Construct Binary Tree From Inorder and Preorder/Postorder Traversal
map<int, int> mapIndex;
void mapToIndex(int inorder[], int n)
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
mapIndex.insert(map<int, int>::value_type(inorder[i], i);
} Node* buildInorderPreorder(int in[], int pre[], int n, int offset)
assert(n >= );
if (n == )
return NULL;
int rootVal = pre[];
int i = mapIndex[rootVal] - offset;
Node* root = new Node(rootVal);
root->left = buildInorderPreorder(in, pre+, i, offset);
root->right = buildInorderPreorder(in+i+, pre+i+, n-i-, offset+i+);
return root;
} Node* buildInorderPostorder(int in[], int post[], int n, int offset)
assert(n >= );
if (n == )
return NULL;
int rootVal = post[n-];
int i = mapIndex[rootVal] - offset;
Node* root = new Node(rootVal);
root->left = buildInorderPostorder(in, post, i, offset);
root->right = buildINorderPostorder(in+i+, post+i, n-i-, offset+i+);
return root;
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