最近项目上线后遇到exception没有堆栈信息。所以跟踪一下 源码,其中主要的code如下:
// Returns the stack trace as a string. If no stack trace is
// available, null is returned.
public virtual String StackTrace
// By default attempt to include file and line number info
return GetStackTrace(true);
} // Computes and returns the stack trace as a string
// Attempts to get source file and line number information if needFileInfo
// is true. Note that this requires FileIOPermission(PathDiscovery), and so
// will usually fail in CoreCLR. To avoid the demand and resulting
// SecurityException we can explicitly not even try to get fileinfo.
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
private string GetStackTrace(bool needFileInfo)
string stackTraceString = _stackTraceString;
string remoteStackTraceString = _remoteStackTraceString; #if !FEATURE_CORECLR
if (!needFileInfo)
// Filter out file names/paths and line numbers from _stackTraceString and _remoteStackTraceString.
// This is used only when generating stack trace for Watson where the strings must be PII-free.
stackTraceString = StripFileInfo(stackTraceString, false);
remoteStackTraceString = StripFileInfo(remoteStackTraceString, true);
#endif // !FEATURE_CORECLR // if no stack trace, try to get one
if (stackTraceString != null)
return remoteStackTraceString + stackTraceString;
if (_stackTrace == null)
return remoteStackTraceString;
} // Obtain the stack trace string. Note that since Environment.GetStackTrace
// will add the path to the source file if the PDB is present and a demand
// for FileIOPermission(PathDiscovery) succeeds, we need to make sure we
// don't store the stack trace string in the _stackTraceString member variable.
String tempStackTraceString = Environment.GetStackTrace(this, needFileInfo);
return remoteStackTraceString + tempStackTraceString;
public override String ToString()
return ToString(true, true);
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
private String ToString(bool needFileLineInfo, bool needMessage) {
String message = (needMessage ? Message : null);
String s; if (message == null || message.Length <= ) {
s = GetClassName();
else {
s = GetClassName() + ": " + message;
} if (_innerException!=null) {
s = s + " ---> " + _innerException.ToString(needFileLineInfo, needMessage) + Environment.NewLine +
" " + Environment.GetResourceString("Exception_EndOfInnerExceptionStack"); } string stackTrace = GetStackTrace(needFileLineInfo);
if (stackTrace != null)
s += Environment.NewLine + stackTrace;
} return s;
Exception的StackTrace属性只返回当前对象的站信息,toString方法首先需要获取当前的Message,然后获取内部exception的tostring方法,最后获取 GetStackTrace方法的返回值,该方法主要内容来源于 Environment.GetStackTrace方法,其实现code如下:
internal static String GetStackTrace(Exception e, bool needFileInfo)
// Note: Setting needFileInfo to true will start up COM and set our
// apartment state. Try to not call this when passing "true"
// before the EE's ExecuteMainMethod has had a chance to set up the
// apartment state. --
StackTrace st;
if (e == null)
st = new StackTrace(needFileInfo);
st = new StackTrace(e, needFileInfo); // Do no include a trailing newline for backwards compatibility
return st.ToString( System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.TraceFormat.Normal );
internal String ToString(TraceFormat traceFormat)
bool displayFilenames = true; // we'll try, but demand may fail
String word_At = "at";
String inFileLineNum = "in {0}:line {1}"; if(traceFormat != TraceFormat.NoResourceLookup)
word_At = Environment.GetResourceString("Word_At");
inFileLineNum = Environment.GetResourceString("StackTrace_InFileLineNumber");
} bool fFirstFrame = true;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int iFrameIndex = ; iFrameIndex < m_iNumOfFrames; iFrameIndex++)
StackFrame sf = GetFrame(iFrameIndex);
MethodBase mb = sf.GetMethod();
if (mb != null)
// We want a newline at the end of every line except for the last
if (fFirstFrame)
fFirstFrame = false;
sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " {0} ", word_At); Type t = mb.DeclaringType;
// if there is a type (non global method) print it
if (t != null)
sb.Append(t.FullName.Replace('+', '.'));
sb.Append(mb.Name); // deal with the generic portion of the method
if (mb is MethodInfo && ((MethodInfo)mb).IsGenericMethod)
Type[] typars = ((MethodInfo)mb).GetGenericArguments();
int k=;
bool fFirstTyParam = true;
while (k < typars.Length)
if (fFirstTyParam == false)
fFirstTyParam = false; sb.Append(typars[k].Name);
} // arguments printing
ParameterInfo[] pi = mb.GetParameters();
bool fFirstParam = true;
for (int j = ; j < pi.Length; j++)
if (fFirstParam == false)
sb.Append(", ");
fFirstParam = false; String typeName = "<UnknownType>";
if (pi[j].ParameterType != null)
typeName = pi[j].ParameterType.Name;
sb.Append(typeName + " " + pi[j].Name);
sb.Append(")"); // source location printing
if (displayFilenames && (sf.GetILOffset() != -))
// If we don't have a PDB or PDB-reading is disabled for the module,
// then the file name will be null.
