debug iapp through debug ip ftp
debug iapp : to begin debugging of IAPP operations(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug iapp
debug idmgr : to enable debugging for the identity manager (IDMGR)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug idmgr
debug of-mgr efp-ext : to enable debugging for the interface manager (IF-MGR) Ethernet flow point )EFP) extension(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug if-mgr efp-ext
debug ima : to display debugging messages for inverse multiplexing over AMT(IMA) groups and links(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ima
debug installer : to enable debugs in the installer (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug installer
debug interface : to display interface descriptor block debugging messages(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug interface
debug interface counters exceptions : to display a message when a recoverable exceptional condition happens during the computation of the interface packet and data rate statistics(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug interface counters exceptions
debug interface counters protocol memory : to display the memory operations(create and free ) of protocol counters on interfaces and debugging messages during memory operations(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug interface counters protocol memory
debug interface states : to display intermediary messages when an interface’s state transitions(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug interface states
debug interface(vasi) : ti display debugging information for the VRF-Aware Service Infrastructure (VASI) interface descriptor block(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug interface
debug iosd issu : to enable all the debugs inside the IOS issu-iosd and iosvrp-issu-upgrade subsystems(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug iosd issu
debug ip access-list hash-generation : to display debugging information about access control list (ACL) hash-value generation(for ACL Syslog entries) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip access-list hash-generation
debug ip access0list intstats : to display information about whether or not the interface-level statistics of an access list were created, updated, cleared or deleted successfully(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip access-list intstats
debug ip access-list turboacl : to display debugging information about turbo access control lists(ACLs) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip access-list turboacl
debug ip admission consent : to display authentication proxy consent page information on the router (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip admission consent
debug ip admission eapoudp : to display information about Extensible Authentication Protocol over User Datagram Protocol(UDP) (EAPoUDP) network admission control events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip admission eapoudp
debug ip auth-proxy : to display the authentication proxy configuration information on the router(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip auth-proxy
debug ip auth-proxy ezvpn : to display information related to proxy authentication behavior for web-based activation(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip auth-proxy ezvpn
debug ip bgp : to display information related to processing of the Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip bgp
debug ip bgp groups : to display information related to the processing of Border Gateway protocol (BGP) update-groups(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip bgp groups
debug ip bgp igp-metric ignore : to display information related to the system ignoring the Interior Gateway Protocol(IGP) metric during best path selection(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip bgp igp-metric ignore
debug ip bgp import : to display debugging information related to importing IPv4 prefixes from the BGP global routing table into a VRF table or exporting from a VRF table into the BGP global table(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip bgp import
debug ip bgp range : to display debugging infirmation related to Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) dynamic subnet range neighbors(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip bgp range
debug ip bgp sso : to display Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)-related stateful switchover(SSO) events or debugging information for BGP-related interactions between the active Route Processor(RP) and the standby RP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip bgp sso
debug ip bgp updates : to display information about the processing of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) updates(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip bgp updates
debug ip bgp vpnv4 checkpoint : to display the events for the Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) checkpointing system between the active and standby Route Processors(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip bgp vpnv4 checkpoint
debug ip bgp vpnv4 nsf : to display the nonstop forwarding events for the VRF table-id synchronization subsystem between the active and standby Route Processors(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip bgp vpnv4 nsf
debug ip bgp vpnv4 unicast : to display debugging messages for Virtual Private Network version 4 (VPNv4) unicast routers(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip bgp vpnv4 unicast
debug ip bgp vpnv6 unicast : to display debugging messages for Virtual Private Network version 6 (VPNv6) unicast routers(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip bgp vpnv6 unicast
debug ip casa affinities : to display debugging messages for affinities(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip casa affinities
debug ip casa packets : to display debugging messages for packets(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip casa packets
debug ip casa wildcards : to display debugging messages for wildcards(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip casa wildcards
debug ip cef : to troubleshoot various Cisco Express Forwarding events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip cef
debug ip cef accounting non-recursive : to troubleshoot Cisco Express Forwarding accounting records(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip cef accounting non-recursive
debug ip cef fragmentation : to report fragmented IP packets when Cisco Express Forwarding is enabled(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip cef gragmentation
debug ip cef hash : to record Cisco Express Forwarding load sharing hash algorithn events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip cef hash
debug ip cef rrhash : to record Cisco Express Forwarding removal of received hash events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip cef rrhash
