化为VTK格式的文件,在文章的最后提到了VTK文件保存纹理的两种方式,第一种是需要有texture的图片,然后每个点存储上该点在图片中的x,y坐标,一般会normalize到[0,1]之间。第二种方法是直接存每个点的rgb值,上面的方法用的是第二种,因为导入的PLY格式就直接存储的texture的rgb值,并没有额外提供texture图片。

对于一般的PLY或者PCD格式的点云,一般都是用第二种方式来保存纹理的,即直接存储rgb值,这样转换成的vtk文件自然也是第二种情况,而对于大多数的可视化软件,比如ParaView或者3D Slicer,貌似只支持第一种方式,即需要导入texture图片(如果大家知道直接显示rgb值的方法,请在下方留言告知博主)。这样就极大的不方便了,而且PCL库中的点云格式一般也是XYZRGBA,并没有带UV,纹理有专门的数据结构。我们的目标是生成带texture coordinates的VTK文件,那么可以通过修改pcl自带的saveVTKFile函数来实现目标。


std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f> texcoord;


Using PCL 1.6.0

// PCL 1.6.0
int save_vtk_file(const std::string &file_name,
const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &cloud,
const std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f>& texcoord,
unsigned precision)
if (cloud.data.empty ())
PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::io::saveVTKFile] Input point cloud has no data!\n");
return (-);
} // Open file
std::ofstream fs;
fs.precision (precision);
fs.open (file_name.c_str ()); unsigned int nr_points = cloud.width * cloud.height;
unsigned int point_size = static_cast<unsigned int> (cloud.data.size () / nr_points); // Write the header information
fs << "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\nvtk output\nASCII\nDATASET POLYDATA\nPOINTS " << nr_points << " float" << std::endl; // Iterate through the points
for (unsigned int i = ; i < nr_points; ++i)
int xyz = ;
for (size_t d = ; d < cloud.fields.size (); ++d)
int count = cloud.fields[d].count;
if (count == )
count = ; // we simply cannot tolerate 0 counts (coming from older converter code)
int c = ;
if ((cloud.fields[d].datatype == sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32) && (
cloud.fields[d].name == "x" ||
cloud.fields[d].name == "y" ||
cloud.fields[d].name == "z"))
float value;
memcpy (&value, &cloud.data[i * point_size + cloud.fields[d].offset + c * sizeof (float)], sizeof (float));
fs << value;
if (++xyz == )
fs << " ";
if (xyz != )
PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::io::saveVTKFile] Input point cloud has no XYZ data!\n");
return (-);
fs << std::endl;
} // Write vertices
fs << "\nVERTICES " << nr_points << " " << *nr_points << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = ; i < nr_points; ++i)
fs << "1 " << i << std::endl; // Write RGB values
// int field_index = pcl::getFieldIndex (cloud, "rgb");
// if (field_index != -1)
// {
// fs << "\nPOINT_DATA " << nr_points << "\nCOLOR_SCALARS scalars 3\n";
// for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nr_points; ++i)
// {
// int count = cloud.fields[field_index].count;
// if (count == 0)
// count = 1; // we simply cannot tolerate 0 counts (coming from older converter code)
// int c = 0;
// if (cloud.fields[field_index].datatype == sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32)
// {
// pcl::RGB color;
// memcpy (&color, &cloud.data[i * point_size + cloud.fields[field_index].offset + c * sizeof (float)], sizeof (pcl::RGB));
// int r = color.r;
// int g = color.g;
// int b = color.b;
// fs << static_cast<float> (r) / 255.0f << " " << static_cast<float> (g) / 255.0f << " " << static_cast<float> (b) / 255.0f;
// }
// fs << std::endl;
// }
// } // Write texture coordinates
fs << "\nPOINT_DATA " << nr_points << "\nTEXTURE_COORDINATES tcoords 2 float\n";
for (unsigned int i = ; i < nr_points; ++i) { //fs << texcoord[i][0] << " " << texcoord[i][1] << "\n";
fs << texcoord[i][] << " " << texcoord[i][] << "\n";
fs << std::endl; // Close file
fs.close ();
return (); }

Using PCL 1.8.0

// PCL 1.8.0
int save_vtk_file (const std::string &file_name,
const pcl::PCLPointCloud2 &cloud,
const std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f>& texcoord,
unsigned precision)
if (cloud.data.empty ())
PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::io::saveVTKFile] Input point cloud has no data!\n");
return (-);
} // Open file
std::ofstream fs;
fs.precision (precision);
fs.open (file_name.c_str ()); unsigned int nr_points = cloud.width * cloud.height;
unsigned int point_size = static_cast<unsigned int> (cloud.data.size () / nr_points); // Write the header information
fs << "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\nvtk output\nASCII\nDATASET POLYDATA\nPOINTS " << nr_points << " float" << '\n'; // Iterate through the points
for (unsigned int i = ; i < nr_points; ++i)
int xyz = ;
for (size_t d = ; d < cloud.fields.size (); ++d)
int count = cloud.fields[d].count;
if (count == )
count = ; // we simply cannot tolerate 0 counts (coming from older converter code)
int c = ;
if ((cloud.fields[d].datatype == pcl::PCLPointField::FLOAT32) && (
cloud.fields[d].name == "x" ||
cloud.fields[d].name == "y" ||
cloud.fields[d].name == "z"))
float value;
memcpy (&value, &cloud.data[i * point_size + cloud.fields[d].offset + c * sizeof (float)], sizeof (float));
fs << value;
if (++xyz == )
fs << " ";
if (xyz != )
PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::io::saveVTKFile] Input point cloud has no XYZ data!\n");
return (-);
fs << '\n';
} // Write vertices
fs << "\nVERTICES " << nr_points << " " << *nr_points << '\n';
for (unsigned int i = ; i < nr_points; ++i)
fs << "1 " << i << '\n'; // // Write RGB values
// int field_index = getFieldIndex (cloud, "rgb");
// if (field_index != -1)
// {
// fs << "\nPOINT_DATA " << nr_points << "\nCOLOR_SCALARS scalars 3\n";
// for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nr_points; ++i)
// {
// int count = cloud.fields[field_index].count;
// if (count == 0)
// count = 1; // we simply cannot tolerate 0 counts (coming from older converter code)
// int c = 0;
// if (cloud.fields[field_index].datatype == pcl::PCLPointField::FLOAT32)
// {
// pcl::RGB color;
// memcpy (&color, &cloud.data[i * point_size + cloud.fields[field_index].offset + c * sizeof (float)], sizeof (RGB));
// int r = color.r;
// int g = color.g;
// int b = color.b;
// fs << static_cast<float> (r) / 255.0f << " " << static_cast<float> (g) / 255.0f << " " << static_cast<float> (b) / 255.0f;
// }
// fs << '\n';
// }
// } // Write texture coordinates
fs << "\nPOINT_DATA " << nr_points << "\nTEXTURE_COORDINATES tcoords 2 float\n";
for (unsigned int i = ; i < nr_points; ++i) { //fs << texcoord[i][0] << " " << texcoord[i][1] << "\n";
fs << texcoord[i][] << " " << texcoord[i][] << "\n";
fs << '\n'; // Close file
fs.close ();
return ();


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