双向循环链表  和 单向循环链表 查找循环节点 思路都是一样。 快慢指针查找法。 理论可参考

c 链表之 快慢指针 查找循环节点

  1. typedef struct Student_Double
  2. {
  3. char name[];
  4. int point;
  5. struct Student_Double *preStu;
  6. struct Student_Double *nextStu;
  7. } StudentDouble;
  8. StudentDouble * CreateDoubleCircleLink_Table(){
  10. int i = ;
  11. StudentDouble *head = NULL;
  12. head=(StudentDouble *)malloc(sizeof(StudentDouble));
  13. head->name[]='\0';
  14. head->point = ;
  15. head->nextStu = NULL;
  16. head->preStu = NULL;
  18. //循环节点
  19. StudentDouble *cirleStu = NULL;
  20. StudentDouble *temp = NULL;
  21. StudentDouble *currentNode = head;
  22. while (i<=) {
  23. temp = (StudentDouble *)malloc(sizeof(StudentDouble));
  24. strncpy(temp->name,"Node",sizeof(temp->name));
  25. temp->point = i;
  26. temp->nextStu = NULL;
  27. temp->preStu = currentNode;
  29. currentNode->nextStu = temp;
  30. currentNode = temp;
  32. if (i==) {
  33. cirleStu = currentNode;
  34. }
  35. i++;
  36. }
  37. //最后 合并循环节点
  38. currentNode->nextStu=cirleStu;
  39. return head;
  40. }
  41. //已知循环节点情况查询循环 链表,验证是否可用
  42. void SelectDoubleLinkTable(StudentDouble *student){
  43. StudentDouble *next = student->nextStu;
  44. int i = ;
  45. StudentDouble *circleStu = NULL;
  46. while (next) {
  47. if (circleStu!=NULL&&next->point == circleStu->point) {
  48. printf("循环节点%d,结束循环\n",next->point);
  49. break;
  50. }
  51. if (i==) {
  52. circleStu = next;
  53. }
  54. printf("index %d; studentName is %s; point is %d\n",i,next->name,next->point);
  55. i++;
  56. next = next->nextStu;
  57. }
  59. }
  60. //未知情况查询循环节点
  61. StudentDouble * SelectCircleNodeInDoubleLinkTable(StudentDouble *head){
  62. //快慢指针查询
  63. StudentDouble *fast = head;
  64. StudentDouble *slow = head;
  66. while (fast) {
  67. fast = fast->nextStu->nextStu;
  68. slow = slow->nextStu;
  70. if (fast==NULL) {//不是循环链表推出
  71. break;
  72. }
  73. if (fast==slow) {//快慢指针相遇
  74. break;
  75. }
  76. }
  77. if (fast == NULL) {
  78. printf("该链表 不是循环链表\n");
  79. return NULL;
  80. }
  82. //查找循环节点
  83. fast = head;
  84. while (fast!=slow) {
  85. fast=fast->nextStu;
  86. slow=slow->nextStu;
  87. }
  88. printf("=====找到循环链表循环节点为%d\n",fast->point);
  89. return fast;
  90. }
  91. int main(void){
  92. char sf[];
  93. //创建双向循环链表
  94. StudentDouble *head = NULL;
  96. printf("创建双向循环链表Y|N\n");
  97. scanf("%s",sf);
  98. if (strcmp(sf,"Y")==) {
  99. head = CreateDoubleCircleLink_Table();
  100. }
  101. printf("已知情况查询循环链表Y|N \n");
  102. scanf("%s",sf);
  103. if (strcmp(sf,"Y")==) {
  104. SelectDoubleLinkTable(head);
  105. }
  106. printf("未知情况查询循环链表Y|N \n");
  107. scanf("%s",sf);
  108. if (strcmp(sf,"Y")==) {
  109. SelectCircleNodeInDoubleLinkTable(head);
  110. }
  111. return ;
  112. }

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