debug ip cef subblock : to troubleshoot Cisco Express Forwarding subblock events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip cef subblock
debug ip cef table : to enable the collection of events that affect entries in the Cisco Express Forwarding tables(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip cef table
debug ip ddns update : to enable debugging for Dynamic Domain Name System(DDNS) updates(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip ddns update
debug ip dfp agent : to display debugging messages for the Dynamic Feedback Protocol(DFP) agent subsystem(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip dfp agent
debug ip dhcp server : to enable Cisco IOS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(dhcp) server debugging (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip dhcp server
debug ip dhcp server redundancy : to display debugging information about DHCP server and relay agent redundancy events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip dhcp server redundancy
debug ip dhcp server snmp : to enable DHCP server Simple Network Managemetn Protocol(SNMP) debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip dhcp server snmp
debug ip dns name-list : to enable debugging output for Domain Name System (DNS) name list events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip dns name-list
debug ip dns view : to enable debugging output for Domain Name System(DNS) view events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip dns view
debug ip dns view-list : to enable debugging output for Domain Name System(DNS) view events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip dns view-list
debug ip drp : to display Director Response Protocol (DRP) information (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip drp
debug ip dvmrp : to display information on Distance Vector Multiprotocol Routing (DVMRP) packets received and sent (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip dvmp
debug ip eigrp : to display information on Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(EIGRP) protocol packets(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip eigrp
debug ip eigrp notifications : to display Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing (EIGRP) events and notifications in the console of the router (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip eigrp notifications
debug ip error : to display IP errors(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip error
debug ip flow cache : to enable debugging output for NetFlow cache(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip flow cache
debug ip flow export : to enable debugging output for NetFlow data export (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip flow export
debug ip ftp : to activate the debugging option to track the transactions submitted during an FTP session(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip ftp
debug ip http all through debug ip rsvp
debug ip http all : to enable debugging output for all HTTP process on the system (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http all
debug ip http authentication : to troubleshoot HTTP authentication problems (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http authentication
debug ip http client : to enable debugging output for the HTTP client (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http client
debug ip http client cookie : to debug the HTTP client cookie (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http client cookie
deubg ip http ezsetup : to display the configuration changes that occur during the EZ Setup process (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http ezsetup
debug ip http secure-all : to generate the debugging information generated by the debug ip http secure-session command , the debugging information generated by the debug ip http secure-state command and the debugging information for each call to the SSL driver, for use primarily by Cisco support personnel (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http secure-all
debug ip http secure-session : to generate debugging information about each new secure HTTPS session when it is created (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http secure-session
debug ip http secure-state : to generate debugging output each time the Secure HTTP(HRRPS) feature changes state (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http secure-state
debug ip http ssi : to display information about the HTML SSI EXEC command or HTML SSI ECHO command ( in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http ssi
debug ip http ssl error : to enable debugging essages for the secure HTTP(HTTPS) web server and client (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http ssi error
debug ip http token : to display individual tokens parsed by the HTTP server (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http token
debug ip http transaction : to display HTTP server transaction processing (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http transaction
deubg ip http url : to show the URLs accessed from the router (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip http url
debug ip icmp : to display information on Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP) transactions (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip icmp
debug ip igmp : to display Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) packets received and sent, and IGMP-host related events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip igmp
debug ip igmp snooping : to display debugging messages about Internet Group Management Protocol(IGMP) snooping services (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug ip igmp snooping
debug ip igrp events : to display summary information on Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) routing messages that indicate the source and destination of each update, and the number of routes in each update (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip igrp events
debug ip igrp transactions : to display transaction information on Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) routing transactions (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip igrp transactions
debug ip inspect : to display messages about Cisco IOS Firewall events (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug inspect
debug ip inspect ha : to display messages about Cisco IOS stateful failover high availability (HA) events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip inspect ha
debug ip inspect L2-transparent : to enable debugging messages for transparent firewall events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip inspect L2-transparent
debug ip ips : to enable debugging messages for Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug ip ips
debug ip mbgp dampening : to log route flap dampening activity related to multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mbgp dampening
