Modularity in this context refers to test scripts, whereas independence refers to test cases. Given that your test library will include a number of scripts that together make up an automated test environment, modularity means scripts that can be efficiently assembled to produce a unified system without redundancy or omission.


Tie script design to application design


Ideally, the test scripts should be comprised of modules that correspond to the structure of the application itself, so that when a change is made to the application, script changes are as localized as possible. Depending on the automation approach selected, this may require separate scripts for each window, for example, or for each type of method of interacting with a control.


But modularity should not be taken to an extreme: scripts should not be broken down so minutely that they lose all individual meaning. This will raise the same issues that lengthy, convoluted scripts do: where should changes be made?

但模块化不应该被发挥到了极致:脚本应该不会这么精细,他们失去了所有个人意义细分。这将提高冗长的、 令人费解的脚本做的同样的问题: 在哪里进行更改?

Identify common scripts


Modularity also means that common functions needed by all tests should not be duplicated within each individual script; instead, they should be shared as part of the overall test environment. Suggested common routines are described further in the Test Framework chapter.



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