前面的文章 Android 开机广播的使用 中 已经提到Android的开机启动,但是在Android 4.0 有时可以接收到开机启动广播,有时却不可以。经过分析发现,如果应用程序安装上始终没有被打开过,那么在Android启动时,该应用无法接收到开机启动 广播android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED。

原来在Android 3.1的更新文档中已经做了说明。

下面是引自Android官方API说明,地址 http://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-3.1.html#launchcontrols


Launch controls on stopped applications

Starting from Android 3.1, the system's package manager keeps track of applications that are in a stopped state and provides a means of controlling their launch from background processes and other applications.

Note that an application's stopped state is not the same as an Activity's stopped state. The system manages those two stopped states separately.

The platform defines two new intent flags that let a sender specify whether the Intent should be allowed to activate components in stopped application.

When neither or both of these flags is defined in an intent, the default behavior is to include filters of stopped applications in the list of potential targets.

Note that the system adds FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES to all broadcast intents. It does this to prevent broadcasts from background services from inadvertently or unnecessarily launching components of stoppped applications. A background service or application can override this behavior by adding theFLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES flag to broadcast intents that should be allowed to activate stopped applications.

Applications are in a stopped state when they are first installed but are not yet launched and when they are manually stopped by the user (in Manage Applications).


从Android 3.1开始,系统的软件包管理器跟踪处于停止状态(stopped state)的应用程序,提供了一种控制其启动后台进程和其他应用程序方式。

需要注意的是应用程序的停止状态(stopped state)和Activity的停止状态是不一样的。该系统可以分别管理这两种停止状态。


FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES - Include intent filters of stopped applications in the list of potential targets to resolve against.包括停止的应用程序列表中的。
FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES - Exclude intent filters of stopped applications from the list of potential targets.排除停止的应用程序列表中的。


FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES标志来唤醒处于停止状态(stopped state)的应用程序。



转自 http://blog.csdn.net/leilu2008/article/details/8933869

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