debug ip mbgp updates : to log multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)-related information passed in BGP updates messages (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mbgp updates
debug ip mcache : to display P multicast fast-switching events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mcache
debug ip mds ipc : to debug multicast distributed switching (MDS) interprocessor communication, that is, synchronization between the Multicast Forwarding Information Base(MFIB) on the line card and the multicast routing table in the Route Processor(RP) (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mds ipc
debug ip mds mevent : to debug Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) route creation, route updates, and so on (in privilege dEXEC mode)
no debug ip mds mevent
debug ip mds mpacket : to debug multicast distributed switching (MDS) events such as packet drops, interface drops, and switching failures (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mds mpacket
deubg ip mds process : to debug line card process level events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mds process
debug ip mfib adjacency : to enable debugging output fot IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) adjacency managemetn activity (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mfib adjacency
debug ip mfib db : to enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base(MFIB) route database management activity (in privilege dEXEC mode)
no debug ip mfib
debug ip mfib fs : to enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) fast switching activity (in privileged EXEC mode)
no deubg ip mfib
debug ip mfib init : to enable debugging output for events related to IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) system initialization (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mflb init
debug ip mfib interface : to enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) interface (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mfib interface
debug ip mfib mrib : to enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) communication with the IPv4 Multicast Routing Information Base(MRIB) (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mfib mrib
debug ip mfib nat : to enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) Network Address Translation (NAT) events associated with all tables (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mfib nat
debug ip mfib pak : to enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) packet forwarding activity (in privieleged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mfib pak
debug ip mfib platform : to enable debugging output related to the hardware platform use of IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) application program interfaces (APIs) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mfib platform
debug ip mfib ppr : to enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) packet preservation events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mfib ppr
debug ip mfib ps : to eable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) process switching activity (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mfib ps
debug ip mfib signal : to enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) signal activity (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mfib signal
debug ip mfib table : to enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) table activity (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mfib table
debug ip mhbeat : to monitor the action of the heartbeat trap (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mhbeat
debug ip mobile : to display IP mobility activities (in privileged EXEC mode)
debug ip mobile advertise : to display advertisement information
no debug ip mobile advertise
debug ip mobile dyn0pbr : to display debugging messages for the mobile IP (MIP) dynamic policy based routng (PBR) mobile router (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mobile dyn-pbr
debug ip mobile host
no debug ip mobile host
debug ip mobile mib : to display debugging messages for mobile networks (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mobile mib
debug ip mobile redundancy
no debug ip mobile redundancy
debug ip mobile router
no debug ip mobile router
debug ip mpacket : to display IP multicast packets received and sent (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mpacket
debug ip mrib : to enable debugging output for IP4 Multicast Routing Information Base(MRIB) activity (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mrib
debug ip mrm : to display multicast Routing Monitor (MRM) control packet activity (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mrm
debug ip mrouting : to display information about activity in the ulticast route (mroute) table (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mrouting
debug ip mrouting limits : to display debugging information about configured per interface mroute state liniters and bandwidth-based multicast Call Admission Control(CAC) policies (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip mrouting
debug ip msdp : to debug Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) activity (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip msdp
debug ip msdp resets : to debug Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) peer reset reasons (in privielged EXEC mode)
debug ip multicast hardware0seitching : to display information about multicast harware switching (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip multicast harware-switching
debug ip multicast redundancy : to display information about IP multicast redundancy events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip multicast redundancy
debug ip multicast rpf tracked : to enable debugging output for IP multicast Return Path Forwarding (RPF) tracked events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip multicast rpf tracked
debug ip multicast topology : to enable debuggig output for IP multicast stream topology creation events, deletion events, and IP multicast stream access control list (ACL) matching events (in prvivileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip multicast topology
debug ip nat : to display information about IP packets translated by the IP Network Address Translation (NAT) feature (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip nat
debug ip nat redundancy : to enable debugging output for the IP Networking Address Translation(NAT) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip nat redundancy
debug ip nbar trace : to enable detailed debugging of packets per flow on a data plane (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip nbar trace
debug ip nbar clients : to enable debugging infomation of application programming interfaces(APIs) pertaining to Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR) on a control plane (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip nbar clients
