- #include<cstdio>
- #include<cstring>
- #include<string>
- #include<vector>
- #include<algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- const int maxn=;
- int N,M,C[maxn];
- struct lct
- {
- lct *fa,*son[];
- int rev,c,setc,lc,rc,sum;
- };
- struct LCT
- {
- lct data[maxn];
- lct *null;
- void init(int Size=maxn-) //初始化
- {
- null=data; //null指向首元素
- for(int i=;i<=Size;i++)
- {
- data[i].son[]=data[i].son[]=data[i].fa=null;
- data[i].rev=;
- data[i].c=data[i].lc=data[i].rc=C[i];
- data[i].setc=-;
- data[i].sum=;
- }
- null->c=null->lc=null->rc=-;
- null->sum=;
- }
- void push_rev(lct* x)
- {
- if(x==null) return;
- x->rev=!x->rev;
- swap(x->son[],x->son[]);
- swap(x->lc,x->rc);
- }
- void push_setc(lct* x,int setc)
- {
- if(x==null) return;
- x->c=setc;
- x->setc=setc;
- x->lc=setc;
- x->rc=setc;
- x->sum=;
- }
- void pushdown(lct* x)
- {
- if(x->setc!=-)
- {
- push_setc(x->son[],x->setc);
- push_setc(x->son[],x->setc);
- x->setc=-;
- }
- if(x->rev)
- {
- push_rev(x->son[]);
- push_rev(x->son[]);
- x->rev=;
- }
- }
- void pushup(lct* x)
- {
- if(x==null) return;
- x->sum=;
- if(x->son[]!=null)
- {
- x->sum+=x->son[]->sum;
- if(x->son[]->rc==x->c) x->sum--;
- }
- if(x->son[]!=null)
- {
- x->sum+=x->son[]->sum;
- if(x->son[]->lc==x->c) x->sum--;
- }
- x->lc=x->c;
- if(x->son[]!=null) x->lc=x->son[]->lc;
- x->rc=x->c;
- if(x->son[]!=null) x->rc=x->son[]->rc;
- }
- bool Same(lct* x,lct* &y) //判断x和x的父亲是否在同一树里
- {
- return (y=x->fa)!=null&&(y->son[]==x||y->son[]==x);
- }
- void Rotate(lct* x,int d) //翻转
- {
- lct* y=x->fa; //x的父亲
- y->son[d^]=x->son[d];
- if(x->son[d]!=null) x->son[d]->fa=y; //x的子节点的父亲指向y
- x->fa=y->fa; //连接
- if(y->fa->son[]==y) x->fa->son[]=x;
- else if(y->fa->son[]==y) x->fa->son[]=x;
- x->son[d]=y;
- y->fa=x;
- }
- void Splay(lct* x)
- {
- pushdown(x); //清除标记
- lct* y;
- while(Same(x,y)) //没有到树的最顶点
- {
- pushdown(y);
- pushdown(x);
- Rotate(x,y->son[]==x); //翻转
- pushup(y);
- pushup(x);
- }
- }
- lct* Access(lct* u) //打通路径,返回的是根
- {
- lct *v=null;
- for(;u!=null;u=u->fa)
- {
- Splay(u);
- u->son[]=v;
- pushup(v=u);
- }
- return v;
- }
- lct* GetRoot(lct* x) //得到根
- {
- for(x=Access(x);pushdown(x),x->son[]!=null;x=x->son[]) pushup(x);
- return x;
- }
- void MakeRoot(lct* x) //使x成为根
- {
- Access(x);
- Splay(x);
- push_rev(x);
- }
- void Link(lct* x,lct* y) //连接两个点
- {
- MakeRoot(x);
- x->fa=y;
- Access(x);
- }
- void Cut(lct* x,lct* y) //断开两个点
- {
- MakeRoot(x);
- Access(y);
- Splay(y);
- y->son[]->fa=null;
- y->son[]=null;
- }
- void SetC(lct* x,lct* y,int setc)
- {
- MakeRoot(x);
- push_setc(Access(y),setc);
- }
- int Query(lct* x,lct* y)
- {
- MakeRoot(x);
- Access(y);
- Splay(y);
- return y->sum;
- }
- }A;
- int main()
- {
- scanf("%d%d",&N,&M);
- for(int i=;i<=N;i++) scanf("%d",&C[i]);
- A.init(N);
- int x,y;
- for(int i=;i<N;i++)
- {
- scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);
- A.Link(,;
- }
- char op[];
- int c;
- while(M--)
- {
- scanf("%s%d%d",op,&x,&y);
- if(op[]=='C') scanf("%d",&c);
- if(op[]=='C') A.SetC(,,c);
- else printf("%d\n",A.Query(,;
- }
- return ;
- }
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