String fileName = null; // Getting the filename from a StackFrame is a privileged operation - we won't want
// to disclose full path names to arbitrarily untrusted code. Rather than just omit
// this we could probably trim to just the filename so it's still mostly usefull.
fileName = sf.GetFileName();
catch (NotSupportedException)
// Having a deprecated stack modifier on the callstack (such as Deny) will cause
// a NotSupportedException to be thrown. Since we don't know if the app can
// access the file names, we'll conservatively hide them.
displayFilenames = false;
catch (SecurityException)
// If the demand for displaying filenames fails, then it won't
// succeed later in the loop. Avoid repeated exceptions by not trying again.
displayFilenames = false;
} if (fileName != null)
// tack on " in c:\tmp\MyFile.cs:line 5"
sb.Append(' ');
sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, inFileLineNum, fileName, sf.GetFileLineNumber());
if (sf.GetIsLastFrameFromForeignExceptionStackTrace())
} if(traceFormat == TraceFormat.TrailingNewLine)
sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); return sb.ToString();
这个方法最主要的还是 StackFrame sf = GetFrame(iFrameIndex); 它返回跟踪栈的信息。跟踪栈的信息主要来源于StackTrace的构造函数
public StackTrace(Exception e, bool fNeedFileInfo)
if (e == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("e");
Contract.EndContractBlock(); m_iNumOfFrames = ;
m_iMethodsToSkip = ;
CaptureStackTrace(METHODS_TO_SKIP, fNeedFileInfo, null, e);
核心实现CaptureStackTrace code如下:
private void CaptureStackTrace(int iSkip, bool fNeedFileInfo, Thread targetThread,
Exception e)
m_iMethodsToSkip += iSkip; StackFrameHelper StackF = new StackFrameHelper(fNeedFileInfo, targetThread); GetStackFramesInternal(StackF, , e); m_iNumOfFrames = StackF.GetNumberOfFrames(); if (m_iMethodsToSkip > m_iNumOfFrames)
m_iMethodsToSkip = m_iNumOfFrames; if (m_iNumOfFrames != )
frames = new StackFrame[m_iNumOfFrames]; for (int i = ; i < m_iNumOfFrames; i++)
bool fDummy1 = true;
bool fDummy2 = true;
StackFrame sfTemp = new StackFrame(fDummy1, fDummy2); sfTemp.SetMethodBase(StackF.GetMethodBase(i));
sfTemp.SetFileName(StackF.GetFilename (i));
} frames[i] = sfTemp;
} // CalculateFramesToSkip skips all frames in the System.Diagnostics namespace,
// but this is not desired if building a stack trace from an exception.
if (e == null)
m_iMethodsToSkip += CalculateFramesToSkip(StackF, m_iNumOfFrames); m_iNumOfFrames -= m_iMethodsToSkip;
if (m_iNumOfFrames < )
m_iNumOfFrames = ;
} // In case this is the same object being re-used, set frames to null
frames = null;
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