debug ip nbar config : to enable debugging of all commands configured for the activation and deactivation of Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR) on a control plane (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip nbar config
debug ip nbar platform : to enable debugging of application programming interface (APIs) pertaining to Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR) on a control plane (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip nbar platform
debug ip ospf adj : to display information on adjaceny events related to Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), such as packets being dropped due to a Time-to-Live (TTL) security (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip ospf adj
debug ip ospf database-timer rate-limit : to display when link-state advertisement (LSA) rate-limiting timers will expire (in privileged EXEC mode)
debug ip ospf events : to display information on Open Shortest Path (OSPF)-related events, such as adjacencies flooding information, designated router selection, and shortest path first (SPF) calculation (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug ip ospf events
debug ip ospf mpls traffic-eng advertisements : to print information about traffic engineering advertisements in Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) link state advertisement(LSA) messages (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip ospf mpls traffic-eng advertisements
debug ip ospf nsf : to display debugging messages about Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) during a Cisco nonstop forwarding (NSF) restart(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip ospf nsf
debug ip ospf packet : to display information about each Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) packet received (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip ospf packet
debug ip ospf rib : to display debugging information for Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Version 2 routes in the global or local Routing Information Base(RIB) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip ospf rib
debug ip ospf spf statistic : to display statistica information while running the shortest path first (SPF) algorithm (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip ospf spf statistic
debug ip packet : to display general IP debugging information and IP security option (IPSO) security transaction (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip packet
debug ip pgm host : to display debug messages for the Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) Host feature (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip pgm host
debug ip pgm router : to display debug messages for Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip pgm router
debug ip pim : to display Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) packets received and sent, and to display PIM-related events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip pim
debug ip pim atm : to log Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) ATM signalling activity (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip pim atm
debug ip pim auto-rp : to display the contents of each Protocol Independent Multicast(PIM) packet used in the automatic discovery of group-to-rendezvous point(RP) mapping and the actions taken on the address-to-RP mapping database (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip pim auto-rp
debug ip policy : to display IP policy routing packet activity (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip policy
debug ip rbscp : to display general error messages about access list-based Rate-Based Satellite Control Protocol(RBSCP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rbscp
debug ip rbscp ack-split : to display information about TCP ACK splitting done in conjunction with Rate-Based Satellite Control Protocol(RBSCP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rbscp ack-split
debug ip rgmp : to log debugging messages sent by a Router-Port Group Management Protocol (RGMP)-enabled router (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rgmp
debug ip rip : to display information on Routing Information Protocol(RIP) routing transactions (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rip
debug ip routing : to display information on Routing Information Protocol(RIP) routing table updates and route cache ipdates use the debug ip routing command in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip routing
debug ip routing static bfd : to enable debugging output on IP static Bidirectional Forwarding Detection(BGD) neighbor events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip routing static bfd
debug ip rsvp : to display debug messages for RSVP categories (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp
debug ip rsvp aggregation : to display debugging output for Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) aggregation sessions (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp aggregation
debug ip rsvp authentication : to display debugging output related to Resource Reservation Protocol(RSVP) authenticaiton (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp authentication
debug ip rsvp detail : to display detailed information about Resource Reservation Protocol(RSVP)-enabled and Subnetwork Bandwidth Manager (SBM) message processing (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp detail
debug ip rsvp dump-messages : to display debugging messages for all RSVP events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp dump-messages
debug ip rsvp errors : to display informational debugging messages and messages about irregulat events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp errors
debug ip rsvp hello : to verify that a Hello instance has been created, that a Hello instance has been deleted, or that communication with a neighbor has been lost (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp hello
debug ip rsvp high-availability : to display debugging output for Resource Reservation Protocol traffic engineering (RSVP-TE) high availability (HA) activities that improve the accessibility of network resources (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp high-availability
debug ip rsvp p2mp : to display status messages for Resource Reservation Protocol(RSVP) point-to-multipoint (P2MP) events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp p2mp
debug ip rsvp policy : to display debugging messages for Resource Reservation Protocol(RSVP) policy processing (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp policy
debug ip rsvp rate-limit : to display debugging messages for Resource Reservation Protocol(RSVP) rate-limiting events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp rate-limit
debug ip rsvp reliable-msg : to display debugging messages for Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) reliable messages events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp reliable-msg
