


 #include <iostream>

 using namespace std;

 struct Point
void Setxy(double a, double b)//成员函数,用来重新设置数据成员
x = a;
y = b;
} void Display()//成员函数,按指定格式输出数据成员的值
cout << x << "\t" << y << endl;
} double x, y;//数据成员
}; void main()
Point a;//定义对象a a.Setxy(10.6, 18.5);//设置对象a的数据成员
a.Display();//显示对象a的数据成员 cout << a.x << "\t" << a.y << endl;




 #include <iostream>

 using namespace std;

 struct Point
double x, y;//数据成员 public:
void Setxy(double a, double b)//成员函数,用来重新设置数据成员
x = a;
y = b;
} void Display()//成员函数,按指定格式输出数据成员的值
cout << x << "\t" << y << endl;
}; void main()
Point a; a.Setxy(10.6, 18.5); a.Display(); //cout << a.x; //1>------已启动生成: 项目: hello, 配置 : Debug Win32------
// 1> main.cpp
// 1>c:\users\denggl18.gdctc\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\hello\hello\main.cpp(33) : error C2248 : “Point::x” : 无法访问 private 成员(在“Point”类中声明)
// 1> c:\users\denggl18.gdctc\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\hello\hello\main.cpp(10) : note : 参见“Point::x”的声明
// 1> c:\users\denggl18.gdctc\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\hello\hello\main.cpp(8) : note : 参见“Point”的声明
// == == == == == 生成 : 成功 0 个,失败 1 个,最新 0 个,跳过 0 个 == == == == == }




 #include <iostream>

 using namespace std;

 struct Point
double x, y;//数据成员 public:
{ }; Point(double a, double b)//具有两个参数的构造函数
x = a;
y = b;
} void Setxy(double a, double b)//成员函数,用来重新设置数据成员
x = a;
y = b;
} void Display()//成员函数,按指定格式输出数据成员的值
cout << x << "\t" << y << endl;
}; void main()
Point a;//定义对象a
Point b(18.5, 10.6);//定义对象b并赋初值 a.Setxy(10.6, 18.5);//设置变量a的数据成员 a.Display();//显示变量a的数据成员




 #include <iostream>

 using namespace std;

 class Point
double x, y;//类Point的数据成员 public:
{ }; Point(double a, double b)//具有两个参数的构造函数
x = a;
y = b;
} void Setxy(double a, double b)//成员函数,用来重新设置数据成员
x = a;
y = b;
} void Display()//成员函数,按指定格式输出数据成员的值
cout << x << "\t" << y << endl;
}; void main()
Point a;//定义类Point的对象a
Point b(18.5, 10.6);//定义类Point的对象b并初始化 a.Setxy(10.6, 18.5);//为对象a的数据成员赋值 a.Display();//显示对象a的数据成员




 #include <iostream>
#include <string> using namespace std; void main()
string str1("We are here!");
string str2 = "Where are you?"; cout << str1[] << str1[] << "," << str1 << endl;
cout << str2[] << str2[] << "," << str2 << endl;
cout << "please input word:"; cin >> str1; cout << "length of the " << str1 << " is " << str1.size() << "." << endl;




 #include <iostream>
#include <string> using namespace std; void main()
cout << "Enter the date in American format"
<< "(e.g., December 25, 2002):"; string Date; getline(cin, Date, '\n'); int i = Date.find(" "); string Month = Date.substr(, i); int k = Date.find(","); string Day = Date.substr(i + , k - i - );
string Year = Date.substr(k + , );
string NewDate = Day + " " + Month + " " + Year; cout << "Original date:" << Date << endl;
cout << "Converted date:" << NewDate << endl;




 #include <iostream>
#include <complex>
#include <string> using namespace std; void main()
complex <int> num1(, );
complex <float> num2(3.5, 4.5); string str1("real is ");
string str2 = "image is "; cout << str1 << num1.real() << ',' << str2 << num1.imag() << endl;
cout << str1 << num2.real() << ',' << str2 << num2.imag() << endl;




 #include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator> using namespace std; void main()
string str1 = "we are here!", str2 = str1; reverse(&str1[], &str1[] + );//str1字符串的元素逆向 cout << str1 << endl;//输出逆向后的内容 copy(&str1[], &str1[] + , &str2[]);//原样复制到str2 cout << str2 << endl;//输出str2 reverse_copy(&str2[], &str2[] + , ostream_iterator<char>(cout));//逆向输出str2




 #include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator> using namespace std; void main()
string str1 = "wearehere!", str2(str1);//使用str1初始化 reverse(str1.begin(), str1.end());//字符串元素逆向 cout << str1 << endl; copy(str1.begin(), str1.end(), str2.begin());//原样复制到str2,str2应能容纳下str1 sort(str1.begin(), str1.end());//默认升幂排序 cout << str1 << endl;//输出排序结果
cout << str2 << endl;//输出字串str2的内容 reverse_copy(str1.begin(), str1.end(), str2.begin());//逆向复制到字串str2的内容 cout << str2 << endl;//输出逆向后的str2的内容 reverse(str2.begin() + , str2.begin() + );//字串str2部分逆向 copy(str2.begin() + , str2.begin() + , ostream_iterator<char>(cout));//输出逆向后的部分内容 cout << endl; sort(str1.begin(), str1.end(), greater<char>());//降幂排序 cout << str1 << endl;//输出排序后的字符str1 str1.swap(str2);//互相交换内容 cout << str1 << " " << str2 << endl;




 #include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator> using namespace std; void main()
string str[] = { "We are here!","Where are you?","welcome!" }; for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
copy(str[i].begin(), str[i].end(), ostream_iterator<char>(cout));
cout << endl;
} str[].swap(str[]);
str[].swap(str[]); for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
cout << str[i] << endl;


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