// This class provides facilities for basic binary value packing and unpacking.
class Pickle {
virtual ~Pickle(); // Initialize a Pickle object using the default header size.
Pickle(); // Initialize a Pickle object with the specified header size in bytes, which
// must be greater-than-or-equal-to sizeof(Pickle::Header). The header size
// will be rounded up to ensure that the header size is 32bit-aligned.
explicit Pickle(int header_size); // Initializes a Pickle from a const block of data. The data is not copied;
// instead the data is merely referenced by this Pickle. Only const methods
// should be used on the Pickle when initialized this way. The header
// padding size is deduced from the data length.
Pickle(const char* data, int data_len); // Initializes a Pickle as a deep copy of another Pickle.
Pickle(const Pickle& other); // Performs a deep copy.
Pickle& operator=(const Pickle& other); // Returns the size of the Pickle's data.
int size() const { return static_cast<int>(header_size_ +
header_->payload_size); } // Returns the data for this Pickle.
const void* data() const { return header_; } // Methods for reading the payload of the Pickle. To read from the start of
// the Pickle, initialize *iter to NULL. If successful, these methods return
// true. Otherwise, false is returned to indicate that the result could not
// be extracted.
bool ReadBool(void** iter, bool* result) const;
bool ReadInt(void** iter, int* result) const;
bool ReadLong(void** iter, long* result) const;
bool ReadSize(void** iter, size_t* result) const;
bool ReadUInt32(void** iter, uint32* result) const;
bool ReadInt64(void** iter, int64* result) const;
bool ReadIntPtr(void** iter, intptr_t* result) const;
bool ReadString(void** iter, std::string* result) const;
bool ReadWString(void** iter, std::wstring* result) const;
bool ReadString16(void** iter, string16* result) const;
bool ReadData(void** iter, const char** data, int* length) const;
bool ReadBytes(void** iter, const char** data, int length) const; // Safer version of ReadInt() checks for the result not being negative.
// Use it for reading the object sizes.
bool ReadLength(void** iter, int* result) const; // Methods for adding to the payload of the Pickle. These values are
// appended to the end of the Pickle's payload. When reading values from a
// Pickle, it is important to read them in the order in which they were added
// to the Pickle.
bool WriteBool(bool value) {
return WriteInt(value ? : );
bool WriteInt(int value) {
return WriteBytes(&value, sizeof(value));
bool WriteLong(long value) {
return WriteBytes(&value, sizeof(value));
bool WriteSize(size_t value) {
return WriteBytes(&value, sizeof(value));
bool WriteUInt32(uint32 value) {
return WriteBytes(&value, sizeof(value));
bool WriteInt64(int64 value) {
return WriteBytes(&value, sizeof(value));
bool WriteIntPtr(intptr_t value) {
return WriteBytes(&value, sizeof(value));
bool WriteString(const std::string& value);
bool WriteWString(const std::wstring& value);
bool WriteString16(const string16& value);
bool WriteData(const char* data, int length);
bool WriteBytes(const void* data, int data_len); // .....
const int testint = ;
const std::string teststr("Hello world"); // note non-aligned string length
const std::wstring testwstr(L"Hello, world");
const char testdata[] = "AAA\0BBB\0";
const int testdatalen = arraysize(testdata) - ;
const bool testbool1 = false;
const bool testbool2 = true; // checks that the result
void VerifyResult(const Pickle& pickle) {
void* iter = NULL; int outint;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &outint));
EXPECT_EQ(testint, outint); std::string outstr;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadString(&iter, &outstr));
EXPECT_EQ(teststr, outstr); std::wstring outwstr;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadWString(&iter, &outwstr));
EXPECT_EQ(testwstr, outwstr); bool outbool;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadBool(&iter, &outbool));
EXPECT_EQ(testbool1, outbool);
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadBool(&iter, &outbool));
EXPECT_EQ(testbool2, outbool); const char* outdata;
int outdatalen;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadData(&iter, &outdata, &outdatalen));
EXPECT_EQ(testdatalen, outdatalen);
EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(testdata, outdata, outdatalen), ); EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadData(&iter, &outdata, &outdatalen));
EXPECT_EQ(testdatalen, outdatalen);
EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(testdata, outdata, outdatalen), ); // reads past the end should fail
EXPECT_FALSE(pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &outint));
} } // namespace TEST(PickleTest, EncodeDecode) {
Pickle pickle; EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.WriteInt(testint));
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.WriteData(testdata, testdatalen)); // Over allocate BeginWriteData so we can test TrimWriteData.
char* dest = pickle.BeginWriteData(testdatalen + );
memcpy(dest, testdata, testdatalen); pickle.TrimWriteData(testdatalen); VerifyResult(pickle); // test copy constructor
Pickle pickle2(pickle);
VerifyResult(pickle2); // test operator=
Pickle pickle3;
pickle3 = pickle;
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