debug ip rsvp sbm : to display detailed information about Subnetwork Bandwidth Manager (SBM) messages only, and SBM and Designated Subnetwork Bandwidth Manager (DSBM) state transitions (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp sbm
debug ip rsvp sso : to display debugging output for Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) signaling when the graceful restart feature is configured (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp sso
debug ip rsvp summary-refresh : to display debugging messages for Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) summary-refresh messages events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp summary-refresh
debug ip rsvp traffic-control : to display debugging messages for compression-related events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp traffic-control
debug ip rsvp wfq : to display debugging messages for the weighted fair queue (WFQ) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rsvp wfq
debug ip rtp header-compression through debug ipv6 icmp
debug ip rtp header-compression : to display events specific to Real-Time Transport Protocol(RTP) header compression (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rtp header-compression
debug ip rtp packets : to display a detailed dump of packets specific to Real-Time Transport Protocol(RTP) header compression (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip rtp packets
debug ip scp : to troubleshoot secure copy (SCP) authentication problems (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip scp
debug ip sctp api : to provide diagnostic information about Stream Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) application programming interfaces (APIs) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp api
debug ip sctp congestion : to provide diagnostic information about Stream Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) congestion parameters (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp congestion
debug ip sctp init : to show datagrams and other information related to the initializing of new Stream Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) associations (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp init
debug ip sctp multihome : to show the source and destination of datagrams in order to monitor the use of the multihome addresses for Stream Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp multihome
debug ip sctp performance : to dsiplay the average number of Stream Control Transmission Protocol9SCTP) chunks and datagrams being sent and received per second (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp performance
debug ip sctp rcvchunks : to provide diagnostic information about chunks received with Stream Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp rcvchunks
debug ip sctp rto : to show adjustments that are made to the retransmission timeout (RTO) value when using Stream Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp rto
debug ip sctp segments : to show short diagnostics for every datagram that is sent or received with Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp segments
debug ip sctp segmentv : to show verbose diagnostics for every datagram that is sent or received with Stream Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp segmentv
debug ip sctp signal : to show signals that are sent from Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) to the application or upper-layer protocol (ULP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp signal
debug ip sctp sndchunks : to show information about chunks that are being sent to remote Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) peers (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp sndchunks
debug ip sctp state : to show state transitions in the Stream Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp state
debug ip sctp timer : to provide information about Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) timers that are started, stopped, and triggering (in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp timer
debug ip sctp warnings : to display diagnostic information about unusual situations in Stream Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sctp warnings
debug ip sd : to display all session directory(SD) anouncements received (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ip sd
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debug aaa accounting through debug auto-config debug aaa accounting : to display information on acco ...
- Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference Command E through H
debug eap through debug he-module subslot periodic debug eap : to display information about Extensib ...
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copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config : to save your configuration changes to the startup ...
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clear license agent : to clear license agent statistics counters or connection statistics (in privil ...
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absolute : to specify an absolute time for a time-range (in time-range configuration mode) no absolu ...
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Cisco IOS Basic CLI Configuration : Switch Port Command 1. Basic Switch>en Switch#conf t Enter c ...
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首先说说IOS的运行平台,c2500.c2600.c4500.c2950代表运行此IOS的硬件平台,例如:C2500指2500系列路由器. 其次,看看IOS的版本,IOS有主版本号: ...
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Cisco IOS/IOS XE 新漏洞检测与修复 CVE-2018-0150 Cisco IOS XE 存在默认弱口令 漏洞影响: 默认弱口令可以导致攻击者直远程登录控制Cisco设备.受影响版本, ...
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Repo command reference In this document init sync upload diff download forall prune start status Rep ...
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PKCS #1 RSA Encryption Version 1.5 在进行RSA运算时需要将源数据D转化为Encryption block(EB).其中pkcs1padding V1.5的填充模式 ...
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第一种方法: DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add( "name" ); dt.Columns.Add( "val ...
- spring-mvc 与 openid4java
以GoogleOpenID 为例,试验了OAuth单点登录的用法: <dependency> <groupId>org.openid4java</groupId> ...
- CI 学习笔记、记录
[ci框架]ci框架目录结构分析 分类: [CodeIgniter深入研究]2013-05-09 00:24 7420人阅读 评论(5) 收藏 举报 [php] view plaincopy mysh ...
- redirect模块的秘密
所有的redirect记录都在config/url_directs下面, 但是某个node/edit的redirect记录只包含redirect到自己的记录,且不验证url的合理性. 现在比如,a跳转 ...
- VB的gdi+相关声明
模块: Option Explicit Public Declare Function GdiplusStartup Lib "gdiplus" (token As Long, i ...
- eclipse 删除 tomcat8 重新添加的问题
今天手贱,把Eclipse里的tomcat删掉了,然后发现后面就不能重建了,很蛋疼啊...而且今天也发现eclipse里的tomcat启动时会把本地原来conf目录下的配置比如:tomcat-user ...
- Sql Server判断某列字段是否为空或判断某列字段长度
1.用is null 和 is not null来判断字段是否为空. 2.用len()函数来判断字段长度.
- console的一个小易错点
以前用控制台都是 console.log("a"); 每次log的都是一个变量或直接的字符串, 但是今天我在log里面写了个表达式, 下面再写各个表达式的时候,发现他莫名奇妙的输出 ...
- PLI与Pillow
PIL概念 XXXXX 注意 PIL不兼容setuptools. Pillow概念 Pillow(PIL fork)是用来处理raster图像的Python图像库,即像素数据的矩阵. 查阅PIL的 ...