译: 5. RabbitMQ Spring AMQP 之 Topic 主题
在上一个教程中,我们提高了消息传递的灵活 我们使用direct交换而不是使用仅能够进行虚拟广播的fanout交换,
并且获得了基于路由key 有选择地接收消息的可能性。
虽然使用direct 交换改进了我们的系统,但它仍然有局限性 - 它不能基于多个标准进行路由。
Topic Exchange
发送到topic 交换的消息不能具有任意 routing_key - 它必须是由点分隔的单词列表。单词可以是任何内容,但通常它们指定与消息相关的一些功能。一些有效的路由密钥示例:“ stock.usd.nyse ”,“ nyse.vmw ”,“ quick.orange.rabbit ”。路由密钥中可以包含任意数量的单词,最多可达255个字节。
topic 交换背后的逻辑 类似于direct 交换- 使用特定路由key发送的消息将被传递到与匹配绑定key绑定的所有队列。但是,绑定键有两个重要的特殊情况:
- *(星号)可以替代一个单词。
- #(hash)可以替换零个或多个单词。
- Q1 .orange.*
- Q2 *.*.rabbit" and "lazy.#
- Q1对所有orange橙色动物感兴趣。
- Q2希望听到关于rabbit兔子的一切,以及关于lazy懒惰动物的一切。
路由密钥设置为“ quick.orange.rabbit ”的消息将传递到两个队列。
消息“ lazy.orange.elephant ”也将同时发送给他们。
另一方面,“ quick.orange.fox ”只会进入第一个队列,而“ lazy.brown.fox ”只会进入第二个队列。
“ lazy.pink.rabbit ”将仅传递到第二个队列一次,即使它匹配两个绑定。
“ quick.brown.fox ”与任何绑定都不匹配,因此它将被丢弃。
如果我们违反约定并发送带有一个或四个单词的消息,例如“ orange ”或“ quick.orange.male.rabbit”,会发生什么?好吧,这些消息将不匹配任何绑定,将丢失。
另一方面,“ lazy.orange.male.rabbit ”,即使它有四个单词,也会匹配最后一个绑定,并将被传递到第二个队列。
Topic Exchange
topic exchange 功能强大,可以像其他exchange一样。
当队列与“ # ”(哈希)绑定密钥绑定时 - 它将接收所有消息,而不管路由密钥 - 如扇出交换。
当特殊字符“ * ”(星号)和“ # ”(哈希)未在绑定中使用时,主题交换的行为就像直接交换一样
- import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
- import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
- import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
- import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
- import org.springframework.context.annotation.Profile;
- import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.EnableScheduling;
- import com.xingyun.springamqp.config.RabbitAmqpTutorialsRunner;
- @SpringBootApplication
- @EnableScheduling
- public class RabbitMq0x05SpringAmqpTopicSampleApplication {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- SpringApplication.run(RabbitMq0x05SpringAmqpTopicSampleApplication.class, args);
- }
- @Profile("usage_message")
- @Bean
- public CommandLineRunner usage() {
- return new CommandLineRunner() {
- @Override
- public void run(String... arg0) throws Exception {
- System.out.println("This app uses Spring Profiles to control its behavior.\n");
- System.out.println("Sample usage: java -jar "
- + "RabbitMQ_0x05_SpringAMQP_Topic_Sample-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar "
- + "--spring.profiles.active=topics"
- + ",sender");
- }
- };
- }
- @Profile("!usage_message")
- @Bean
- public CommandLineRunner tutorial() {
- return new RabbitAmqpTutorialsRunner();
- }
- }
- import org.springframework.amqp.core.*;
- import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
- import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
- import org.springframework.context.annotation.Profile;
- import com.xingyun.springamqp.business.Tut5Receiver;
- import com.xingyun.springamqp.business.Tut5Sender;
- @Profile({"tut5","topics"})
- @Configuration
- public class Tut5Config {
- @Bean
- public TopicExchange topic() {
- return new TopicExchange("tut.topic");
- }
- @Profile("receiver")
- private static class ReceiverConfig {
- @Bean
- public Tut5Receiver receiver() {
- return new Tut5Receiver();
- }
- @Bean
- public Queue autoDeleteQueue1() {
- return new AnonymousQueue();
- }
- @Bean
- public Queue autoDeleteQueue2() {
- return new AnonymousQueue();
- }
- @Bean
- public Binding binding1a(TopicExchange topic,
- Queue autoDeleteQueue1) {
- return BindingBuilder.bind(autoDeleteQueue1)
- .to(topic)
- .with("*.orange.*");
- }
- @Bean
- public Binding binding1b(TopicExchange topic,
- Queue autoDeleteQueue1) {
- return BindingBuilder.bind(autoDeleteQueue1)
- .to(topic)
- .with("*.*.rabbit");
- }
- @Bean
- public Binding binding2a(TopicExchange topic,
- Queue autoDeleteQueue2) {
- return BindingBuilder.bind(autoDeleteQueue2)
- .to(topic)
- .with("lazy.#");
- }
- }
- @Profile("sender")
- @Bean
- public Tut5Sender sender() {
- return new Tut5Sender();
- }
- }
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
- import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
- import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;
- public class RabbitAmqpTutorialsRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
- /**
- * application.properties文件中配置tutorial.client.duration=10000 需要
- * */
- @Value("${tutorial.client.duration:0}")
- private int duration;
- @Autowired
- private ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx;
- @Override
- public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- System.out.println("Ready ... running for " + duration + "ms");
- Thread.sleep(duration);
- ctx.close();
- }
- }
- import org.springframework.amqp.core.TopicExchange;
- import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate;
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
- import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled;
- public class Tut5Sender {
- @Autowired
- private RabbitTemplate template;
- @Autowired
- private TopicExchange topic;
- private int index;
- private int count;
- private final String[] keys = {"quick.orange.rabbit",
- "lazy.orange.elephant", "quick.orange.fox",
- "lazy.brown.fox", "lazy.pink.rabbit", "quick.brown.fox"};
- @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 1000, initialDelay = 500)
- public void send() {
- StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Hello to ");
- if (++this.index == keys.length) {
- this.index = 0;
- }
- String key = keys[this.index];
- builder.append(key).append(' ');
- builder.append(Integer.toString(++this.count));
- String message = builder.toString();
- template.convertAndSend(topic.getName(), key, message);
- System.out.println(" [x] Sent '" + message + "'");
- }
- }
- import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.annotation.RabbitListener;
- import org.springframework.util.StopWatch;
- public class Tut5Receiver {
- @RabbitListener(queues = "#{autoDeleteQueue1.name}")
- public void receive1(String in) throws InterruptedException {
- receive(in, 1);
- }
- @RabbitListener(queues = "#{autoDeleteQueue2.name}")
- public void receive2(String in) throws InterruptedException {
- receive(in, 2);
- }
- public void receive(String in, int receiver) throws
- InterruptedException {
- StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
- watch.start();
- System.out.println("instance " + receiver + " [x] Received '"
- + in + "'");
- doWork(in);
- watch.stop();
- System.out.println("instance " + receiver + " [x] Done in "
- + watch.getTotalTimeSeconds() + "s");
- }
- private void doWork(String in) throws InterruptedException {
- for (char ch : in.toCharArray()) {
- if (ch == '.') {
- Thread.sleep(1000);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- java -jar RabbitMQ_0x05_SpringAMQP_Topic_Sample-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- java -jar RabbitMQ_0x05_SpringAMQP_Topic_Sample-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.profiles.active=topics,sender
- java -jar RabbitMQ_0x05_SpringAMQP_Topic_Sample-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.profiles.active=topics,receiver
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